This is a spiritual blog based on a non-fiction Christian book written by Nicholl McGuire. This Christian blog is a start in the right direction for Christian believers who desire to break free from energy-draining personal and professional relationships! Prepare yourself to confront your foes in God's time! Keep your faith, say prayers, and trust in Jesus Christ! If you need deliverance, see professionals in your area to help guide you.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Christian Resources to Help You Cope with Stress
1) Located in Pittsburgh PA, this company helps with people who have long term disabilities. Christian Support Services
2) Considering a divorce? Support group available for women. Christian Support for Divorce
3) Struggling or suffering with any number of issues. See here.
4) Fresh Hope is an international network of Christian support groups for those who have a mental health diagnosis and for their loved ones.
5) Christian weight loss and spiritual wellness for women. Victory Steps for Women
6) Helpful information on finding a support group, what to look for...Finding a Group
7) Grief Recovery Support, see GriefShare
Be sure to check reviews before paying for any services. Information on sites are useful based on need. Reach out and connect with those who are going through something similar like yourself. Don't feel alone this holiday season, help is out there. Be willing to receive it and most of all pray! Have a blessed time in the Lord!
2) Considering a divorce? Support group available for women. Christian Support for Divorce
3) Struggling or suffering with any number of issues. See here.
4) Fresh Hope is an international network of Christian support groups for those who have a mental health diagnosis and for their loved ones.
5) Christian weight loss and spiritual wellness for women. Victory Steps for Women
6) Helpful information on finding a support group, what to look for...Finding a Group
7) Grief Recovery Support, see GriefShare
Be sure to check reviews before paying for any services. Information on sites are useful based on need. Reach out and connect with those who are going through something similar like yourself. Don't feel alone this holiday season, help is out there. Be willing to receive it and most of all pray! Have a blessed time in the Lord!
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Sunday, December 18, 2016
The Enemy of Self - Keep Making Poor Decisions, Set Yourself Back, Away from God
"I don't know why I keep doing this...Why do I let this happen? Why are the same toxic people drawn to me? I never learn the first time...I do things that hurt others."
Have you ever heard statements like those mentioned above Have you said similar things?
We make poor life decisions at times and then wonder why we end up feeling so bad while asking God, "Can you please help?" The negative signs are usually there early on like: when we meet someone the first time, think about doing something not so beneficial, yet we have to talk ourselves into doing it. How about worry so much knowing full well that is an indication we shouldn't be doing what we have in mind in the first place? Then there are those obvious red flags that tell us we don't have time, energy, money or resources to even think about agreeing to something much less doing it. With so many early warning signs telling us, "No." We say, "Yes" to everything but what God wants us to do like, "Wait." or "No, I have something/someone better." Following are the problems when we make wrong choices: debt, lies, pain, hurt feelings, break up, job loss, death, etc.
Well in the coming years more and more Christians, who choose to take God seriously, and walk closely with him are going to learn to say, "No" to anyone or anything that is keeping them away from their relationship with the Holy One. While the world looks on and says, "But I thought you were a Christian, aren't you supposed to do this and that..." They will be quite surprised at the hand of God when he uses the Christian in ways that will leave many in shock.
Backsliders are going to get tired of being set back, away, and apart. Personal revivals rather than corporate ones are going to take place sending more and more believers away from home churches due to lukewarm disobedient leaders. Pastors who were once appointed and anointed to speak the things of God will be brought down low because of their refusals to confess sin and repent--no more excuse-making, cover ups, lies and secrets--all will be exposed who continue to keep using God's mercy and forgiveness as excuses to sin! The years ahead for many leaders nationally and internationally will be long, difficult, and used as tools to teach others what happens when you cross God.
The enemy of self is far worse than the Devil himself. He sits back and watches, he doesn't have to be proactive in the lives of wayward believers because they already give him a stick to crack their heads with. They are convinced that they are "okay, alright" even when life decisions they have made are setting them back spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc. Think of the things that could be better in your life, but because you refuse to admit errors and receive correction you remain stagnant.
God uses a variety of signs both good and bad to get our attention, yet a man or woman will continue to avoid their Creator. They will claim, "I'm not ready for change...I don't want to...Leave me alone, bother someone else God...I'm good already. I don't need you Lord. I can do this on my own." And so God will leave them alone and gradually pull back his people, opportunities, and other things from those who don't want to take him at his Word.
For the lost, make time for God today and he just might make time for you. For those who already know better, set aside some time to re-evaluate some future decisions you plan on making no matter how big or small. Incorporate God in your decision-making and wait on Him.
Nicholl McGuire
Blog Owner and Author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
Friday, December 16, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Are You Saying the Kind of Prayers to Get Results?
He is the Creator of the Universe, he is almighty, powerful, and he is our heavenly Father. God loves us more than we know! So are we having the kind of conversation with him that is getting results? Do we see the fruits of the Spirit being made manifested in our lives? If not, do we have some un-confessed sins that we must take care of before approaching him?
With so much madness going on in the world, some believers have got to step it up in their prayer time! It isn't any wonder that for some Christians there seems to be static in the prayer line when it comes to God answering prayers and petitions, because they don't take him or his words seriously. For some, wayward in the faith, God is far away, doesn't care, and has better things to do than to listen to them. But I beg to differ! He does hear, see, care, love, and acts upon our requests. Yet, are we doing any of those things when he wants to get our attention? When God tells us to listen, follow instructions, lean on him, read his word, go through Jesus when we pray, attend bible study and/or worship services, are we doing just that?
Trust in God today and tell him about the things that are good, bad and otherwise. Simply believe that he has heard your requests about yourself, spouse, children, family, co-workers, brothers and sisters in Christ as well as strangers on the street. Afterward, sit awhile and listen out for his voice and seek evidence that he has heard your prayers.
Blessings to you this holiday season!
Nicholl McGuire
Blog Owner and Author
Check out YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7 and subscribe, "Setting the captives free!"

Trust in God today and tell him about the things that are good, bad and otherwise. Simply believe that he has heard your requests about yourself, spouse, children, family, co-workers, brothers and sisters in Christ as well as strangers on the street. Afterward, sit awhile and listen out for his voice and seek evidence that he has heard your prayers.
Blessings to you this holiday season!
Nicholl McGuire
Blog Owner and Author
Check out YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7 and subscribe, "Setting the captives free!"
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Be Wise This Holiday Season When Dealing with Family, In-laws.
When Mothers Cry: Showing Love to Mothers: Divorced, Single, Married and Depressed Moms: Be Wise This Holiday Season When Dealing with Fami...: Protective mothers are alert when it comes to everything from what to buy their children to where they go for the holidays. They don’...
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Holiday Confrontations
Should you say what is on your mind over turkey? Maybe you should wait when the kids are playing outside? Should you sit with that busybody relative and give her a piece of her mind since you don't know if you will ever see her again? Should you tell a friend where to go after all the stuff she has put you through? These issues and more are what many are facing during those long-awaited family celebrations.
Before visiting with family, spend some time in prayer and if need be participate in a spiritual fast before the feasting. Tell God what you want to come out of your visit with the relatives and most of all ask him for protection (Psalm 91). If you need to talk, find a spot away from listening ears and share. Be slow to anger. If you need to let go of someone, let this be the last time you see him or her and wish that person well. If you need to be at peace, provide a gift and a card to someone you offended. But whatever you do, do it for the glory of God!
Remember God isn't like man and he isn't concerned about best places and times to do things, but he is one of order so if you listen and obey God in every situation, you can't go wrong! All things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). Check out these scriptures, see here: confrontation.
Open up your Bible read some verses about conduct, communication, and fools. In the book of John we see how Jesus' words apply to our modern living. There are plenty of scriptures, so start in the Book of Proverbs and be wise in all that you do!
Blessings to you and yours this holiday season!
Before visiting with family, spend some time in prayer and if need be participate in a spiritual fast before the feasting. Tell God what you want to come out of your visit with the relatives and most of all ask him for protection (Psalm 91). If you need to talk, find a spot away from listening ears and share. Be slow to anger. If you need to let go of someone, let this be the last time you see him or her and wish that person well. If you need to be at peace, provide a gift and a card to someone you offended. But whatever you do, do it for the glory of God!
Remember God isn't like man and he isn't concerned about best places and times to do things, but he is one of order so if you listen and obey God in every situation, you can't go wrong! All things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). Check out these scriptures, see here: confrontation.
Open up your Bible read some verses about conduct, communication, and fools. In the book of John we see how Jesus' words apply to our modern living. There are plenty of scriptures, so start in the Book of Proverbs and be wise in all that you do!
Blessings to you and yours this holiday season!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
God Sees You
For years we have posted articles, videos, images, and more on this blog to encourage and motivate one to think about a concern that might be on his or her mind. We are in the process of working on other projects, but we want you to know that our visitors to this blog are in our thoughts and prayers. Sometimes all you want is for someone to say, "I care about you...I want what is best for you!" Well that's what I just did--lol. You are loved! God sees you and He knows what you are going through. So don't give up on Him or the fight to do what's right. You are in His hands. Feel free to surf this informative blog, may you be blessed and highly favored of the Lord.
Nicholl McGuire
Founder of Face Your Foe
Nicholl McGuire
Founder of Face Your Foe
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Slothfulness - Laziness in Relationships - Friend turned Foe
Some people have ruined quality relationships due to laziness and stubborness. Check out messages by Inspirational Speaker and Author Nicholl McGuire on Chirbit
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Demons are Real, People & Animals Can Have Them - Biblical Scripture References
To date, people still make offerings to demonic entities.
1 Corinthians 10:20
No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.
You can't play on two sides of the fence--serving God and Satan.
1 Corinthians 10:21
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons.
Demons are casted out of people
Mark 1:34
...and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
Demons go into animals.
Matthew 8:31
The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs."
Demons recognize the Spirit of Christ
Luke 4:41
Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, "You are the Son of God!" But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Messiah.
If you are a believer in Christ and Holy Spirit filled, you have the power to drive out demons!
Luke 9:1
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases...
Scripture references taken from NIV Version of Bible
Compiled by N. McGuire
1 Corinthians 10:20
No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.
You can't play on two sides of the fence--serving God and Satan.
1 Corinthians 10:21
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons.
Demons are casted out of people
Mark 1:34
...and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
Demons go into animals.
Matthew 8:31
The demons begged Jesus, "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs."
Demons recognize the Spirit of Christ
Luke 4:41
Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, "You are the Son of God!" But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Messiah.
If you are a believer in Christ and Holy Spirit filled, you have the power to drive out demons!
Luke 9:1
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases...
Scripture references taken from NIV Version of Bible
Compiled by N. McGuire
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Friday, September 9, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
All Hands on Deck - The Enemy is Still at Work, Always Will Be
Sometimes when times are going well, we still have to be reminded that Satan is at work to steal our joy. When we should be praising and honoring God, we are caught in a dispute, disappointment or sudden depression because of satanic entities. We know to wear the full armor of Christ in every situation, but sometimes we don't always do it.
Satan manipulates.
When things seem to be up, the devil and those who follow his ways, will attempt to bring us down. Using gullible people, shoddy places, and wicked tools, the enemy finds a way to get someone to have evil thoughts about us, twist our words, and entrap us and others in mental brainwashing. Don't fall for every word that comes out of a hater's mouth!
Satan is jealous.
As much as you don't want to believe that a family member or friend is jealous of you when times are good, they can be. Satanic influence is rooted in jealousy. Remember, Satan fell out of a beautiful place and relationship with God--why would he or his angels ever be sincerely happy for you? So it is never a good idea to tell everyone about everything that is happening to you--they will eventually use it against you. Evil people find ways to make you feel bad about all the good that is happening to you. Whether their questions or comments appear helpful or not, be cautious of their so-called well-meaning communication.
Satan is ugly.
Whether one looks good on the outside or inside, something about them is ugly--thanks to Satan's work on them. You usually find out when you speak to them at length or when you make physical contact. Always be in prayer before, during and after seeing them.
Take a moment to read Ephesians 6 today and check out my book Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic.
Nicholl McGuire
Satan manipulates.
When things seem to be up, the devil and those who follow his ways, will attempt to bring us down. Using gullible people, shoddy places, and wicked tools, the enemy finds a way to get someone to have evil thoughts about us, twist our words, and entrap us and others in mental brainwashing. Don't fall for every word that comes out of a hater's mouth!
Satan is jealous.
As much as you don't want to believe that a family member or friend is jealous of you when times are good, they can be. Satanic influence is rooted in jealousy. Remember, Satan fell out of a beautiful place and relationship with God--why would he or his angels ever be sincerely happy for you? So it is never a good idea to tell everyone about everything that is happening to you--they will eventually use it against you. Evil people find ways to make you feel bad about all the good that is happening to you. Whether their questions or comments appear helpful or not, be cautious of their so-called well-meaning communication.
Satan is ugly.
Whether one looks good on the outside or inside, something about them is ugly--thanks to Satan's work on them. You usually find out when you speak to them at length or when you make physical contact. Always be in prayer before, during and after seeing them.
Take a moment to read Ephesians 6 today and check out my book Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic.
Nicholl McGuire
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Kingdom Business is Your Business - A New You that Draws People to God
Your job is to do what's right simply put as a blood bought Christ believer.
Attempt to work on those weak areas of your life. Be the kind of individual that is always striving to do good and will make others say every now and again, "I like that person for standing up for what's right." Some people may not like or love you, but they will agree that what you said or did was impactful and that it had to be "nothing but God that helped you, help others."
I don't know about you, but every time I walk out doors I recognize the fact that I am on some kind of mission for God. It may be a trip to the store, a ride to work, or visiting with others, but I know that when I show up God is also there.
Despite the numerous issues that people have with the unseen Supreme Being we call, Jesus, God, Holy Ghost or something else, the point is He has been here long before we were born and so will he when the undertaker puts us in graves six feet.
Does it really matter what a flawed human being says about your faith?
You are loved, chosen, and called by God. Fulfill the mission he has for your life. Seek him for whatever the plan and be ready for almost anything! Those who are indeed chosen will do what is right and others, well not so much.
Stay faithful!
Nicholl McGuire
Attempt to work on those weak areas of your life. Be the kind of individual that is always striving to do good and will make others say every now and again, "I like that person for standing up for what's right." Some people may not like or love you, but they will agree that what you said or did was impactful and that it had to be "nothing but God that helped you, help others."
I don't know about you, but every time I walk out doors I recognize the fact that I am on some kind of mission for God. It may be a trip to the store, a ride to work, or visiting with others, but I know that when I show up God is also there.
Despite the numerous issues that people have with the unseen Supreme Being we call, Jesus, God, Holy Ghost or something else, the point is He has been here long before we were born and so will he when the undertaker puts us in graves six feet.
Does it really matter what a flawed human being says about your faith?
You are loved, chosen, and called by God. Fulfill the mission he has for your life. Seek him for whatever the plan and be ready for almost anything! Those who are indeed chosen will do what is right and others, well not so much.
Stay faithful!
Nicholl McGuire
Spiritual or Religious, Christian or Catholic: Satan Knows You are a Believer
Seated in a room the Christian believer is surrounded by children of darkness, they don't recognize the power of one who is covered in the blood of Jesus. However, they know, "That one is not one of us." Whether one considers his or herself spiritual or religious, what is certain is that Satan doesn't like or want you around. You are on his radar and he creates wicked plans to defeat the weak-minded Christian.
It is no surprise that you struggle at times with wanting to fight with flesh rather than with Spirit and truth. Following is what I heard from the one True God...
"You who boast whether spiritual or religious, Christian or catholic, Jew or Gentile awaken to your false beliefs, manipulative religious doctrine, and see Truth. For she is an honest one, righteous, and a blood bought believer. Truth comes in many forms, a blessing to some and a curse to others.
You who think that the grass is greener on the other side and who focus on a hidden plan to run from life challenges in the hope that you can flee from the pain and start anew. Yet in the end, one only gets more of the same because he/she has yet to confess sin and repent.
What about those who lie, steal, kill, destroy, and do other things to turn atmospheres upside down? They have a hell awaiting them. Their stubborn hearts, evil thinking, and other destructive behaviors have not only put themselves on a fast track to hell but are bringing others with them."
Do you recognize the God that awakens you from your deep sleep?
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. - John 4:24
Nicholl McGuire
It is no surprise that you struggle at times with wanting to fight with flesh rather than with Spirit and truth. Following is what I heard from the one True God...
"You who boast whether spiritual or religious, Christian or catholic, Jew or Gentile awaken to your false beliefs, manipulative religious doctrine, and see Truth. For she is an honest one, righteous, and a blood bought believer. Truth comes in many forms, a blessing to some and a curse to others.
You who think that the grass is greener on the other side and who focus on a hidden plan to run from life challenges in the hope that you can flee from the pain and start anew. Yet in the end, one only gets more of the same because he/she has yet to confess sin and repent.
What about those who lie, steal, kill, destroy, and do other things to turn atmospheres upside down? They have a hell awaiting them. Their stubborn hearts, evil thinking, and other destructive behaviors have not only put themselves on a fast track to hell but are bringing others with them."
Do you recognize the God that awakens you from your deep sleep?
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. - John 4:24
Nicholl McGuire
Friday, July 29, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Wayward Christians - Are you one?
Wayward Christians, that's what many are. Claiming to love God and wanting what is best for others one day then acting totally different another--the truth is far from them.
The hypocrites (Christian pretenders) lie, steal, and wound others with words and/or fists. They attend churches, organize family events, participate in prayer circles, or avoid all things Christian while embracing satanic influences. They justify their negative behaviors while being critical of others. The inconsistent believer wants respect, but don't give it. They seek blessings, but they aren't the least bit interested in listening to God. They tell one another to do what is right, but don't think right.
You may be that Christian who loves God when He provides for you and dislike Him when he doesn't. You might be angry, bitter, confused, and worried about so many things, but the world can't tell, because you put on a good act.
Take a moment to pray for yourself and those who have offended you recently. Ask God to intervene in your situation. Confess your sins and change your mindset about God. Read His word and know Him for yourself.
Blessings to you!
The hypocrites (Christian pretenders) lie, steal, and wound others with words and/or fists. They attend churches, organize family events, participate in prayer circles, or avoid all things Christian while embracing satanic influences. They justify their negative behaviors while being critical of others. The inconsistent believer wants respect, but don't give it. They seek blessings, but they aren't the least bit interested in listening to God. They tell one another to do what is right, but don't think right.
You may be that Christian who loves God when He provides for you and dislike Him when he doesn't. You might be angry, bitter, confused, and worried about so many things, but the world can't tell, because you put on a good act.
Your foe may not be anyone, but yourself.
Take a moment to pray for yourself and those who have offended you recently. Ask God to intervene in your situation. Confess your sins and change your mindset about God. Read His word and know Him for yourself.
Blessings to you!
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Going to Church Alone is for You, But Don't Bring the Church Home with You
If your church attendance isn't rocking the boat at home, then do go. If you aren't one for bringing the pastor and all religion related stuff home with you, then by all means visit. However, if the self-righteousness, pride, and ugliness keeps showing up in your home after attending church sessions, you have to know that you might have something to do with it.
Unbelievers don't like Christians--that is a fact. They tolerate believers especially outspoken ones. They know that the Christian's goal is to recruit. Many unsaved folks know what the Bible says and they also have their personal issues with the Bible and the believers as well. Yet, what the saved, sanctified and Holy Ghost egoist does is blab too much about what he or she received at the church, rather than be silent and let his or her light shine on the whole household.
Attending church is always a good thing when people are doing it for the right reasons, but it can turn into a bad thing when believers are using church visiting as a weapon against one's family.
"I'm going to church this Sunday--I am going to pray fire comes down on everyone who is messing with me at home!...Lord, you know I'm tired of them folks not wanting to go to church with me...they need to be here and listen!"
So the fired up believer heads back home ready to change some minds and hearts while losing sight that the visit was for he or she and not for the family. Now sometimes things do change in the atmosphere at home as a result of something being said or done, but typically the change is temporal. Then the family drama arises again and again while no one in the household progresses.
When one attends church alone, he or she is doing it for self. Through those services, if done as God wills, in time the visitor or member will be inspired to do something life-changing even if family and friends don't want to visit or join one's church.
Nicholl McGuire
Unbelievers don't like Christians--that is a fact. They tolerate believers especially outspoken ones. They know that the Christian's goal is to recruit. Many unsaved folks know what the Bible says and they also have their personal issues with the Bible and the believers as well. Yet, what the saved, sanctified and Holy Ghost egoist does is blab too much about what he or she received at the church, rather than be silent and let his or her light shine on the whole household.
Attending church is always a good thing when people are doing it for the right reasons, but it can turn into a bad thing when believers are using church visiting as a weapon against one's family.

So the fired up believer heads back home ready to change some minds and hearts while losing sight that the visit was for he or she and not for the family. Now sometimes things do change in the atmosphere at home as a result of something being said or done, but typically the change is temporal. Then the family drama arises again and again while no one in the household progresses.
When one attends church alone, he or she is doing it for self. Through those services, if done as God wills, in time the visitor or member will be inspired to do something life-changing even if family and friends don't want to visit or join one's church.
Nicholl McGuire
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Difficult People are Not Your Friends, Favorite Family Members - Their Issues Will Distract You Away from God if You Let Them
Sometimes we forget that some people can be quite difficult to be around because suddenly they are smiling, being friendly and acting quite interested in us. But the niceties fade rather quickly and before long they return to their unfriendly selves. This sort of behavior can happen in relationships, between friends, at work, church and elsewhere.
When you see a frequent emotional swing occurring with difficult people, protect your own emotions and don't be misled into believing they have had a permanent change, an unproven spiritual awakening or something else, because you did the following: prayed, talked them into going to church, or did a kind act for them. Avoid getting your hopes up. Rather, stay the course with Jesus and don't be distracted by people who don't enjoy being joyful and don't like themselves or others.
Below are some reminders about challenging individuals.
1. God didn't call you to fight daily with a hard-hearted, angry or mentally disturbed individual.
2. You are not goig to always get your way especially with a challenging person.
3. Difficult people will bring ou down if you let them and are often sharing a space with them.
4. A violent person will sooner or later hurt you physically.
5. Emotionally abusive people will name-call, threaten, blame and do other disrespectful things when approached about their negative behaviors.
6. Never assume that an abusive person, busybody, gossip, know-it-all type, etc. cares about your feelings, will not lie to you or tell your secrets to others.
7. Petty men and women who create unreasonable and unattainable goals, do not make good friends.
8. You re better off alone, then with an often angry individual.
9. If you feel like you shouldn't call, go around, or share something with a person, play it safe, don't do it.
10. Remember what you have learned from the Bible (i.e. the 10 commandments for starters) and don't be tempted to sin just to put a smile on someone's face or make them feel good. The person will only bring up your sin to you later and discredit your faith in Christ.
Nicholl McGuire
When you see a frequent emotional swing occurring with difficult people, protect your own emotions and don't be misled into believing they have had a permanent change, an unproven spiritual awakening or something else, because you did the following: prayed, talked them into going to church, or did a kind act for them. Avoid getting your hopes up. Rather, stay the course with Jesus and don't be distracted by people who don't enjoy being joyful and don't like themselves or others.
Below are some reminders about challenging individuals.
1. God didn't call you to fight daily with a hard-hearted, angry or mentally disturbed individual.
2. You are not goig to always get your way especially with a challenging person.
3. Difficult people will bring ou down if you let them and are often sharing a space with them.
4. A violent person will sooner or later hurt you physically.
5. Emotionally abusive people will name-call, threaten, blame and do other disrespectful things when approached about their negative behaviors.
6. Never assume that an abusive person, busybody, gossip, know-it-all type, etc. cares about your feelings, will not lie to you or tell your secrets to others.
7. Petty men and women who create unreasonable and unattainable goals, do not make good friends.
8. You re better off alone, then with an often angry individual.
9. If you feel like you shouldn't call, go around, or share something with a person, play it safe, don't do it.
10. Remember what you have learned from the Bible (i.e. the 10 commandments for starters) and don't be tempted to sin just to put a smile on someone's face or make them feel good. The person will only bring up your sin to you later and discredit your faith in Christ.
Nicholl McGuire
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Friday, May 6, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Be Encouraged! Speak Life, Stay Positive and Be Renewed in Mind, Body and Spirit
I Speak Life - Donald Lawrence and Company and other gospel artists.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Busy People Blaming Others for Their Issues
Busy People Blaming Others for Their Issues: Faith-based truth talk by inspirational speaker and author Nicholl McGuire from YouTube channel NM Enterprise 7...
Friday, April 8, 2016
What are You Rebounding From?
Rebound means to bound or spring back from force of impact, to recover, as from ill health or discouragement.
Are you rebounding from a difficult circumstance, a wilderness experience, or a loss? We all go through something that leaves us scratching our heads, "Why?" But the key to moving on with one's life is to rebound, get back into the fight. The problem with some people is that when they go through many obstacles, they don't want to get back out there and fight anymore. They cry, sulk, and escape into a place of meaningless activities.
You may have gone through much. You may feel like you can't take another blow from an enemy. But like a fighter in a ring, you can get back up again! You can look your opponent in the eye and say, "I'm still here! I'm still fighting!" We do this by learning from the lessons we have been taught and getting on with life.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of When Mothers Cry, Laboring to Love Myself, and many other advice books.
Are you rebounding from a difficult circumstance, a wilderness experience, or a loss? We all go through something that leaves us scratching our heads, "Why?" But the key to moving on with one's life is to rebound, get back into the fight. The problem with some people is that when they go through many obstacles, they don't want to get back out there and fight anymore. They cry, sulk, and escape into a place of meaningless activities.
You may have gone through much. You may feel like you can't take another blow from an enemy. But like a fighter in a ring, you can get back up again! You can look your opponent in the eye and say, "I'm still here! I'm still fighting!" We do this by learning from the lessons we have been taught and getting on with life.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of When Mothers Cry, Laboring to Love Myself, and many other advice books.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Monday, April 4, 2016
Sunday, April 3, 2016
The Foe Doesn't Want You To Spiritually Grow
He will nit-pick, talk about who you know, where you are going, and whether you are in fact a child of God based on his personal observations. Your foe doesn't want you drawing near to God. If he knows anything about the Father, he knows that as you learn more about the Great Messiah you will start to see his flaws. So the enemy uses him as a distraction. He too doesn't want you to growing in your faith because Satan's agenda always is and always will be to kill, steal, and destroy.
Look around you, an enemy of the Christian comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, ethnicity, genders, social classes, educational and spiritual backgrounds. When one has been walking with believers and unbelievers for quite some time, you will begin to recognize who is a foe and who is harmless.
For years, I saw the systematic destruction placed on some believers by those who were jealous, bitter, vengeful, had personality disorders and more. Unfortunately, the behaviors were not addressed and stopped. The believers made excuses, dismissed what they saw, wanted to believe lies rather than truths, and were quite defensive when fellow brothers and sisters tried to make them see the truth. So the rebellious suffer the consequences. The enemy wins with many backsliders because they permit him to hinder progress. They allow him to come in and confuse, distract, and tempt them into doing wrong.
We grieve the Holy Spirit when we choose to ignore the truth. As children of light, we expose and so too are we exposed. If we are doing the kind of things that affect spiritual growth the is a price we pay as a result--a heavy one that might cause many to turn away from God. Be mindful of the company you keep from a backsliding partner to a generous, but conniving friend--watch as well as pray!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other enlightening books.
Look around you, an enemy of the Christian comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, ethnicity, genders, social classes, educational and spiritual backgrounds. When one has been walking with believers and unbelievers for quite some time, you will begin to recognize who is a foe and who is harmless.
For years, I saw the systematic destruction placed on some believers by those who were jealous, bitter, vengeful, had personality disorders and more. Unfortunately, the behaviors were not addressed and stopped. The believers made excuses, dismissed what they saw, wanted to believe lies rather than truths, and were quite defensive when fellow brothers and sisters tried to make them see the truth. So the rebellious suffer the consequences. The enemy wins with many backsliders because they permit him to hinder progress. They allow him to come in and confuse, distract, and tempt them into doing wrong.
We grieve the Holy Spirit when we choose to ignore the truth. As children of light, we expose and so too are we exposed. If we are doing the kind of things that affect spiritual growth the is a price we pay as a result--a heavy one that might cause many to turn away from God. Be mindful of the company you keep from a backsliding partner to a generous, but conniving friend--watch as well as pray!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other enlightening books.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Sometimes Believers Need to Be Reminded...
ALL things (this includes good, bad and otherwise).
Be encouraged! Check out Inspirational Speaker and Author Nicholl McGuire
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Christian Guest Bloggers, Videomakers, Entrepreneurs or Authors Wanted
Weekly we feature some interesting finds around the web, so if you would like to gain some more views, share wisdom, or impact our readers as God leads, feel free to reply to this message.
We are seeking engaging material related to confrontations, challenges, and other related things affecting the Christian community and how might the problems be addressed.
We are also looking for Christian business owners to advertise as well. So if you would like to add yet another place to market your product, brand or service, do leave a comment or contact Let's Connect!
We are seeking engaging material related to confrontations, challenges, and other related things affecting the Christian community and how might the problems be addressed.
We are also looking for Christian business owners to advertise as well. So if you would like to add yet another place to market your product, brand or service, do leave a comment or contact Let's Connect!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Procrastinating on the Problems - Relationship, Job, Family, Church
Dating? Nicholl's book is available here:
Monday, February 15, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Those Who Prostitute Themselves for Attention are Drawing God's Children Away from Him
Inspirational speaker and author Nicholl McGuire brings awareness on a topic that appears to be harmless when it comes to people who seek much of our attention. But too much paying attention to the ungodly, immoral and similar folks will in time draw you away from God. Ignore these 'Attention Whores' and get on with godly business!
Listen Music Files - Audio Hosting - Look at Me, Pay Attention to...
Listen Music Files - Audio Hosting - Look at Me, Pay Attention to...
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
TD Jakes Daughter Survived a Divorce - Those Who are Hurting Will Too
Sometimes you just have to call it quits for whatever reason. We don't live in your homes, we don't see what you have to go through each and everyday, and if God before you, then who can be against you?
May this old news about a woman who loved, lost and continues to lead the lost encourage some of you readers in a new way. You or someone you know might be going through a difficult divorce. If the daughter of someone honored all over the world like TD Jakes can survive a divorce, then why can't some of you? See here for story.
It can be quite tempting for Christians to abuse other Christians for their faults, but unless you have walked a mile Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate or someone who just isn't in love with you, then one really has nothing to say but, "I will pray for you."
Nicholl McGuire
May this old news about a woman who loved, lost and continues to lead the lost encourage some of you readers in a new way. You or someone you know might be going through a difficult divorce. If the daughter of someone honored all over the world like TD Jakes can survive a divorce, then why can't some of you? See here for story.
It can be quite tempting for Christians to abuse other Christians for their faults, but unless you have walked a mile Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate or someone who just isn't in love with you, then one really has nothing to say but, "I will pray for you."
Nicholl McGuire
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
When You Know You Don't Have Long on this Planet
There is one foe that most people don't want to think or talk about DEATH. Some Christians fear, worry and stress others about it while many believers act as if they can't speak about it.
With each passing day our bodies are dying and what can you really do about it? Preventative maintenance like eating healthy, being careful when driving and walking, ridding one's self from bad habits, thinking positively, etc. might extend our years, but our days are numbered. We are checking out sooner or later.
So what does the Christian who knows he or she is dying doing in the meantime? Well one thing we don't have time to do is fight every battle we are invited to by the lost, confused, and sick. We also can't be concerned about every issue that is presented in front of us or what people think about us.
After spending time with a fellow believer leading up to her death, you know what she told me? She didn't want to spend time talking about others' troubles. She wasn't the least bit interested in doing anything that might take her away from serving God, so she asked me many times to pray and read the Bible to her. In time, God called her home.
Sometimes we have to look at our current situations as if we are about to close our eyes. Is all that we cry, complain or fuss about really worth it? If you were lying on your backside would you be thinking about unbelievers, your church home, arguing with toxic relatives and friends, or worried about money, job and children? Some of you probably will be, because your relationship isn't right with the Lord. There is peace and freedom in having a personal relationship with Christ and allowing the Holy Ghost to minister to you.
Allow the Creator to release you from those people and burdens you keep talking, swearing, or worrying about. Stay true to God and don't let anyone or anything tempt you to stray!
Nicholl McGuire author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other books.
With each passing day our bodies are dying and what can you really do about it? Preventative maintenance like eating healthy, being careful when driving and walking, ridding one's self from bad habits, thinking positively, etc. might extend our years, but our days are numbered. We are checking out sooner or later.
So what does the Christian who knows he or she is dying doing in the meantime? Well one thing we don't have time to do is fight every battle we are invited to by the lost, confused, and sick. We also can't be concerned about every issue that is presented in front of us or what people think about us.
After spending time with a fellow believer leading up to her death, you know what she told me? She didn't want to spend time talking about others' troubles. She wasn't the least bit interested in doing anything that might take her away from serving God, so she asked me many times to pray and read the Bible to her. In time, God called her home.
Sometimes we have to look at our current situations as if we are about to close our eyes. Is all that we cry, complain or fuss about really worth it? If you were lying on your backside would you be thinking about unbelievers, your church home, arguing with toxic relatives and friends, or worried about money, job and children? Some of you probably will be, because your relationship isn't right with the Lord. There is peace and freedom in having a personal relationship with Christ and allowing the Holy Ghost to minister to you.
Allow the Creator to release you from those people and burdens you keep talking, swearing, or worrying about. Stay true to God and don't let anyone or anything tempt you to stray!
Nicholl McGuire author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic and other books.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Did God Call You to the Fight?
If there is a homosexual male in one corner, an atheist in another, a Klansman standing nearby, and a woman who curses like a sailor and none are the least bit interested in Jesus, then wouldn't it make sense to walk away in love? Maybe you can't mention Jesus or maybe you don't want to start any wars, but your mere presence alone will cause some disruption. One thing all would certainly agree on is to give one another respect. Not every battle the Christian is called to and not every one he or she will win with biblical words especially if God/Holy Ghost/Jesus is not present. -- Nicholl McGuire
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Christians Know Better Not to Be a Fool, But Some Still Play the Fool Anyway
They accepted Jesus once, but they don't want to study the Bible or related books to assist them. They don't desire to learn how to do some things better. They frown at having to perform research. They offer unwise counsel while doing and saying wicked things to others. These individuals are foolish Christians! Although believers in Christ, these men and women aren't the least bit interested in empowering themselves mentally, physically and spiritually against the attacks of the enemy.
We have all been played by a fool and have acted foolishly in our decision-making since walking with Christ. But once we received wisdom and knowledge about some things, our Lord expects us to grow, learn from life lessons and trials. However, so many believers don't! They lie, steal, kill, abuse, destroy, and more in the name of Jesus. They are children of darkness that say, "Lord, Lord..." but they are far from Him. Others are children of light but like a wick starting to go out on a candle, that's how they look to many observers.
Watch as well as pray when you consistently noticed a pattern of foolishness with a so-called Christian or one who sincerely believes but has a funny way of showing it. Guard your heart and don't be tempted to sin because of them. Also, do keep in mind those who are sincere believers may have chosen to walk somewhat with God, but stopped. Unwilling to do anything more, hypocrites, backsliders, and tired Christians are like abandoned vehicles left along side of freeways. The bodies of those vehicles may still be intact, but inside they are broken down, inoperable and unwilling to drive any farther.
Stay strong, my friend, keep fighting the good fight! Satan is always looking for one he can devour!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of many books. Feel free to check out her work on Smashwords, Amazon, Blurb, and other places online. Join her on YouTube channel: nmenterprise7 or connect with her on Twitter.
We have all been played by a fool and have acted foolishly in our decision-making since walking with Christ. But once we received wisdom and knowledge about some things, our Lord expects us to grow, learn from life lessons and trials. However, so many believers don't! They lie, steal, kill, abuse, destroy, and more in the name of Jesus. They are children of darkness that say, "Lord, Lord..." but they are far from Him. Others are children of light but like a wick starting to go out on a candle, that's how they look to many observers.
Watch as well as pray when you consistently noticed a pattern of foolishness with a so-called Christian or one who sincerely believes but has a funny way of showing it. Guard your heart and don't be tempted to sin because of them. Also, do keep in mind those who are sincere believers may have chosen to walk somewhat with God, but stopped. Unwilling to do anything more, hypocrites, backsliders, and tired Christians are like abandoned vehicles left along side of freeways. The bodies of those vehicles may still be intact, but inside they are broken down, inoperable and unwilling to drive any farther.
Stay strong, my friend, keep fighting the good fight! Satan is always looking for one he can devour!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of many books. Feel free to check out her work on Smashwords, Amazon, Blurb, and other places online. Join her on YouTube channel: nmenterprise7 or connect with her on Twitter.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Monday, January 4, 2016
Sunday, January 3, 2016
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