the enemy will move a sinner to be interested in perverse people and
things using a demonic spirit of lust. One who is open to all sorts
of immoral activities, with no belief or relationship in a righteous
Higher Power, will look to get his or her sinful pleasures fulfilled
through anyone or anything that he or she might find temporary
satisfaction. In the following poem, you will find that sometimes a
believer will compromise his or her faith to be with someone who
should be avoided.
A Date with the Enemy
I don’t have time for you!
Jesus is my attorney and I will sue!
You keep on coming around,
trying to knock my Bible to the ground!
Can’t hear you!
Don’t know what to do?
The preacher is in my ear.
I start shedding a tear.
Dancing around my church,
I don’t need to search.
Happy to be alive!
Have a job from 9 to 5!
You want me to pray with you?
Nah, I’ll call over my crew.
But didn’t we already do this?
I guess something went amiss.
You really don’t want to listen.
Your eyes just glisten.
I have given up on you,
‘cause I know you aren’t true.
I have stopped answering your many
Keep arguing about you hanging at the
You claim you work late,
But we both know you are on a date.
I can’t take the stress you’re
putting me through.
Don’t you have kids, I think two?
You look me in my face
Lying is such a disgrace.
I tried to be a good lady
Almost drove myself crazy.
Now I look like a lonely fool,
going to Sunday school
without you.
Allowed you in my life.
you caused nothing more than strife.
Made excuses for you
Now my friends are few.
My testimony lost its power.
Replaced God with you in the midnight
Too busy looking for the Holy Spirit in
Acted like that was all I had to do.
But now I am wise,
been reduced down to size.
You and I just weren’t meant to be.
God has opened my eyes,
and now I see.
By Nicholl McGuire

A foe of the faith who claims to “love
the Lord” (but doesn't fear Him) is nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He or
she isn’t interested in God; rather, this person is more interested
in a temporal relationship consisting of money, sex or whatever else
they can get from Christian singles trying to live for God.
Too often church-goers are naive to
enemy schemes falsely assuming that because one takes time out of his
or her day to attend a function he or she must have some reverence
for the things of God. He or she assumes that the
visitor/member/speaker/worker will behave according to the precepts
of the Bible both privately and publicly, but most often that is not
the case. Then when the enemy has abused unsuspecting Christians,
who may have deliberately chosen to ignore the warnings of God, foes
look on seeking who will be next and quite possibly aiding the enemy
to steal, destroy and kill. The pervert uses immoral conversation
and images to entice. The fault-finder creates a campaign against a
common foe with the intent to hurt you in the process. The
self-righteous uses the Bible and his workers to promote his or her
selfish agendas.
At times, we will be reminded that the
person who we are hugging, shaking hands, or seated next to is not
necessarily who or what we think they are. Be careful!