Showing posts with label The Book Face Your Foe by Nicholl McGuire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Book Face Your Foe by Nicholl McGuire. Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Author Shares Spiritual Challenges and Wisdom About Christian Confrontations in Face Your Foe: On Confronting the Critics

"The moment I made my announcement to follow Jesus back in 1997 (then later rededicated my life after a couple of miserable relationships), the interference of the demonic paranormal was at work touching those around me who were spiritually weak, unsaved and backsliders in my social circle to break me down whether psychically, behind my back or to my face. God’s enemies were also my foes. Little did I know that I would spend a future of fighting spiritual battles (with the Creator’s guidance, of course) with people I least suspected.

Nicholl McGuire, Author of Face Your Foe: On Confronting the Critics
and Know Your Enemy The Christian's Critic

Soon to follow would be cynical questions, harsh criticisms, lies, and unhelpful statements. Just as Jesus was questioned by his enemies (see the books of John and Luke), I being his child would experience similar confrontations. “Jesus didn't tell you that…God wouldn't have you do that. You are not a Christian…Now explain to me why you did what you did again? You really think God put you up to that?” my foes wanted explanations, information to use against me, and other things that had little to do with God and everything to do with them.
The accusations they made, which I knew were influenced by Satan, hurt much. The mean words were from those I thought loved me. Their harsh statements were not meant to support me on anything related to God’s will, but to discourage my wanting to do more with my life which was to become a better person. “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6, ESV).
Satan was using some backsliding relatives, unbelieving acquaintances and former friends to put pressure on me to renounce my faith in God and go back to walking on the dark side. Some said things like, “You don't want to be like (Christians). You know how they are in the church--that's why I don't go. You can talk to me about things without mentioning God or Jesus.” By dissuading me not to follow the Father, they would not have to feel convicted around me to change their dark ways of thinking and their lifestyles too.
When I was in love with the world, I recalled that the sincere Christ followers were not the kind of people you could sit comfortably around while justifying personal sins. They would call you out on your foolishness, but no so with the wayward. They were very supportive when it came to sinning, because they knew what they had done and were still doing. The popular response to sin from them was, “I’m not going to judge you.” But I knew that teaching or warning people not to fall in a trap was definitely not judging them. I learned early on that the hypocrites liked words such as: “wise, righteous, God, and Jesus,” but they weren’t much interested in following him or his precepts.
After turning my life over to the Savior, critics would mouth "you call yourself a Christian" when I spoke truth about something they preferred to believe lies about. It didn’t matter what the news or the kind of truth or how I delivered it, if it was good, righteous and convicting, many backsliders and believers found fault with it or blatantly didn’t want to hear it.
Due to my faith and past disputes, I noticed during the early days of my walk, that I no longer had access to some people’s ears or their environments. There was no reaching a compromise with people who were passionate about their unbelief in an unseen “force” or other names they referred to God as like “it,” “ghost,” “thing,” “voice,” “something said,” “man upstairs” or “god” (but not the Almighty--some other god). Our relationships were forever changed when I said, “Yes” to Jesus and “No more” to Satan.
Frustrated faces that were deeply offended by me and my God just didn't want me talking about Him or His truth. “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9, ESV). From revelations regarding deceptive worldly news to manipulative behaviors of others, I with a journalism and communications background was not well-received.
Some people rejected the truth about the existence of Satan's minions (primarily beloved entertainers, leaders, family members, civic connections, etc.) in all sorts of industries. In addition, they didn’t want to think about how they were in error and their self-righteous concepts were simply not beneficial to the masses. Satan’s minions were enablers, backsliders, liars, cheating spouses, argumentative, mentally ill, and so-called believers in Christ. They were (and some still are) a defensive, arrogant, and profane, unbelieving bunch.
Like with so many zealous, new believers, during the early days of receiving Christ into my heart, I couldn't help but want to talk about the Bible, God, and other spiritual signs, wonders and miracles. Although I am not as zealous as the new babe in Christ I once was, as a mature believer, I still very much talk about righteousness, sin, God and other related things both on and off the Internet. I do not consider myself religious, but spiritual and I am not in agreement or supportive of lukewarm churches either. I prefer to meet with veteran believers who are out in the field doing what they are called to do while actively working outside of boxes. We were never meant to stay in the church for the rest of our lives! There are lost, confused, and desperate people who you won’t find going to any churches, so we as believers meet the people where they are! My love for Jesus and the hurting and wounded has not changed!" 

Book excerpt taken from Face Your Foe: On Confronting the Critics by Nicholl McGuire

Receive your copy from here: Barnes & Noble

Learn more about author here: Smashwords

Monday, December 15, 2014

Message from Face Your Foe Blogger and Author Nicholl McGuire

Thank you for stopping by!  I have shared my work on this blog in addition to Christian YouTubers' videos as well as others who are helpful to visitors of this blog's spiritual growth. 

I understand that many readers are faced with conflict at home, church, work, and elsewhere and need spiritual guidance.  This blog provides insightful audio and video to help with those issues that require some degree of confrontation.  I authored Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, When Mothers Cry and other books.  I have shared personal experience, research, and Holy Ghost inspired writings with those who find my work useful when dealing with difficult people.  I also write family specific articles and share those on

As a mother, wife, online lay teacher, and friend, I know what it is like to have to deal with family challenges and I pray for all who come by this site.  Thanks again for your support!  To date, some book portions of Face Your Foe is on this blog.  Over the years, we have been watching the activity here on the site.  Based on the response by readers and subscribers on this site as well as YouTube will determine whether the printed book will be made available in the future.

Nicholl McGuire

Check out thought-provoking spiritual videos at YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Face Your Foe - Christian Book by Non-fiction Author Nicholl McGuire

Crying, arguing, angry, and miserable with enemies, the Christian who feels that God is so far away that He doesn't care will need encouragement. 

Those that read Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic came away with a sense of understanding on how Satan and his minions operate when dealing with God's anointed.  But the work doesn't just stop with knowing, one must be willing to take a stand when necessary.  Face Your Foe does that!  A Christian book that provides readers with a sense of direction when it comes to verbalizing one's emotions when in the presence of enemies.  It also gives insight on working with enemies at work, home and elsewhere while maintaining his or her faith in God.

The release date is scheduled for Spring 2015.  Those interested in reserving their copies will need to contact the writer to be placed on the list.  There will be a limited number of books available, so  write to and put in the email subject header, Reserve My Copy.  In the meantime, if you haven't read Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic, do so here:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Face Your Foe by Nicholl McGuire

After creating Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic I have continued to write.  Presently, I am adding to my latest book project, Face Your Foe by Nicholl McGuire. 

For almost a year I wondered how I might release Face Your Foe.  I had been feeling like I should share at least a portion of this project online.  To date, if an interested reader would like a copy of the printed version of the book, he or she will have to wait for now.  I am prayerfully considering where this book will be and what date it should be released. 

Like my previous projects, Face Your Foe has required much prayer and thought.  It isn't easy writing about the devil and those who play the part of the evil one in people's lives.  As more and more truth comes forth spiritually for me, the more it seems the enemy attacks in one way or another.

I am grateful to God for being selected to share his word with others and my experiences, but I will not say it is easy doing his will, because it is not. If you are not studying, you are testing or being tested, fasting, or being released from one personal burden or many, and often learning and hopefully growing in the process.  

I pray that one will take the time to read my previous work, Know Your Enemy, before making a decision to start boldly confronting one's foes.  There is an enemy within oneself that must be dealt with first.  A child of the living God should permit the Holy One to guide him or her toward his  wisdom before marking someone a friend or a foe.  One must also be open to the truth about those who are presently in your inner circle that don't necessarily have your best interests in mind irregardless of their titles, how nice, funny, kind etc. they are.  I personally think that people are far too quick to assume that everyone is nice and mean them well before learning enough about them to reach such conclusions.  This is why many people often walk away from relationships and friendships feeling burned, they are at times either too trusting with the wrong people or not trusting enough with the right people. 

God has a way of showing us convicting truth whether we like it or not.  If we are so foolish enough to think that our thoughts and ways are above God, then he quietly leaves us alone with our crazy selves to learn the hard way.

So do get Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and then come back here, subscribe to this blog and learn some interesting things in the future about those foes also known as children of darkness and devil workers.  They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, spirits, and genders.  God bless.



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