This is a spiritual blog based on a non-fiction Christian book written by Nicholl McGuire. This Christian blog is a start in the right direction for Christian believers who desire to break free from energy-draining personal and professional relationships! Prepare yourself to confront your foes in God's time! Keep your faith, say prayers, and trust in Jesus Christ! If you need deliverance, see professionals in your area to help guide you.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
Be Mindful of Those Disinformation Agents Around the Web
They are paid much money to discredit those who are knowledgeable, truth-seeking, and all-too-ready to expose their agendas, if you should conduct research, educate the masses, and do similar things, don't be surprised if someone falsely accuses you of being a part of a fraternal group, NWO, Satanist, false prophet or any other name they want to come up with to slander, curse, or abuse you.
A little grain of truth mixed with lies, exaggerations and other foolishness is used to get the public off the true information trail, don't fall for it! Stay the course! Learn more about disinformation agents here. If you walk with Christ long enough and publish online, you will run into them at some point.
A little grain of truth mixed with lies, exaggerations and other foolishness is used to get the public off the true information trail, don't fall for it! Stay the course! Learn more about disinformation agents here. If you walk with Christ long enough and publish online, you will run into them at some point.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
YouTuber NM Enterprise7 Speaks Out About Critics, Her Higher Calling, Satanic Opposition - Be Encouraged
After reading comments over the years from "programmed" critics who have felt quite moved by some of the things I have written and spoke about in the past (YouTube channel: nmenterprise7, this blog and other work), I can't help but see the "I am god" programming that some so-called believers have even when the Holy Scriptures minister clearly things like: what is demonic, sinful, righteous, and true. The self-righteous critics babble on about their ungodly, personal views or those taken from ministers who parade around on stages while breaking bread with oath taking Satan following partners. How foolish! Who is the prince of this world? Yet, believers follow after secular folks with twisted doctrine and then use it to go against the truth that I simply pulled from the scriptures in the Holy Bible and similar versions.
Many of my foes have not been the unbelievers, they have been pew sitting Christians and independent readers of the Bible that don't do much else, but read--you know the heavenly-minded type that are no earthly good. These are our true foes and these are the people and others like them that I speak about in Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and those my late grandmother spoke of "busting hell wide open." She had a prophetic anointing and could speak to issues that you knew and didn't know about while telling you to, "Trust in Jesus" unlike the worldly psychics out there who want you to trust in everyone and anything, but the great Messiah and they definitely aren't telling you to receive His Holy Ghost either! But that woman of God, who had her share of issues that she gave over to God, was a serious woman of faith and so was the late Evangelist Jackie, a near and dear family friend who started taking me to church with her when I was 19. But anyway I digress...
You and I deal with foes daily whether seen or unseen. Those mouth pieces for Satan, double-minded and unstable in all their ways, will talk of what they deem is "dangerous," "disturbing," "bias," "ignorant," and "fairy tales" when we share truth. Meanwhile they continue to walk with various voices in their heads that keep them up late at night worried, confused and scared or walk amongst men and women fighting hard to appear logical while carrying their share of demonic entities. Satanic critics will justify, deny, blame, accuse, and gaslight those who hold up a mirror to them and call out the demons within.
Consider the following scenario. If I have an unsightly mark on my body and you notice it, and you know I am a stable-minded woman or man of God, I would want you to help me get it off, right? I am definitely not going to come up with some man-made, philosophical name for it and pretend it is nothing especially if it can be spread to others. I also wouldn't lie about it and act like it isn't there. Lastly, I wouldn't ask you to support the ugly thing on my body when I know full well I want it off! I would humble myself and ask, "Would you help me?" But Satan followers, whether they know or don't know they are spreading his doctrines, are basically doing the total opposite. What my confused, hurting, and lost critics expect from me is to be quiet about the mark that is on them and do something else. Rather than argue with these people, who don't recognize sin or refuse to admit that they are walking in sin or are confused about the people and things of God, they prefer to twist Scripture in such a way so that they no longer feel convicted by the evidence and truth I present. They attempt to lure me into an argument in comment sections and elsewhere so that they can get me to hang myself.
I do what Jesus did when he walked carrying the cross, I keep silent. With all due respect, God has me far too busy working on kingdom related business to address people especially in comment sections and elsewhere who have been strategically, mind controlled to believe that they have no sickness like, being double-minded and unstable, and would prefer that God's people use politically correct terms that coddle them and accept any and everything no matter how demonic people, traditions, and things are! The church has been doing this for years! Now why would I want to sell out to that mindset and system of thinking? The paradigm shift (that has occurred over decades) has stopped talking about hell, but leading many who are double-minded straight to hell!
I see the nit-picking over photos I have posted, grammar usage on and off audio, or minute errors made in my work and so the critical eyed one, filled with much tension, guilt and other convicting emotions attempts to make a mountain out of a molehill to discredit the messenger. I use to be on the side of darkness, so I know better! My parents didn't believe that it necessary to raise me up in the fear of the Lord and continue studies pass several years in private school (which was another relative's idea not theirs). So I had over 19 plus years walking with children of darkness. But praise God for calling and choosing me, so when it comes to truth, well, just like a lawyer presents the evidence to a jury even if it might run the possibility of being thrown out, the truth I have received and presented and continue to do so before the masses wasn't and hasn't been erased from their minds of all who have been seated in the courtroom all these years. Amen! The truth sets people free, my dear friends! Even if it comes out of the mouths of people like me who don't talk, look or walk like what their perception of a pastor, apostle, evangelist, prophet, teacher, and others might be.
One's personal beliefs has little to do with the evidence that sits before wayward, so-called Jews and Gentiles who love to lie, play pretend, drink, lust, etc. (see Galatians 5). There is no arguing with a man or woman who prefers to make his or herself feel good about the sin he or she is in by picking apart Christians' works. One looks guilty when he or she does it--just watch some of these folks a bit and read how they express themselves to look like they know what they are talking about by throwing a few big words here and there. A discerning believer can see when someone is vulnerable, weak to the flesh, wants to be right (even when he or she is wrong), and is hiding true thoughts about those bible-believing Christians.
So I say just let the truth convict you rather than fight against it and even if you don't like one word I share and don't believe that the Holy Ghost guides me, then you have the word of God; therefore, read it for yourself. When I didn't want to believe the people of God, that is what I did. I sure didn't waste anytime arguing and name-calling that's for sure, since I believed early on for wisdom and wanted very much to put off childish ways. God has been working within me since I started saying prayers of wisdom back in 1997.
One final note, my orders from my Lord is not to argue with anyone whether believer or unbeliever. So if I don't agree and you don't agree, then we will just have to agree to disagree. My days are too short on this planet to address every issue that people know full well they need to work on privately. What more needs to be said especially when some of my audios are 30 to 40 minutes long and some blog entries fill up pages in books? Really, I have said all that I'm supposed to say about the work, conduct your own research. However, for some individuals, God periodically releases me to talk with them directly or in comment sections, because they are reasonable and He has opened their ears to hear, but this rarely happens. So work beyond the negative emotions and use them to work toward change. If you are alright with the Lord, then why be stressed about what anyone says or does? Sometimes the messages just aren't for all people and other times they are for specific people this is why some get so upset, because God has put them on blast. I don't know who I'm talking to all the time when I write and record, but the Lord does.
I am a modern day writer and speaker for a dying world proclaiming to the masses, "Draw near to the Lord. Do what is right, be saved! Allow the Holy Ghost to guide you out of your wilderness experiences. Know that He, the Father, wants a relationship with you. You still have time before you close your eyes, your family still has time. God will not be mocked and neither will His people. He reigns supreme over this wicked land, and Satan's time will expire. So be encouraged and know that you are not alone and that there are seen as well as unseen godly and ungodly forces at work. God will move you toward change, listen to his commands, follow His will, allow Him to direct your path!"
The messages I speak and write about are very personal and this is why demons tremble. For years they have done many things to keep me from awakening people to truth in many subject areas (Shall I list the times I was emotionally and physically abused, estranged relationships, attempted murder on my life, threats, freak accidents, sudden health ailments, and more?) but God is keeping me until it is time for me to be called home.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other books.
Many of my foes have not been the unbelievers, they have been pew sitting Christians and independent readers of the Bible that don't do much else, but read--you know the heavenly-minded type that are no earthly good. These are our true foes and these are the people and others like them that I speak about in Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and those my late grandmother spoke of "busting hell wide open." She had a prophetic anointing and could speak to issues that you knew and didn't know about while telling you to, "Trust in Jesus" unlike the worldly psychics out there who want you to trust in everyone and anything, but the great Messiah and they definitely aren't telling you to receive His Holy Ghost either! But that woman of God, who had her share of issues that she gave over to God, was a serious woman of faith and so was the late Evangelist Jackie, a near and dear family friend who started taking me to church with her when I was 19. But anyway I digress...
You and I deal with foes daily whether seen or unseen. Those mouth pieces for Satan, double-minded and unstable in all their ways, will talk of what they deem is "dangerous," "disturbing," "bias," "ignorant," and "fairy tales" when we share truth. Meanwhile they continue to walk with various voices in their heads that keep them up late at night worried, confused and scared or walk amongst men and women fighting hard to appear logical while carrying their share of demonic entities. Satanic critics will justify, deny, blame, accuse, and gaslight those who hold up a mirror to them and call out the demons within.
Consider the following scenario. If I have an unsightly mark on my body and you notice it, and you know I am a stable-minded woman or man of God, I would want you to help me get it off, right? I am definitely not going to come up with some man-made, philosophical name for it and pretend it is nothing especially if it can be spread to others. I also wouldn't lie about it and act like it isn't there. Lastly, I wouldn't ask you to support the ugly thing on my body when I know full well I want it off! I would humble myself and ask, "Would you help me?" But Satan followers, whether they know or don't know they are spreading his doctrines, are basically doing the total opposite. What my confused, hurting, and lost critics expect from me is to be quiet about the mark that is on them and do something else. Rather than argue with these people, who don't recognize sin or refuse to admit that they are walking in sin or are confused about the people and things of God, they prefer to twist Scripture in such a way so that they no longer feel convicted by the evidence and truth I present. They attempt to lure me into an argument in comment sections and elsewhere so that they can get me to hang myself.
I do what Jesus did when he walked carrying the cross, I keep silent. With all due respect, God has me far too busy working on kingdom related business to address people especially in comment sections and elsewhere who have been strategically, mind controlled to believe that they have no sickness like, being double-minded and unstable, and would prefer that God's people use politically correct terms that coddle them and accept any and everything no matter how demonic people, traditions, and things are! The church has been doing this for years! Now why would I want to sell out to that mindset and system of thinking? The paradigm shift (that has occurred over decades) has stopped talking about hell, but leading many who are double-minded straight to hell!
I see the nit-picking over photos I have posted, grammar usage on and off audio, or minute errors made in my work and so the critical eyed one, filled with much tension, guilt and other convicting emotions attempts to make a mountain out of a molehill to discredit the messenger. I use to be on the side of darkness, so I know better! My parents didn't believe that it necessary to raise me up in the fear of the Lord and continue studies pass several years in private school (which was another relative's idea not theirs). So I had over 19 plus years walking with children of darkness. But praise God for calling and choosing me, so when it comes to truth, well, just like a lawyer presents the evidence to a jury even if it might run the possibility of being thrown out, the truth I have received and presented and continue to do so before the masses wasn't and hasn't been erased from their minds of all who have been seated in the courtroom all these years. Amen! The truth sets people free, my dear friends! Even if it comes out of the mouths of people like me who don't talk, look or walk like what their perception of a pastor, apostle, evangelist, prophet, teacher, and others might be.
One's personal beliefs has little to do with the evidence that sits before wayward, so-called Jews and Gentiles who love to lie, play pretend, drink, lust, etc. (see Galatians 5). There is no arguing with a man or woman who prefers to make his or herself feel good about the sin he or she is in by picking apart Christians' works. One looks guilty when he or she does it--just watch some of these folks a bit and read how they express themselves to look like they know what they are talking about by throwing a few big words here and there. A discerning believer can see when someone is vulnerable, weak to the flesh, wants to be right (even when he or she is wrong), and is hiding true thoughts about those bible-believing Christians.
So I say just let the truth convict you rather than fight against it and even if you don't like one word I share and don't believe that the Holy Ghost guides me, then you have the word of God; therefore, read it for yourself. When I didn't want to believe the people of God, that is what I did. I sure didn't waste anytime arguing and name-calling that's for sure, since I believed early on for wisdom and wanted very much to put off childish ways. God has been working within me since I started saying prayers of wisdom back in 1997.
One final note, my orders from my Lord is not to argue with anyone whether believer or unbeliever. So if I don't agree and you don't agree, then we will just have to agree to disagree. My days are too short on this planet to address every issue that people know full well they need to work on privately. What more needs to be said especially when some of my audios are 30 to 40 minutes long and some blog entries fill up pages in books? Really, I have said all that I'm supposed to say about the work, conduct your own research. However, for some individuals, God periodically releases me to talk with them directly or in comment sections, because they are reasonable and He has opened their ears to hear, but this rarely happens. So work beyond the negative emotions and use them to work toward change. If you are alright with the Lord, then why be stressed about what anyone says or does? Sometimes the messages just aren't for all people and other times they are for specific people this is why some get so upset, because God has put them on blast. I don't know who I'm talking to all the time when I write and record, but the Lord does.
I am a modern day writer and speaker for a dying world proclaiming to the masses, "Draw near to the Lord. Do what is right, be saved! Allow the Holy Ghost to guide you out of your wilderness experiences. Know that He, the Father, wants a relationship with you. You still have time before you close your eyes, your family still has time. God will not be mocked and neither will His people. He reigns supreme over this wicked land, and Satan's time will expire. So be encouraged and know that you are not alone and that there are seen as well as unseen godly and ungodly forces at work. God will move you toward change, listen to his commands, follow His will, allow Him to direct your path!"
The messages I speak and write about are very personal and this is why demons tremble. For years they have done many things to keep me from awakening people to truth in many subject areas (Shall I list the times I was emotionally and physically abused, estranged relationships, attempted murder on my life, threats, freak accidents, sudden health ailments, and more?) but God is keeping me until it is time for me to be called home.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other books.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Did You Have Fun Flirting with Horror, Witchcraft, Deceased Spirits? Well the Fun Is Just Beginning
The unseen forces that were disturbed during the month of October were and still are alive and well. More men, women and children were sacrificed and ugliness played out in many forms from personal relationships broken, job losses, loved ones buried six feet deep, robberies, etc. whatever could be stolen, killed, or detroyed, evil was definitely at work and many were victims because they operated without any knowledge and respect for the supernatural and walked without spiritual coverings like God's protective angels for starters. Despite fires going out during dark services, witches forgetting chants, what was supposed to be dead coming to life, and other distractions in the spiritual realm, our heavenly Father let Satan have his way for those under judgment. There is no asking, "Why God?" only "I trust you." Some of us prayed like David, others like Job, and still others just kept quiet and allowed God's will to occur. It is hard to stand by or down when brothers and sisters are hurting, but that is what happens when you play on two sides of the fence. Those caught in between are irrelevant. They pick no one and nothing related to light or dark--they just exist. We wait until God shows us who He has chosen near or far and be of service when called upon. As we all know, many are called, but chosen are few.
Play with fire and sooner or later you will get burned by it. Take a look at the Holy Bible and God warns about not consulting with mediums and spiritualists for good reason. He cautions us about all things sinful through a variety of life lessons in the Bible. But some believers took off their holy hats this past holiday season and put on their ungodly ones. The Christian (or those who have been called children of light) are usually dealt with more severely for crossing over into the dark side than the others who are already lost, children of darkness, and are all-too-ready to dance with Satan and his minions in hell.
So what now for the curious ones who just had to talk with the deceased, say a chant or two, and even co-sign on some blood sacrifices and orgies? Well, the road to mental hell will sweep upon their minds, according to the God I serve. Dark work will never stop for those who know better. Satan's followers work sun up to sun down and then again during the wee hours while most people sleep, and are never satisfied emotionally and physically. Unlike those who could care less about witches and warlocks etc., the angels of darkness will keep disturbing the minds and bodies of humans who welcomed them. The only favor they receive is demonic and the only prayers that are answered are the ones they have to make come true. God turns his back on those who refuse to trust in Him.
I think of those who enjoyed the dark side of life far more than the light side in my own family and unfortunately most of the men didn't live until old age. Many died tragically. Others who are still alive are unhappy. They often drink, have sex, stare at sexy women and men in-person or over some device, watch hours of TV to escape all their real life disturbing experiences. From watching human torture on film to past participation in wars, these men are walking time bombs who have been self-harming in so many ways. Then of course, the evil women in the family who follow any doctrine, group, or handsome men who will make life easier for them, they too didn't (deceased ones) and others still don't have happy lives. Estranged relationships, abortions, miscarriages, emotional and physical abuse, and other issues, yet they walk in titles that were appointed to them by children of darkness while spreading their dysfunction to the youth. Co-signing on their ancestors' delusions, false god worship, love for money, sex, etc. they too are headed toward the pits of hell until they turn from their ugly ways.
When you look around in your own family, what do you really see beyond what you are told to view? Are these people really as good as they claim? Are you the child of God that you want others to believe that you are? It is hard to see the light in anyone who flirts with horror, witchcraft, conjures up deceased spirits, and more. The fun is indeed just beginning with those who are wayward in the faith long after Halloween's end. Some dark spirits just don't leave unless one is empowered by the Holy Ghost to cast out, send away, or bind them up. Horrific images just don't disappear from minds without constant mediation, prayer, and a time of fasting as directed by the one true God. Demonic singers' songs don't just disappear from ears. They repeat over and over again for a time until they annoy their listeners.
If one is not a sincere believer although he or she still believes all is well, then how are the people and things of God really going to work for them? They won't unless he or she confesses sin and repents. The repenting part is a bit of a challenge. In the meantime, God's life lessons are waiting.
Halloween might be over, but evil still walks among us.
Nicholl McGuire shares spiritual insight about a variety of topics here.
Play with fire and sooner or later you will get burned by it. Take a look at the Holy Bible and God warns about not consulting with mediums and spiritualists for good reason. He cautions us about all things sinful through a variety of life lessons in the Bible. But some believers took off their holy hats this past holiday season and put on their ungodly ones. The Christian (or those who have been called children of light) are usually dealt with more severely for crossing over into the dark side than the others who are already lost, children of darkness, and are all-too-ready to dance with Satan and his minions in hell.
So what now for the curious ones who just had to talk with the deceased, say a chant or two, and even co-sign on some blood sacrifices and orgies? Well, the road to mental hell will sweep upon their minds, according to the God I serve. Dark work will never stop for those who know better. Satan's followers work sun up to sun down and then again during the wee hours while most people sleep, and are never satisfied emotionally and physically. Unlike those who could care less about witches and warlocks etc., the angels of darkness will keep disturbing the minds and bodies of humans who welcomed them. The only favor they receive is demonic and the only prayers that are answered are the ones they have to make come true. God turns his back on those who refuse to trust in Him.
I think of those who enjoyed the dark side of life far more than the light side in my own family and unfortunately most of the men didn't live until old age. Many died tragically. Others who are still alive are unhappy. They often drink, have sex, stare at sexy women and men in-person or over some device, watch hours of TV to escape all their real life disturbing experiences. From watching human torture on film to past participation in wars, these men are walking time bombs who have been self-harming in so many ways. Then of course, the evil women in the family who follow any doctrine, group, or handsome men who will make life easier for them, they too didn't (deceased ones) and others still don't have happy lives. Estranged relationships, abortions, miscarriages, emotional and physical abuse, and other issues, yet they walk in titles that were appointed to them by children of darkness while spreading their dysfunction to the youth. Co-signing on their ancestors' delusions, false god worship, love for money, sex, etc. they too are headed toward the pits of hell until they turn from their ugly ways.
When you look around in your own family, what do you really see beyond what you are told to view? Are these people really as good as they claim? Are you the child of God that you want others to believe that you are? It is hard to see the light in anyone who flirts with horror, witchcraft, conjures up deceased spirits, and more. The fun is indeed just beginning with those who are wayward in the faith long after Halloween's end. Some dark spirits just don't leave unless one is empowered by the Holy Ghost to cast out, send away, or bind them up. Horrific images just don't disappear from minds without constant mediation, prayer, and a time of fasting as directed by the one true God. Demonic singers' songs don't just disappear from ears. They repeat over and over again for a time until they annoy their listeners.
If one is not a sincere believer although he or she still believes all is well, then how are the people and things of God really going to work for them? They won't unless he or she confesses sin and repents. The repenting part is a bit of a challenge. In the meantime, God's life lessons are waiting.
Halloween might be over, but evil still walks among us.
Nicholl McGuire shares spiritual insight about a variety of topics here.
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