"I don't know why I keep doing this...Why do I let this happen? Why are the same toxic people drawn to me? I never learn the first time...I do things that hurt others."
Have you ever heard statements like those mentioned above Have you said similar things?
We make poor life decisions at times and then wonder why we end up feeling so bad while asking God, "Can you please help?" The negative signs are usually there early on like: when we meet someone the first time, think about doing something not so beneficial, yet we have to talk ourselves into doing it. How about worry so much knowing full well that is an indication we shouldn't be doing what we have in mind in the first place? Then there are those obvious red flags that tell us we don't have time, energy, money or resources to even think about agreeing to something much less doing it. With so many early warning signs telling us, "No." We say, "Yes" to everything but what God wants us to do like, "Wait." or "No, I have something/someone better." Following are the problems when we make wrong choices: debt, lies, pain, hurt feelings, break up, job loss, death, etc.
Well in the coming years more and more Christians, who choose to take God seriously, and walk closely with him are going to learn to say, "No" to anyone or anything that is keeping them away from their relationship with the Holy One. While the world looks on and says, "But I thought you were a Christian, aren't you supposed to do this and that..." They will be quite surprised at the hand of God when he uses the Christian in ways that will leave many in shock.
Backsliders are going to get tired of being set back, away, and apart. Personal revivals rather than corporate ones are going to take place sending more and more believers away from home churches due to lukewarm disobedient leaders. Pastors who were once appointed and anointed to speak the things of God will be brought down low because of their refusals to confess sin and repent--no more excuse-making, cover ups, lies and secrets--all will be exposed who continue to keep using God's mercy and forgiveness as excuses to sin! The years ahead for many leaders nationally and internationally will be long, difficult, and used as tools to teach others what happens when you cross God.
The enemy of self is far worse than the Devil himself. He sits back and watches, he doesn't have to be proactive in the lives of wayward believers because they already give him a stick to crack their heads with. They are convinced that they are "okay, alright" even when life decisions they have made are setting them back spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc. Think of the things that could be better in your life, but because you refuse to admit errors and receive correction you remain stagnant.
God uses a variety of signs both good and bad to get our attention, yet a man or woman will continue to avoid their Creator. They will claim, "I'm not ready for change...I don't want to...Leave me alone, bother someone else God...I'm good already. I don't need you Lord. I can do this on my own." And so God will leave them alone and gradually pull back his people, opportunities, and other things from those who don't want to take him at his Word.
For the lost, make time for God today and he just might make time for you. For those who already know better, set aside some time to re-evaluate some future decisions you plan on making no matter how big or small. Incorporate God in your decision-making and wait on Him.
Nicholl McGuire
Blog Owner and Author of Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
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