Showing posts with label enemy schemes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enemy schemes. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023

Stolen Money, Stolen Marriage, Stolen Motivation: Understanding the Consequences of Rebellion

In today's world, many individuals find themselves facing the devastating consequences of stolen money, stolen marriage, and stolen motivation. The enemy has cunningly devised ways to steal from those who consider themselves the heads of households, the leaders, and the providers. This article based on one of my audios on aims to shed light on how these thefts occur and the role that rebellion plays in allowing the enemy to gain the upper hand. Through personal experiences and reflections, we will explore the importance of heeding God's wisdom and avoiding the pitfalls of rebellion.

The Theft of Money, Motivation, and Marriage

Reflecting on personal challenges and trials, I have experienced various forms of theft in my life. There were times when I felt that my money, motivation, and even my marriage were stolen from me. It is in these moments of loss and despair that we often find the motivation to reflect on our actions and decisions. We realize that our rebellion, our stubbornness, and our lack of understanding have led us down a destructive path.

The Role of Rebellion in Stolen Blessings

Rebellion is the key factor that allows the enemy to steal from us. Whether it is the rebellion of a husband neglecting his responsibilities, a boyfriend stepping in to take care of a neglected partner, or the rebellion of a person refusing to listen to wise counsel, the enemy finds an opportunity to exploit our weaknesses. We must understand that we cannot outsmart an almighty God or those who serve Him. Our rebellion only leads to our own downfall.

The Consequences of Rebellion

When we rebel against God's guidance and wisdom, we open ourselves up to the enemy's attacks. The consequences of rebellion can manifest in various ways, such as financial loss, marital strife, and a lack of motivation. We see this in the example of men who become distracted by worldly pursuits, neglecting their responsibilities at home. The result is often strained relationships, financial difficulties, and a loss of motivation to fulfill their obligations.

The Warning Signs

God warns us of the impending consequences of rebellion. He sees our rebellious hearts and the negative impact it has on our lives. He warns us through various means, such as the dissatisfaction we feel, the strained relationships, and the loss of blessings. We must pay attention to these warning signs and take them as an opportunity to reflect on our actions and make necessary changes.

The Rebellion of Nations

Rebellion is not limited to individuals; it can also manifest on a national scale. Just as God warned the Israelites of the consequences of their rebellion, He warns nations as well. When a nation turns away from God and embraces rebellion, calamities and destruction follow. We see this in the example of nations that abandon God's principles and embrace detestable idols. The consequences are devastating, affecting both the innocent and the guilty.

 The Call to Repentance

In the face of rebellion and its consequences, God calls us to repentance. He urges us to turn away from our rebellious ways and seek His guidance and wisdom. Repentance is not a one-time event but a continuous process of turning from sin and aligning ourselves with God's will. It is through repentance that we find healing, restoration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

The Promise of Vengeance and Justice

God promises to avenge His people and repay those who hate Him. He sees the injustices committed against His servants and will bring justice in due time. The enemy may appear to triumph temporarily, but God's justice will prevail. He will hold the rebellious accountable for their actions and bring about their downfall. We can take comfort in knowing that God is just and will not allow rebellion to go unpunished!

The consequences of rebellion are far-reaching and can result in the theft of money, marriage, and motivation. It is crucial that we heed God's warnings and avoid the pitfalls of rebellion. We must recognize the signs of rebellion in our lives and take steps to repent and re-align ourselves with God's will. By doing so, we can avoid the devastating consequences and experience the blessings and restoration that come from walking in obedience to God. Let us choose wisdom over rebellion and embrace the path that leads to true fulfillment and peace. 

See Nicholl McGuire's nonfiction book that shares valuable insight on recognizing your enemy and rising above his wicked schemes. A must-have for those in spiritual warfare especially within the church! Available here: Nicholl McGuire Books

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Foe Doesn't Want You To Spiritually Grow

He will nit-pick, talk about who you know, where you are going, and whether you are in fact a child of God based on his personal observations.  Your foe doesn't want you drawing near to God.  If he knows anything about the Father, he knows that as you learn more about the Great Messiah you will start to see his flaws.  So the enemy uses him as a distraction.  He too doesn't want you to growing in your faith because Satan's agenda always is and always will be to kill, steal, and destroy.

Look around you, an enemy of the Christian comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, ethnicity, genders, social classes, educational and spiritual backgrounds.  When one has been walking with believers and unbelievers for quite some time, you will begin to recognize who is a foe and who is harmless.

For years, I saw the systematic destruction placed on some believers by those who were jealous, bitter, vengeful, had personality disorders and more.  Unfortunately, the behaviors were not addressed and stopped.  The believers made excuses, dismissed what they saw, wanted to believe lies rather than truths, and were quite defensive when fellow brothers and sisters tried to make them see the truth.  So the rebellious suffer the consequences.  The enemy wins with many backsliders because they permit him to hinder progress.  They allow him to come in and confuse, distract, and tempt them into doing wrong.

We grieve the Holy Spirit when we choose to ignore the truth.  As children of light, we expose and so too are we exposed.  If we are doing the kind of things that affect spiritual growth the is a price we pay as a result--a heavy one that might cause many to turn away from God.  Be mindful of the company you keep from a backsliding partner to a generous, but conniving friend--watch as well as pray!

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other enlightening books.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Your Adversary will Use You for Selfish Gain While Recruiting You for His Plan

The devil needs a soul so he will use the unwise, emotional Christian to have a pity party for his latest recruit.  "Poor woman...poor man...we ought to pray.  They need Jesus, let me help them."  So the Christian, lacking in spiritual discernment, extends a hand only to have it bitten off by that smiling face who appears like he or she is a child of God, but is really not.  That one, who has sold out for the devil over the years to gain much material wealth (while pretending to know God along the way).  He or she will come into one's house, attach his or herself emotionally, and then presto, when you least expect it, all hell breaks loose!

Sometimes God's people are so focused on the enemy, using his demons to move others away from God, that they don't see how they are being used by a devil of a man or woman for their own selfish pleasures.  From prayer to service, users and abusers will find a way to tolerate God's people for a time in an effort to get what they want.  Once obtained, the manipulator will either stick around for more blessings (they become greedy) or quietly drift away. 

Satan uses the needs of the lost and backslidden to blind them to God's word while they temporarily visit the church.  Once they have been uplifted, prayed for, and content with life, these people go back to the way it use to be--a life that puts God far back in their minds while they pleasure their five senses.  These are insincere Christians and should not be trusted!

God's wisdom and his people are only interesting for the lost and backslidders when, yet again, they cry out in the midst of their wilderness experience with, "Please pray for me...I need your help..."  It is then that the niave or backslidding Christian will permit a stranger, lover, husband, wife, ex, sister, brother, parent, co-worker--you name it, to burden them with request after request, "Could you...Would you...I need you..."  All the while, the enemy is seeking another potential recruit who becomes weary of helping others and tired of a God who watches from above.  The troubled individual will drain you mentally, spiritually and physically if you aren't seeking God for guidance.

Selfish people have need of God's people only when they believe there is some benefit from being around them.  However, if "blessings" don't come when they want and they lack the patience to wait on God, off they go looking for yet another group to potentially service their needs.  They are often unhappy, critical, and very angry individuals when things don't go their way as fast as they pray.  Oftentimes they lose family and friends during wilderness experiences, what little wealth they have remaining left, and other things due to things like their bad attitude, lack of appreciation when someone helps, lies, exaggerations, and abusive behaviors. These energy sappers fail to understand what exactly a personal relationship with Christ sincerely looks like.  Some don't know love, others do, but prefer to skip quality relationships and get right to the blessings.  They use and abuse then make excuses for their behaviors.  They fail to demonstrate compassion for others and are unwilling to change within.  God knows the heart, gullible believers don't and they will persuade others to blindly go along with whatever and whoever in and out of the church riddled with demons!  Many Christian men, women and children are so often deceived by a smiling face, a handshake, and a hug that they become susceptible to enemy schemes.  They are weak to beauty and easily impressed by one's material wealth; therefore, Satan deceives them everytime with his charm. 

Running to church is only part of the process, but while there, one is to obtain knowledge and exercise common sense while the Holy Ghost moves amongst the congregation.  Why would God allow an unsaved or backsliding man or woman to use or even abuse the Christian?  Because He knows that through whatever the circumstance, the believer will recognize he or she can do nothing apart from God!  God is to be praised not mocked!  We are never to take our eyes off of the one who saved us to save a man or woman--never!  It is not in our strength to save anyone--cast one's burdens on to God!  Allow him to give you the strength and wisdom to assist when called upon in His time and not our own.  We must involve the one true God in our plans at all times, on a daily basis.  So many Christians have died prematurely for stepping out of God's will, don't let this happen to you!

Does it hurt when we witness someone going through a trial, a wilderness experience?  Of course, but test the spirits, Christian.  Is he or she really a friend or foe of the church?  Sometimes people will experience the wrath of God, there is a time to do everything and sometimes we must stand out of the way--know your season.

Nicholl McGuire


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