Thursday, December 18, 2014

11 Steps to a PRODUCTIVE Church Board Meeting

Don't give the enemy a foothold by having a disorganized and unproductive meeting with the people of God.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Message from Face Your Foe Blogger and Author Nicholl McGuire

Thank you for stopping by!  I have shared my work on this blog in addition to Christian YouTubers' videos as well as others who are helpful to visitors of this blog's spiritual growth. 

I understand that many readers are faced with conflict at home, church, work, and elsewhere and need spiritual guidance.  This blog provides insightful audio and video to help with those issues that require some degree of confrontation.  I authored Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic, Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, When Mothers Cry and other books.  I have shared personal experience, research, and Holy Ghost inspired writings with those who find my work useful when dealing with difficult people.  I also write family specific articles and share those on

As a mother, wife, online lay teacher, and friend, I know what it is like to have to deal with family challenges and I pray for all who come by this site.  Thanks again for your support!  To date, some book portions of Face Your Foe is on this blog.  Over the years, we have been watching the activity here on the site.  Based on the response by readers and subscribers on this site as well as YouTube will determine whether the printed book will be made available in the future.

Nicholl McGuire

Check out thought-provoking spiritual videos at YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Suffering - Why Lord?

Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. -- Hebrews 5:8

Sometimes it can be overwhelming to think that God allowed his only righteous Son to pay for our sins.  Our eyes fill up with tears, our minds a bit confused, and our stomachs ache to even think of having to do something like that with our own children.  But God...

When we are going through mental or physical illness or with someone else, the question might surface, "Why?"  A mature believer might quickly caution you to watch with that questioning God.  However, suffering will cause you to do it.  Job, David, and God's own Son in their suffering were weak and may not have acted in ways we thought they should.  But when one is weak, they are strong so the Bible says.  In all of their suffering, they learned obedience.  We should do the same!

However, too often the believer will act like the unbeliever wanting to know why would a righteous God do this and that.  When these sorts of thoughts come up, consider what you have prayed.  In order for one's heart to be humbled, an answer to pray come forth, and other matters be dealt with, sometimes a certain degree of suffering must take place.  Men and women's hearts rebel against the people and things of God.  They will not always do what they are told, they will resist; therefore, causing suffering for all in their path.  Consider the book of Exodus and the many trials the Israelites had to endure.  The Pharaoh was unwilling to simply hand over the children of God, he put up a fight and that rebellion caused unnecessary suffering.  We all can make life easier for ourselves if we would just listen to our Father and do what he says especially when we have prayed many prayers.

Whether a man wants a desired job or a partner wants to reconcile, whatever the issue, seek God!  Sometimes are suffering produces good fruit, peace, love and happiness, but other times we find ourselves suffering and there are no visible results.  Take the time to ask God to show you why are you suffering and ask Him to give you relief.  Whether he answers you or not, know that you are growing closer to Him, learning to rely on Him through your storms.  In time, you will find yourself helping others who may be going through a similar trial.


Read the word of God, praise Him, and get yourself around like-minded believers so that you can be motivated to fight the good fight.  When you know that you have done all that you can do to make wrongs right in a situation, put the trouble-maker, backslider, argumentative, or negative person or group in God's hands and watch God work!

A look back…

Do you recall a major life event where you or someone you know was suffering much?  What was the end result?  Were you or this person better because of it?  If not, what might you do differently?  We learn the hard way usually because we have been disobedient to God.  An unrighteous lifestyle with wicked people in one's inner circle will add to suffering.  Unwise choices will prolong suffering as well.  Save yourself the drama and follow God's precepts no matter how much you disagree.  The bible says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..." Proverbs 3:5.

Scripture Reference

James 5:10
Peter 2:19
2 Timothy 2:3
Romans 5:3


Dear Lord, be with this person who has stumbled across this site.  He or she is suffering and needs relief.  Let your word be a comfort.  Order his or her steps toward peace.  Lead this person out of darkness into your marvelous light.  Protect the reader from all harm and danger as well as enemy schemes.  Bring healing swiftly, Lord!  In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

When Your Family Doesn't Like You

It's All In the Family: When Your Family Doesn't Like You: They may love us, but they don’t like us. They have proven that by the way they react to us during times when they should be supportive...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Is It Worth the Fight? When People Have Something Negative to Say

Sometimes people can rub us the wrong way when they say and do things in an attempt to make us feel inferior, angry, guilty, jealous, etc.  The first reaction is usually to say something.  "Excuse me, what did you say?" we might ask.  Before long, we are lured into a battle, where if we aren't too careful, we are name-calling, cursing, and wishing death be upon the person who has offended us.

As we learn more about our heavenly Father and draw near to him, he will show us that most things that people say and do is not worth a response.  Think about Jesus enduring all of that trouble leading up to his hanging on the cross, yet he said nothing. 

Sometimes we are slow to realize that Satan is attempting to draw us into a war--a battle of words, so that we look badly in the eyes of those who need a Savior.  Why would the lost be interested in God when it is obvious that he doesn't seem to be doing too much for our bad attitudes?

There is indeed a time for battle, but we don't know when that is unless we are intuned to our Father.  So the next time someone challenges you with a snide remark, a deep sigh, an eye roll, or a glare, remember that God sees all.  Say to yourself, "Lord Jesus, you see what I am doing and you know the heart of that person who is acting negatively.  Put more love in my heart.  Speak a word to them.  Use me as you see fit."  Whatever you need to say to yourself to take your eyes off of the one who is offending you, do it.  You never know when your blessing is right around the corner!

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.…" -- James 1:2-3

Nicholl McGuire shares other useful information on YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

When the Enemy is a Relative, Friend or Partner

No one anticipates that he or she will be a sparring partner for someone who is a close relative or friend.  You don't expect God to use you, a mere vessel, to whip a loved one into shape while God works on you too during the process.  You might assume some people are like you, they will just learn to love the Lord and trust in Him without any significant battle looming especially if it is one involving yourself.  But sometimes God's timing is not ours and his methods of reaching someone doesn't look remotely similar to what we might expect.

So here you are a man or woman flawed and being used to test your relative, partner or friend.  You experience a supernatural feeling that seems to disappear from your body either a week or so before the big blow up.  You feel alone, distant from God, and you hope that He is still with you.  Days or weeks later, the results of God's distance in your life is truly felt.  What has come over you?  You tend to  act in ways you didn't expect with someone God has marked.  A person with real issues that you simply can't deal with and seem to be all alone in your trial with him or her.  Your sparring partner is just as confused as you are once the match comes to an end.  "How did we end up like this?  What just happened, I'm confused."  Disagreements, angry words, no sign of Jesus, and an empty feeling that causes you to doubt whether you are a believer.  Welcome to a new level in your spiritual walk!  The same God who you might have felt left you, was still close all the time! 

You might have heard an old expression, "New levels, new devils" among Christians.  Well, when God puts us through some life challenges, He has a way of working it all out for our good.  You walk away from spiritual warfare unscathed.  You feel renewed in mind, body and spirit.  You have yet another new perspective on your walk.  You draw near to your heavenly Father.  In addition, you might have noticed that your sparring partner realizes that God is after he or she using you.  This person may not ever see you in the same way again, but God!

God's chosen will be used to draw God's chosen near at times.  Did you catch that?  Re-read.  It is during those spiritual battles that the one who is having to present truth in a way that is like someone screaming over a megaphone must exercise as much self-control as he or she can muster through the help of God.  Even if you feel like you really want to shake the lies right out of your loved one, smack your friend, and kick your partner out the house, you must refrain.  God will permit the enemy to take you ever so close to the edge of what you might think is a mental breakdown, when in fact it is nothing more than spiritual breakthrough (Read the book of Job). 

A spiritual awakening doesn't always show up in a praise or shout, lying prostrate before the Lord, singing, praying, or passing out in the Spirit.  It can come in the least likely way for a season.  Your loved one can look like your worst enemy!  But hold on, just hold on to God's unchanging hand!  

Confess any sin committed during your spiritual test, repent of your ways.  Forgive those who have offended you (meaning stop plotting revenge or wishing evil on them).  Realize that having sparring partners every now and then strengthens your faith and keeps you humble.  A boxer can't win a match without some practice!  When the trial is complete, wear your spiritual armor for the next one if you forgot to put it on the last one.  Some prideful Christians learn through many fights, they just aren't as good as they might have thought.  God is still refining you.

Nicholl McGuire


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ethnicity, Gender, Sex, Culture, Creed, Religion - The Haters are Amongst Us

Face Your Foe - Christian Book by Non-fiction Author Nicholl McGuire

Crying, arguing, angry, and miserable with enemies, the Christian who feels that God is so far away that He doesn't care will need encouragement. 

Those that read Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic came away with a sense of understanding on how Satan and his minions operate when dealing with God's anointed.  But the work doesn't just stop with knowing, one must be willing to take a stand when necessary.  Face Your Foe does that!  A Christian book that provides readers with a sense of direction when it comes to verbalizing one's emotions when in the presence of enemies.  It also gives insight on working with enemies at work, home and elsewhere while maintaining his or her faith in God.

The release date is scheduled for Spring 2015.  Those interested in reserving their copies will need to contact the writer to be placed on the list.  There will be a limited number of books available, so  write to and put in the email subject header, Reserve My Copy.  In the meantime, if you haven't read Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic, do so here:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Has-Been Christian Doesn't Want Truth

The former Christian used to attend church, read the Bible daily, talk with family and friends about God, watch what kind of programming he allowed his eyes and ears to experience, but not anymore!

Too many issues over the years have affected his mind, body and spirit to the point that God has no significant place in his life anymore.  He may still believe a Creator exists, but as for a personal relationship with Him, the Has-Been believer isn't interested.  God and his people are not permitted to permeate his private or public life with God-talk, godly events and anything else deemed spiritual.

When the Christ believer approaches the Has-Been believer about his or her negative ways, the individual most likely will not receive the Believer's admonition unless God has prepared his heart already.  But if He hasn't, the rebellious man or woman will be most likely offended that his or her sinful ways are being called out.  If this is the case, the believer may encounter a demonic attack which may result in cursing, threats, or violent acts.  Use caution when talking to former Christ followers about their past spirituality.

Nicholl McGuire maintains a parenting blog for parents with large families and mixed age groups, see here.

Attire Helps When Making an Impact on a Foe

Colors have meaning, from red to black, there are reasons why fashionistas wear certain colors to various celebrity events and why many job seekers show up with more conservative colors on interviews.  If you have ever been on a job interview or interviewed someone for a position, the type of clothing and accessories one wears will make a statement about this person in addition to what he or she says.  So when facing a foe in a board room or even on the street, your attire will help you spread whatever message you are trying to convey i.e.) power, fear, crazy, intelligent, etc.

Choose your attire wisely.  You don't want to send a message of anger toward an enemy by wearing bright reds when you really want to show love.  Instead, you would consider a shade of red less bold or maybe a color that communicates peace.  A ruby color might remind you of God's divine protection cloaked in the blood of Jesus.  Depending on your knowledge of the spiritual meaning behind colors, what makes you feel good or not, and the message you are trying to convey to others, all plays a part in choosing a wise color to wear in any situation.  Take a moment to learn more about biblical color meanings here.

When accessorizing your wardrobe, be sure you know the history of popular so-called Christian symbols or those that are considered spiritual--not all mean what you might have been told to think.  Some are nothing more than relics from idol worshippers passed down from one generation to the next.  Learn more about a piece of jewelry, a design on a belt, a bracelet, ring, a cross design, a fish symbol, the peace sign, and other similar things, before you wear it.  You definitely don't want to promote a different gospel in settings that don't subscribe to your belief; otherwise your enemy will look at you as nothing more than a hypocrite.

Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, Laboring to Love Myself, When Mothers Cry, and other books.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Don't Worship the Bible, Worship God! Use the Tool, Don't Abuse It.

Although this video may be controversial to a few, the idea that Christians are using the Bible as if it is God is the point the speaker is making.  We are to allow the Holy Ghost to work through us when reading the Bible.  Due to so many writers tampering with the Bible for profit, power, and more, one can easily be deceived into believing that every word from a powerhouse publisher is in fact the word of God.  There are far too many bibles that have been edited and rearranged to please Satan not God!

So for the gullible and ignorant who read the Bible, these readers will falsely believe that everything in the book is accurate, not so.  Research things that have been omitted and added in the Holy Bible over the years and you will be stunned! 

Men and women are flawed!  We are not to look at any book as if it is free of error.  We are to test the spirits.  My friends do not treat any book like an idol.  Do not defend, argue, or fight over it.  It is merely a tool, a helpful reference, ask the Lord to order your hands and feet on where to go, what to read, and more.  Satan will not only use a minister to mislead the sheep, but he will also use the tool (any bible) in his hand to destroy them!  Far too many Christians have lost their minds while reading the Bible because they simply didn't understand what they were reading or took everything they read literally! 

Truth prevails, Saints, not men's opinions, words and pictures stuffed in the bible!  Read it, but ask God to direct your path.

Nicholl McGuire

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How Media Uses Neurolinguistic Mind Control Progra...

Cut Away, Cut Off What is Constantly Tempting You to Compromise Your Faith

You say you are a Christian.  You believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  You tell others about God and share printed resources and other information about your faith.  Yet, there is just one problem, the more you talk and walk in the godly, the more the enemy comes with just one more thing that places you in a position to question whether you should or shouldn't do something that compromises your faith.

"But that's your knew these people for years...Why wouldn't you help them?  You know that if you do for them, they will look out for you."  Sound familiar?

For some of you, you may have already done some things that you wish you hadn't and felt like there is no way out of your circumstance.  You may even feel like God is not with you anymore this is why you still work to share the things of God.  But there is a way out of darkness!  Either you cut yourself off from the negative things that bind you or you wait for someone or something to expose you.  God warns us to cut certain people, places, things, habits, and more away.  He tells us to remove ourselves, to do some things differently, but do we always listen?  Sometimes we don't and we learn the hard way.

Nowadays with so many people losing spouses and children, jobs, health, material assets, and more, it can be quite tempting to want to do everything in your power to maintain position, personal fortune, connections, and more.  But does one have to sell or continue to sell his or her soul to the devil?  Absolutely not!  True believers are called to live righteously.  Those who sit in pews on Sunday know better.  We are to not only listen to the word of God, but do. 

So when you know there is something on the inside eating away at your mind, body and spirit and you do nothing about it, know that sooner or later, the work of evil will catch up to you and expose you as a fraud.  Allow the Holy Ghost, left behind by Jesus, to cleanse your mind, body and spirit this day and direct your path according to our Father's wishes.

Say this prayer:

Dear Lord,

I praise you this day and recognize your power.  I am grateful for all that you have done for me.  I know that lately I have not been living right and I ask that you have mercy on me.  Move on my spirit to do what's right.  Give me the courage to cut away or cut off what is keeping me bound in sin.  I ask that you remove the temptations of the devil far away from me.  I ask in Jesus name.  Amen.

Now that you have said the prayer aloud.  I ask that my God cover you in the blood of Jesus and that you begin to start walking righteously again.  As long as you confess and repent from sin, you have nothing to be concerned about.  Put your troubles in God's hands and leave them there!

Have a day of peace and may God bless you for taking some time to acknowledge Him!

Nicholl McGuire author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic.  Bible readings and other insightful information can be found on Nicholl's Youtube channel: nmenterprise7.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Practical Advice on Handling Conflict with Brothers and Sisters in Christ

When dealing with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, don't handle conflict like the world does with badmouthing, teasing, cursing, threats, and revenge.  What we think God might approve of us doing when dealing with an issue with someone, most likely isn't in His plan.  Consider the following scripture taken from Isaiah 55:8 in the NIV, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

When we think of how Jesus dealt with conflict, he turned the other cheek, he forgave others, he was humble when he spoke to others, and he offered assistance even to those who didn't think much of him or the gospel he preached.  Since we are not perfect like Christ, it would make sense to go to him/Holy Ghost and ask him for guidance when handling troubling issues.  Be sure to have a witness when necessary when rebuking any brother or sister.

One must have a mindset prepared to deal with conflict, here are tips here:  Philippians 2:1-11.  Then pray, re-read text, apply the scriptures to your situation without focusing on what the person should and shouldn't do. 

Permit God to convict you on your wrongs without defending or justifying your ways.  Talk with trusted friends about the scriptures that you have read and your feelings.  Consider this, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." (Proverbs 15:22, NIV)  Pray with your counselors.  Afterward, act on the word (James 1:22).  For further spiritual insight see, God's Guidance for Christians in Conflict by Dr. Mark D. Roberts (

Nicholl McGuire

When Facing a Foe...Stand Up for What is Right

From bullies to an argumentative partner, when facing these people, who refuse to do what is right ie.) 10 Commandments for starters, you will not always deal with the confrontation in a way that will appear mature, logical, and calm; therefore don't beat yourself up about it! 

Your face will turn red, your ears will feel hot, your heart will race, your voice will elevate, and you might hit a wall or throw something.  But when the anger passes, did you make your point?  Will things change?  Will you do some things differently?

There may be another misunderstanding and another until one day someone is going to wave the white flag and say, "I'm done...I can't fight anymore...I want to do right...I am sick of the war..."  Whatever brings a person to the point where he or she walks away or dedicates his or her self to change, at least you know you didn't compromise righteous beliefs and didn't allow someone to abuse or misuse you.

Whatever you do, keep your faith, pray and don't do anything that will cause the person harm or put you in jail.

Nicholl McGuire, listen to audio at 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Learn about Spiritual Warfare Today--not taught in many churches!

Excellent teaching for those of you battling with spiritual warfare! Many believers are being attacked by demons and "...running around in fear, being confused, lost...many will depart from their faith and listen to lying spirits...these spirits are tricksters, liars--smarter than their victims...they will receive teachings from demons," HouseofHealingAZ, Youtube channel.

Four Levels of Demonic Spirits

Friday, May 9, 2014

Detoxifying Ourselves from the Unrighteous Ways of Elders

They have been in your life since childhood, elders, those who have helped you become the responsible citizen you are today.  However, as you learn more about them, you realize that these individuals have many flaws.  You find yourself having to fight with emotions on the inside that say something like, "These people really aren't as good as I thought they were...I really shouldn't be spending much time with them...but they have been in my life for such a long time..."  When this happens, look to the Holy Bible.  Ask yourself, "What does God's word say about what I see in this person and what he/she is doing?"

As much as we would love to keep some people around in our lives and paint a picture of them being a friend and not an enemy, God will show us different.  It is up to us to listen and obey if we want to save ourselves from harm.  So how might we guard ourselves from unrighteous elders--especially when we can't get rid of them out of our circles?

1.  We stop recalling our past relationships with them.

Too often we think about past good times to justify sticking it out with toxic people.  How are you ever going to communicate the "new you" or any reasonable standards when it comes to dealing with you, if your head is in the past?  Don't fear to display what you have become--a new creature in Christ!

2.  Question the words, deeds, and actions of your teachers/elders/mentors etc.

You have finally arrived into adulthood when you can question the individual who is causing you discomfort on why they do what they do.  Standing up for yourself is what adults do, children go run and tell their parents.

3.  Distance yourself from negativity.

The more you put up boundaries around your heart, mind and body, the more likely those who are toxic will take notice and withdraw.  If they know they can't move you to go in their direction, to listen to their advice, and do other things that suit them, they won't keep bringing you the negative thoughts, stories and opinions.

4.  Look beyond your existing network.

Those who God has shown you are no longer beneficial to you spiritually, physcially and/or mentally will need to be removed at some point to make room for the new people coming into your life.  Don't make anymore time for fruitless elders, and again I say, leave your past memories in the past about them!  Start appointment setting with those new people God has provided opportunities for you to learn from.

5.  Avoid repeating past mistakes.

An unrighteous elder will no longer have a place in your life when he or she sees you have overcame in certain areas that this person has repeatedly warned you about.  For instance, let's say you have a long history of asking certain people in your network for relationship advice.  These people know you very well based on your past decision-making.  However, do they see any evidence that you have changed?  If not, then weak elders will feel as if they still have a right to say and do what they want when it comes to you despite their own personal weaknesses in the same areas, because they see you aren't doing anything different to help yourself.

6.  Stop celebrating traditions that hinder.

What are you saying or doing that keeps a tradition alive that doesn't progress you?  From fraternal groups to an annual celebration over a relative's home, does your connecting with these people really  help you reach your goals personally and professionally?

7.  Elevate yourself in every area of your life!

The more you work on you, the less the need will be to reach out to toxic elders for personal help especially in areas where only God can assist.  If you and I are so busy connecting with ourselves, families, and others outside of church business, social groups, and other things, then there is no room for people to drip their poision into our lives.

See people for who they really are, and not what you think they should be--this includes elders/mentors/parents/teachers/best friends!

Nicholl McGuire 

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Something wasn't right,
I felt a fight.
She was in my sight.
I prayed, not tonight.
A smiling demon in heels.
Always making deals.

She didn't love anyone--
made people run.
Whatever she wanted, she got.
Used shame, to win fame.

No one wanted to be called out,
no one wanted to hear her shout.
They were protective of their clout.

But I wasn't afraid, and could care less
about her mess--was familiar with this test.
In God's presence, she started to confess...
had issues, that required tissues.

Little did she know,
she had made God her foe.
He was tired of her talk,
he was ready to make her walk.

I prayed for things to change,
I prayed her life would rearrange.

One day it was time for me to go,
the seed was left, it had to grow.

Nicholl McGuire


Sunday, March 16, 2014

No Belief in God Talking to His Messengers

Have you ever tried talking to someone about something you knew for sure was the truth?  You gave them detail after detail and fact after fact in an effort to help them with an issue, yet they still didn't want to believe you?  Well, this sort of response is what many of God's messengers face when sharing his truth with believers as well as unbelievers.  We aren't just talking about the Gospel of Christ, but wisdom that speaks truth into one's personal situation/dilemma.

Prophets ought to be strong when giving a person a word of knowledge, prophecy or any other message that God moves on our spirits to give.  Further, we should fear the God we pray to when we don't do for Him!  So many former messengers and followers end up in troubled waters, because they proceed in life thinking God is directing them, despite being wayward in the faith.

Think of the many Christians who end up on planes, trains, buses, cars and even in bars, because they permitted flesh to direct them, while ignoring the prophet's warning, only to prematurely die via an accident, stray bullet, illness, or something else.  We all are going  to die some day, but at least when the time comes, it will because God ordered it and not because of our disobedience that led us to it.

We must trust the words that God gives (even if it hurts) and do accordingly.  But how might we know whether a messenger of God is real?  Consider what you prayed behind closed doors.  Was there any way one would have known what to tell you at the right place and at the right time without God's influence?  Of course, our adversary will have his many tricks, but what do his words provide?  A trip toward a path that leads straight to hell!  We see evidence of this by the many elitists whose minds have gone crazy as a result of shunning what the Almighty God says while welcoming what Satan sings.

Nicholl McGuire

Friday, February 14, 2014

Daughter of Satanist High Priest Tells of Her Experiences!!

The One You Love the Most Might Be Your Biggest Foe

When I think of all the people over the years that were once close to me, I also remember times during our friendship when they appeared to be my worst enemies.  From sharing personal details about my life with a common foe to making false promises.  You can become bitter, paranoid, and mean-spirited when you have been repeatedly mistreated.

Sometimes we fall in love too quickly, think too highly of others, defend liars, and shun those who mean us well.  With so much drama surrounding us, it can be hard to see who is friend and who is foe.  This is why we must spend the necessary time praying to God.  Asking him, "What do you think of those who I have partnered with personally and professionally?  Show me who is friend and who is foe."  You will be surprised to see some of the most unlikeliest people pass before your spiritual eyes.

Pray hard when you see the truth.  Ask the Lord to cover your heart and mind concerning the person who has been deceiving you for so long.  Request that God use his angels to protect you from all harm and danger.  Trust God for a plan for your life.  When we discover that some individuals are all show, but no go, this isn't the time to curse people, gossip, or be vengeful; rather, we seek God for a plan.  For some readers, this would be a good time to fast from a favorite pleasure and start seeking God for some answers.  When your focus is on God, you pose a challenge for the enemy that he/she can't win by using things like:  flattery, gifts, demands, threats, or anything else he/she so chooses to come up with to keep you from knowing his/her plans of destruction for your life.

It can be difficult living with someone who may have been acting more like an enemy than a friend.  Try to see the positive in the current arrangement while asking God what are the benefits for now in carrying on a friendship/marriage/partnership, etc.  You might be surprised what God reveals. 

Remember, whatever situation you are in, it is only temporary, particularly if it is comprised of sinful behavior and only worsening with each passing day.  The instruction to love an enemy is what some readers are doing.  The love they have for their enemy isn't the problem, but what the enemy does to get a believer off track with the Lord is. 

While you wait for your deliverance from a foe, do this Proverbs 3:5.

Nicholl McGuire

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Face Your Foe Blog Owner Shares Experience Dealing with Foes

For years, I had to deal with a classmate who was bi-polar while attending high school.  I became a target when I spoke negatively about her one day while participating in a summer program not realizing she was mentally ill.  I personally didn't like her much and found her a bit odd after getting to know her.  I preferred to keep my distance.  I confided my honest feelings to someone who I didn't know at the time was a big mouth.  When the information reached the girl's ears, she considered me an enemy.

Now most girls would just go on about their business when they know someone doesn't like them, but not that girl!  She became relentless in attacking me with every name she could muster behind my back.  She was a part of many organizations I had joined.  She also found her way to my locker on multiple occasions when I wasn't around to put things on it including Vaseline on the dial of the combination.   My honest opinion of her spoken confidentially ended up creating World War III which included meetings with teachers, parents, and a couple of close calls where I wanted to beat her up badly, but the threat of suspension and punishment from parents loomed.

Every now and again I have dreams of this girl and she is peaceful, not causing me any issues in these dreams--we are actually friends.  Prior to graduating, she did apologize for all her misdeeds and I offered up an apology for what I said years before and included that I was unaware of her mental condition at the time I talked about her.  She was "cool" with me and gave me a hug.

Even though this is an all-too common story of high school girls disliking one another for one reason or another, the same behavior shows up in adults.  From the boss who doesn't like feedback from employees so he punishes them subtly to the spouse who becomes visibly irritated with her partner so she looks to find ways to pay him back for how he has made her feel.  Sometimes these "issues" last for years.  The tension is ongoing.  Sometimes it can be so bad that people have constant stomach and head aches as a result--I use to experience such stress even on the elementary school level.

Controlling individuals have followed me during my life, the type who think that they are always right, you are wrong, and if you object their will be consequences to pay.  After so many years of dealing with the same personality types, you start to become desensitize to them.  You stop caring, arguing, and you find yourself ignoring them the majority of the time.  What little they say or much, goes in one ear and out the other.  You tell yourself, "There is no sense in saying anything, not even nodding my head, because I don't care..."

There are times where we can't say or do anything with certain people.  Scripture quoting does nothing but infuriate some.  Spending lots of prayer time concerning certain people begins to take your attention away from more important things you need to praying about and listening to the Lord.  Spending money on these people in the hopes that they will treat you different will only keep you broke.  Pretending to like or love them when you know you don't, makes you look weak and hypocritical.  It is best to tolerate them when you can and when the opportunity comes to be free of your enemy, don't keep them around!  When my enemies, including the girl who gave me a hug, made their peace with me, I didn't try to befriend them.  Why would I be fool enough to set myself up for future drama?  I wished them well and moved on with my life.

Some readers are often having problems with the same people, because deep inside you love drama.  There is something about that person's negativity that you feed off of.  The more they mistreat you, the worse you get and in some twisted way, you like playing the tough guy or gal role with them.  Can I tell you, from personal experience, you will only find yourself one day on the wrong side with God!  It is best to free yourself from the troubled individuals.  Sure, helping people makes you look good in the sight of certain individuals and businesses, but when no one is watching, what do you really look like?

I thank you all for showing your support by reading this blog.  Feel free to subscribe and comment on the blog entries.  May God richly bless you with peace, love, and the courage to let your enemy go when the time comes!

Nicholl McGuire

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mind Control, Manipulating One's Thoughts to Get Desired Results

Your foe plays dirty.  He could care less about your God.  His objective is to get you to do what he wants.  When his charm doesn't work, he reaches in his bag of tricks and out comes a few tactics he observed over the years that other manipulators used, his intent is to control your mind.  If he can successfully do this, the rest of your body will follow.

From the color your controller/mentor/teacher/partner/boss/fraternal brother wears to how he speaks, your enemy is going to find ways to get your mind to say, "Yes" to the things of Satan when it really should say, "No."  Think of those around you who said, after being hurt or abused, "I can't believe I let him get away with that...What was I thinking?"  One's thoughts had been challenged over time in ways that they were not his or her's anymore.  The weak believer becomes a slave to sin! 

Distraction is one of many ways to get someone to stop objecting evil and start accepting it.  Think of the many believers who once hated a sinful lifestyle or refused to support an immoral establishment, yet in time, they go along with the status quo.  How does this happen?  With careful mind control.  Repetitiveness, name-calling, cover-ups, exaggerations, lies, false statistical data and imagery, whatever it takes to make you think that there is no right or wrong.

If you were to state an issue and expect others to go along without connecting it to real life experiences that the listeners can relate to, while impacting them emotionally, it wouldn't go over too well, now would it?  One who is use to getting his or her way, knows how to "act" to get people to agree.  From flattering statements like that of a seductress to a barrage of promises similar to the ones a politician gives, the mind controller will move gullible men and women to tears all the while getting them to say and do things that others would be astonished they would evn attempt to compromise long-standing personal beliefs.  But it happens everyday, accept this, accept that or else.

Many Christians end up backsliding because they permit someone or a group to come into their churches and then their lives with a false gospel.  Crafty individuals are like the serpent in the garden in the Book of Genesis who cause believers to doubt their Heavenly Father's instructions.  Eventually, a twisted mindset shows up in misdeeds.  Those who have been misled later wonder why they are in the hands of an angry God rather than a loving Father when life turns out to be miserable for them.  Consider years of compromise--even God grows weary of disobedient Christians.

Many believers are in churches and temples being deceived each Wednesday night, Saturday or Sunday morning by leaders who are under mind control.  These ministers have attended conferences full of all sorts of mind control tactics.  They read books and listen to audio that appeal to the five senses (the flesh); instead, of the spirit.  They ignore the Holy Ghost when he whispers, "What you are doing is not right...God is not pleased."  These idol worshipping, lovers of the fraternal brother and sisterhoods around our world are more concerned about numbers and money rather than what the one true God is saying (and his name isn't Lucifer).  Their twisted policies, procedures and philosophies are leading many straight to hell!

Mind control is real, reader!  Hypnosis is in the church, do your research!  Witchcraft is present everywhere.  Notice the symbolism in commercials, billboards, movies, and other media.  We have long been in the last days and we are getting closer and closer to a revealing of an Anti-Christ who is determined to destroy the people of God all while kissing babies and shaking hands.  Wayward believers make his job easier by turning away from a righteous God and choosing to serve the god of money, the god of this world, Satan.

Be wise believer in all your endeavors, God will not be mocked.

Nicholl McGuire

Monday, February 3, 2014

Your Adversary will Use You for Selfish Gain While Recruiting You for His Plan

The devil needs a soul so he will use the unwise, emotional Christian to have a pity party for his latest recruit.  "Poor woman...poor man...we ought to pray.  They need Jesus, let me help them."  So the Christian, lacking in spiritual discernment, extends a hand only to have it bitten off by that smiling face who appears like he or she is a child of God, but is really not.  That one, who has sold out for the devil over the years to gain much material wealth (while pretending to know God along the way).  He or she will come into one's house, attach his or herself emotionally, and then presto, when you least expect it, all hell breaks loose!

Sometimes God's people are so focused on the enemy, using his demons to move others away from God, that they don't see how they are being used by a devil of a man or woman for their own selfish pleasures.  From prayer to service, users and abusers will find a way to tolerate God's people for a time in an effort to get what they want.  Once obtained, the manipulator will either stick around for more blessings (they become greedy) or quietly drift away. 

Satan uses the needs of the lost and backslidden to blind them to God's word while they temporarily visit the church.  Once they have been uplifted, prayed for, and content with life, these people go back to the way it use to be--a life that puts God far back in their minds while they pleasure their five senses.  These are insincere Christians and should not be trusted!

God's wisdom and his people are only interesting for the lost and backslidders when, yet again, they cry out in the midst of their wilderness experience with, "Please pray for me...I need your help..."  It is then that the niave or backslidding Christian will permit a stranger, lover, husband, wife, ex, sister, brother, parent, co-worker--you name it, to burden them with request after request, "Could you...Would you...I need you..."  All the while, the enemy is seeking another potential recruit who becomes weary of helping others and tired of a God who watches from above.  The troubled individual will drain you mentally, spiritually and physically if you aren't seeking God for guidance.

Selfish people have need of God's people only when they believe there is some benefit from being around them.  However, if "blessings" don't come when they want and they lack the patience to wait on God, off they go looking for yet another group to potentially service their needs.  They are often unhappy, critical, and very angry individuals when things don't go their way as fast as they pray.  Oftentimes they lose family and friends during wilderness experiences, what little wealth they have remaining left, and other things due to things like their bad attitude, lack of appreciation when someone helps, lies, exaggerations, and abusive behaviors. These energy sappers fail to understand what exactly a personal relationship with Christ sincerely looks like.  Some don't know love, others do, but prefer to skip quality relationships and get right to the blessings.  They use and abuse then make excuses for their behaviors.  They fail to demonstrate compassion for others and are unwilling to change within.  God knows the heart, gullible believers don't and they will persuade others to blindly go along with whatever and whoever in and out of the church riddled with demons!  Many Christian men, women and children are so often deceived by a smiling face, a handshake, and a hug that they become susceptible to enemy schemes.  They are weak to beauty and easily impressed by one's material wealth; therefore, Satan deceives them everytime with his charm. 

Running to church is only part of the process, but while there, one is to obtain knowledge and exercise common sense while the Holy Ghost moves amongst the congregation.  Why would God allow an unsaved or backsliding man or woman to use or even abuse the Christian?  Because He knows that through whatever the circumstance, the believer will recognize he or she can do nothing apart from God!  God is to be praised not mocked!  We are never to take our eyes off of the one who saved us to save a man or woman--never!  It is not in our strength to save anyone--cast one's burdens on to God!  Allow him to give you the strength and wisdom to assist when called upon in His time and not our own.  We must involve the one true God in our plans at all times, on a daily basis.  So many Christians have died prematurely for stepping out of God's will, don't let this happen to you!

Does it hurt when we witness someone going through a trial, a wilderness experience?  Of course, but test the spirits, Christian.  Is he or she really a friend or foe of the church?  Sometimes people will experience the wrath of God, there is a time to do everything and sometimes we must stand out of the way--know your season.

Nicholl McGuire


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