Monday, December 30, 2013

Why Bother to Lie? Recognizing the Liar Within and Around You

One of the worst character flaws of some, who claim to love the Lord and be obedient to his will, is the liar!  This person will not hesitate to story-tell.  No remorse and no apology follows the cold-hearted liar.  He tells stories for no apparent reason.  However, when in a room with some of these liars who don't have to worry over their public reputation sometimes they will reveal that they lied to avoid public shame, discord, or future challenges.

A woman lies to protect her title because she has a long standing history with the church while she hopes to obtain something from those she thinks she has fooled with her false stories.  A man tells falsehoods because he believes he will stand out from the rest before a group he is trying to impress.  Most importantly, he uses his lies to cover up the truth about who he really is underneath his smile, flattery, and gift-giving.

The liar has secrets.  He or she manufacturers a story with the help of hell's angels whether these people choose to admit working for the devil or not.  They think only of self and worry over those who may be impacted by their lies later.

The unsaved and saved don't mind lying to the Christian especially if the person cares, likes or dislikes his or her victim.  If he or she believes in the lie and why he or she should tell it, even if one has been a Christian for years, the individual is going to tell it!

People will excuse the liar because of his or her past good deeds, how the person treats others overall positively, health issues, lack of material wealth, or whatever other reason to make one still maintain a relationship with a liar.  However, to be in the story-tellers presence is risky and most likely one will be impacted by his or her gossip.  Avoid spreading the liar's stories and do remember that witnesses might hold you accountable in the future--guilty by association.

Some common signs about liars, check yourself:

1.  Talking so fast due to emotion, one will speak too quickly and out comes a statement or comment that is incorrect about a person or an event.  Rather than make the statement right at that very moment, he or she will keep telling a story as if it is factual when it is not.

2.  When a situation occurs when one can speak up and tell the truth, the liar avoids saying anything to appear as if everything is okay when it is not.

3.  Liars will digress when communicating a story if they think one is catching on to their lie or advise the listener "not to say anything" knowing full well they have said something untruthful to someone or a group.

4.  Liars exaggerate, make up so-called facts, and blame others when they know they are at fault.

5.  Dishonest people will avoid settings where they might be exposed.  They don't like to look people in the eye, sit down across from them, or stand still and converse.  Many are often on the move, busy, or act as if everything else is more important than having a serious conversation with others.


When one has to confront a liar, be sure to have proof.   It is frivolous do tell someone he or she is lying if you can't prove anything.  If the liar acts as if he or she is innocent, don't work yourself up by yelling, threatening physical violence or saying or doing other things that will just make the liar look as if he or she is better than you before observants.  Maintain self-control and deal with issues with a witness or two privately.  Consider recording conversations noting dates and times you spoke with him or her.  This way in the future the person can't say he or she never spoke to you about an incident. 

A look back...

Do you recall a time when you lied?  How did the person or group react to your lie?  As much as we would like to think that we are all perfect and never do wrong, God will show us the truth about ourselves!  Confess sin and repent for the sins you know about and the sins you don't this day.  It may have been what one might consider a little fib about money spent or a huge lie that might cost you your family or job.  Give your burden over to the Lord!  Make wrongs right whenever you can.  Trust in God to lead you on what to say in the future and how to behave.

Scripture Reference (taken from NIV)

A wicked person listens to deceitful lips; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue. Proverbs 17:4

Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.  Proverbs 30:6

Whoever says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. 1 John 2:4


Protect me Oh Lord from the mouth of liars!  Give me the courage, knowledge and wisdom to deal with liars when the time comes.  I ask in Jesus name to forgive me of any lies I have told and keep me from the temptation to lie again.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Your Enemy Won't Be on Top Forever

When you are use to being average or at the bottom in just about everything you do, you get to see the successful around you in a way that is different from one who already has more than enough.  It's as if God puts 3D spiritual glasses over your eyes and you can see how Satan uses people to kick you when you are down.  Those at the top, have little time or money, so they say, to help you climb to the top.  Help is always just enough, but never more than enough for the selfish, prideful, and ignorant.

Over the years, I have met many people who were at the top of their games (industries) living in some fantasy world in their minds, be brought back to reality!  You see, when you live in a world created to look beautiful, nice and wonderful because it has a dollar sign attached to it or because a "name" in a certain industry told you that it is so, you just might become a bit prideful and say mean things to people around you when they speak truth as God leads. 

"What do you know, you only make...I pay all the bills, what do you have to think you are so smart...well what did God tell you about...?" 

The rebellious, arrogant fool is more concerned about shooting down the messengers of God, rather than facing a sure reality that he or she will fall one day with all his or her evil-speaking and deceptive ways.  Like Humpty, he sat on the wall, and all the "great, nice" people who was supposedly there to assist him, couldn't.  Oh they will try, but what God breaks up, puts down, or separates, He has to be the one to restore!  We must avoid Satan's trappings to want the things of others especially those who are under a curse!

Most people reach the top because of a love for money.  Some would love to sugarcoat the truth and even blatantly deny it, but their lives are turned upside down--not because of what the saved think they might know about the person's character, but usually because this "star," if you will, has violated God's truth--the Christian is not supposed to love money!  Because why?  It is the root of all evil!  The broke people, the generous associates, the critics of money, and the jealous folks all like to gather around individuals when money is being dispensed.  They don't love the individual giving the money, they love the money!  Yet, when it is all gone, the one who once bragged and talked of having it all is now like the rest of the world.  In a moment's notice, the enemy of God is humbled when he has nothing to talk about.

If this message, hits home to some of you, it is because someone, or maybe even you, who believes in Christ allowed being at the top to affect your relationship with the one true God.  So often Christians everywhere bring God for the ride of their lives and then when they reach the top, they don't know God, the church, his Bible, or the people around them that are being used by God.  Those that have fallen from grace, lose favor with God and it takes a long time to get back right with Him.

Intercede if you are one who this writing doesn't describe for those who permitted success to take a front seat in their lives while God sat in the back.  Pray for brothers and sisters struggling with a rebellious heart, those who are reprobate, and backsliders.  Ask that God will have mercy on them, bring peace to their minds, body and spirits so that they can hear from the Lord.  May God move on the hearts of men and women to do what's right for the Kingdom rather than focus on selfish gain.

To God be the glory!

Nicholl McGuire
Watch videos on Youtube channel: nmenterprise7  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

When God handles the confrontation for you..."When They Talked About Me"

This audio message provides an up close and personal experience of what God does when people talk about his messengers.  Wicked critics, backsliders, whoremongers, and liars have repeatedly been addressed in the Bible.  Things haven't changed much in our society since the prophets shared God's words centuries ago.  We all must be mindful of those who are working for God and those who are not. 


about us abusers abusive people and groups accidents addiction addicts adultery adversity African Americans aging anger angry animation anxiety arguments arrogance atheists attention hogs backsliders bad ministers baptism behavior believers belittling people bias bible Bible study biblical color meanings blame blessing blog owner blunt people books braggarts bullies business busybodies celebrities chaos children christian bible study christian comedy Christian conflict christian confrontations christian media Christian music Christian resources Christian support christian tools christmas church church clothes church conflict church staff churches communication condescending people confession conflict confrontation consciousness controlling people conviction criticism critics crystals cults cursing dating death deceased people deception defensive people deliverance ministries demon possession demonic spirits denial depression despair devil difficult people discouraged discrimination disinformation agents disobeying God disrespectful people distant people distractions divorce domestic violence double-minded drama easter education elders emotional abuse empathy employers encouragement enemies enemy schemes entitlement eternity Ethiopian bible history evangelism evil ex spouse ex-psychic exaggerator failure faith false Holy Ghost false teachings family fathers fault finder fear fiendships fighting finances fool foolish forgiveness fraternities frustration gay christian generational curses gift shop gift-giving gods gossips gullible people hate healing health hebrew israelites hell holidays homosexuals and lesbians hope humility idolatry illness immature christians incest infidelity israel jealousy Jehovah witnesses Jesus Jesus is the Son of God judge Joe brown know your enemy the christian's critic know-it-all laziness leadership liars lies life challenges loneliness loss lover of self loving and obeying God lust manipulative fathers manipulative mothers manipulative spouses marriage mass media maturity meditation music mental health mental illness mercy military mind control misery missions money morals Mormon church movements music muslim narcissists nations needy family members negative people new Christians new years day news media nightmares and bad dreams obedience occult groups offended oppressed oppressors pagan holidays pain paranoia paranormal parenting parties pastor personality disorders pervert physically abused playing god poetry politics prayer prayers prideful problems procrastination promise prophecy prophets protests psalm 25 psalm 36 psychopaths quiet racism rebel reconciliation rejection relationship relatives religion repentance righteous rumors of war salvation santa Satan satanist saved people scandalous women secret societies secrets self defeat self improvement self righteous self-esteem selfish sex sex abuse sexually immoral sin social media sociopaths sorcerer sororities spiritual abuse spiritual advice spiritual blindness spiritual discernment spiritual growth spiritual oppression spiritual schizophrenia spiritual warfare spirituality spousal abuse stealing stingy people stinky people stress suffering suicide survival tips symbols talk too much temptation tempter testimony The Book Face Your Foe by Nicholl McGuire theft therapy thief thieves Torah toxic family members traditions trials trouble-maker true Holy Ghost truth unbelievers unexpected arguments unforgiving friends unloved unsaved people warring spirits wayward Christians who we are wicked people wisdom witchcraft witnessing workplace yoga YouTube zealous christians