Saturday, November 21, 2020

On Playing God - Now We are in this Mess

If people had allowed God to be God rather than play god, the abusers, users, players, and others who were destined to go to their graves sooner rather than later, would not be still walking above ground!  Yet, man and woman stood in front of those, who God was all-too ready to render his judgment, "Oh please Lord, spare their lives.  Have mercy on them!"  You can't save everyone.  

The plague (coronavirus, covid 19) has come to not only claim the lives of those who we would deem innocent--gone too early, but also to take those who should have long ago been taken off the face of this earth!  Don't pity all of humanity, Optimist don't stand in the way of those who God has cursed, please get out the way with all your drugs, potions, incantations, spells, equipment, etc.!  Those in the medical profession, who are having to pick and choose who will be saved, do it in good conscience make your decision as your Creator leads!

A plague, the great equalizer, an evil that was had long been here and we (the citizens) didn't know it, we suspected something evil in the works, but we couldn't pinpoint when it would manifest itself for all to see, experience, and cry about it to the Almighty.  It showed up in force as a manufactured terroristic threat, an ethnic cleanse, population control tool, the gift for specific targets that keeps on giving... at least at first, but since this plague grew into something that couldn't care less how smart, how wealthy, how white, or right you are, know this, God allowed it-- The Great I AM!

Man has long complained about things like: long lines at stores, traffic on his way to work, noise pollution, lack of natural resources, wanting the poor off his payroll, having to care for his wife, ex-wife, mistress, children and other relatives, not making enough money, not having enough social security, not saving enough for retirement, not being able to enjoy his vacation due to all the people and how costly items are...

His complaining has produced in him the following: selfishness, stubbornness, greed, arrogance, wickedness, and an unapologetic and unforgiving heart!  He doesn't find his railings upsetting, his silent treatment abusive, his threatening behaviors unsettling, his miserly ways divisive and a hindrance toward getting his family needs met! 

God allowed the following to happen and to date the curse continues, a man reaps what he has sown!  Man has lied to others and now he is being lied to.  Man has boasted of his "never getting sick" and now he has been physically ill (and will become sick again due to his prideful and self-serving ways).  Man has cheated on wives, taxes, and even God himself, and now he is being cheated!  Man has lost employment, gained employment then acted selfishly, and will lose his money again!  Man has falsely accused others of acts he was in fact guilty of and now victims are pointing back at him.  Man has threatened and intimidated others causing mental instability in his victims and now he is nervous, unstable, and having his share of trouble sleeping at night.

Man tried to play God and "fix" things.  He didn't permit nor did he want God to manage, uplift, rebuke, or even take away the wicked people, places and things that would have made him a better man!  Saints, wretched men wanted to have it all!  Therefore, God steps away and allows a self-centered man's many scripts (egotistical plans, dreams, ambitions) to play out.  Scripts that are energy-draining, time-consuming, costs much money without a promised generous ROI, destructive, vengeful, and ultimately make people feel like they wish they could be anywhere but living in these perilous times!  

The freedom that people seek, man wants to try to save them, make them better, keep them around even when they don't want to we are in this mess!


 You, LORD God Almighty, you who are the God of Israel, rouse yourself to punish all the nations; show no mercy to wicked traitors. Ps. 59:5 (NIV)

O that Thou wouldst slay the wicked, O God; depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed. For they speak against Thee wickedly, and Thine enemies take Thy name in vain. Do I not hate those who hate Thee, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against Thee? I hate them with the utmost hatred; they have become my enemies (Ps. 139:19-22).

“How long, O Lord, holy and true, wilt Thou refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Rev. 6:9-10).


Dear Lord, I ask of you that all those who you have destined to leave this land, may they go to join others like them, to their graves, or be confined in cells, caged like animals, for all the misery they have caused.  For we have cried for mercy, repented of sins, and turned from wicked ways.  We have even wanted to be more like you and join you in heaven.  Yet, man continues to play God taking matters in his own hands with the intent to use all he saves to brag, to use to feed his sinful fetishes, to work on his behalf for wicked organizations, and more.  Rise up oh Lord and fight our battles all around this world where it is clear what the motives of evil men and women and their associations are.  Remove those as well as their wicked offspring and organizations

all over this world speedily, in Jesus name.

Nicholl McGuire is the manager and contributor to this blog and When Mothers Cry.    


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