One of the worst character flaws of some, who claim to love the Lord and be obedient to his will, is the liar! This person will not hesitate to story-tell. No remorse and no apology follows the cold-hearted liar. He tells stories for no apparent reason. However, when in a room with some of these liars who don't have to worry over their public reputation sometimes they will reveal that they lied to avoid public shame, discord, or future challenges.
A woman lies to protect her title because she has a long standing history with the church while she hopes to obtain something from those she thinks she has fooled with her false stories. A man tells falsehoods because he believes he will stand out from the rest before a group he is trying to impress. Most importantly, he uses his lies to cover up the truth about who he really is underneath his smile, flattery, and gift-giving.
The liar has secrets. He or she manufacturers a story with the help of hell's angels whether these people choose to admit working for the devil or not. They think only of self and worry over those who may be impacted by their lies later.
The unsaved and saved don't mind lying to the Christian especially if the person cares, likes or dislikes his or her victim. If he or she believes in the lie and why he or she should tell it, even if one has been a Christian for years, the individual is going to tell it!
People will excuse the liar because of his or her past good deeds, how the person treats others overall positively, health issues, lack of material wealth, or whatever other reason to make one still maintain a relationship with a liar. However, to be in the story-tellers presence is risky and most likely one will be impacted by his or her gossip. Avoid spreading the liar's stories and do remember that witnesses might hold you accountable in the future--guilty by association.
Some common signs about liars, check yourself:
1. Talking so fast due to emotion, one will speak too quickly and out comes a statement or comment that is incorrect about a person or an event. Rather than make the statement right at that very moment, he or she will keep telling a story as if it is factual when it is not.
2. When a situation occurs when one can speak up and tell the truth, the liar avoids saying anything to appear as if everything is okay when it is not.
3. Liars will digress when communicating a story if they think one is catching on to their lie or advise the listener "not to say anything" knowing full well they have said something untruthful to someone or a group.
4. Liars exaggerate, make up so-called facts, and blame others when they know they are at fault.
5. Dishonest people will avoid settings where they might be exposed. They don't like to look people in the eye, sit down across from them, or stand still and converse. Many are often on the move, busy, or act as if everything else is more important than having a serious conversation with others.
When one has to confront a liar, be sure to have proof. It is frivolous do tell someone he or she is lying if you can't prove anything. If the liar acts as if he or she is innocent, don't work yourself up by yelling, threatening physical violence or saying or doing other things that will just make the liar look as if he or she is better than you before observants. Maintain self-control and deal with issues with a witness or two privately. Consider recording conversations noting dates and times you spoke with him or her. This way in the future the person can't say he or she never spoke to you about an incident.
A look back...
Do you recall a time when you lied? How did the person or group react to your lie? As much as we would like to think that we are all perfect and never do wrong, God will show us the truth about ourselves! Confess sin and repent for the sins you know about and the sins you don't this day. It may have been what one might consider a little fib about money spent or a huge lie that might cost you your family or job. Give your burden over to the Lord! Make wrongs right whenever you can. Trust in God to lead you on what to say in the future and how to behave.
Scripture Reference (taken from NIV)
A wicked person listens to deceitful lips; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue. Proverbs 17:4
Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar. Proverbs 30:6
Whoever says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. 1 John 2:4
Protect me Oh Lord from the mouth of liars! Give me the courage, knowledge and wisdom to deal with liars when the time comes. I ask in Jesus name to forgive me of any lies I have told and keep me from the temptation to lie again.
This is a spiritual blog based on a non-fiction Christian book written by Nicholl McGuire. This Christian blog is a start in the right direction for Christian believers who desire to break free from energy-draining personal and professional relationships! Prepare yourself to confront your foes in God's time! Keep your faith, say prayers, and trust in Jesus Christ! If you need deliverance, see professionals in your area to help guide you.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Your Enemy Won't Be on Top Forever
When you are use to being average or at the bottom in just about everything you do, you get to see the successful around you in a way that is different from one who already has more than enough. It's as if God puts 3D spiritual glasses over your eyes and you can see how Satan uses people to kick you when you are down. Those at the top, have little time or money, so they say, to help you climb to the top. Help is always just enough, but never more than enough for the selfish, prideful, and ignorant.
Over the years, I have met many people who were at the top of their games (industries) living in some fantasy world in their minds, be brought back to reality! You see, when you live in a world created to look beautiful, nice and wonderful because it has a dollar sign attached to it or because a "name" in a certain industry told you that it is so, you just might become a bit prideful and say mean things to people around you when they speak truth as God leads.
"What do you know, you only make...I pay all the bills, what do you have to think you are so smart...well what did God tell you about...?"
The rebellious, arrogant fool is more concerned about shooting down the messengers of God, rather than facing a sure reality that he or she will fall one day with all his or her evil-speaking and deceptive ways. Like Humpty, he sat on the wall, and all the "great, nice" people who was supposedly there to assist him, couldn't. Oh they will try, but what God breaks up, puts down, or separates, He has to be the one to restore! We must avoid Satan's trappings to want the things of others especially those who are under a curse!
Most people reach the top because of a love for money. Some would love to sugarcoat the truth and even blatantly deny it, but their lives are turned upside down--not because of what the saved think they might know about the person's character, but usually because this "star," if you will, has violated God's truth--the Christian is not supposed to love money! Because why? It is the root of all evil! The broke people, the generous associates, the critics of money, and the jealous folks all like to gather around individuals when money is being dispensed. They don't love the individual giving the money, they love the money! Yet, when it is all gone, the one who once bragged and talked of having it all is now like the rest of the world. In a moment's notice, the enemy of God is humbled when he has nothing to talk about.
If this message, hits home to some of you, it is because someone, or maybe even you, who believes in Christ allowed being at the top to affect your relationship with the one true God. So often Christians everywhere bring God for the ride of their lives and then when they reach the top, they don't know God, the church, his Bible, or the people around them that are being used by God. Those that have fallen from grace, lose favor with God and it takes a long time to get back right with Him.
Intercede if you are one who this writing doesn't describe for those who permitted success to take a front seat in their lives while God sat in the back. Pray for brothers and sisters struggling with a rebellious heart, those who are reprobate, and backsliders. Ask that God will have mercy on them, bring peace to their minds, body and spirits so that they can hear from the Lord. May God move on the hearts of men and women to do what's right for the Kingdom rather than focus on selfish gain.
To God be the glory!
Nicholl McGuire
Watch videos on Youtube channel: nmenterprise7
Over the years, I have met many people who were at the top of their games (industries) living in some fantasy world in their minds, be brought back to reality! You see, when you live in a world created to look beautiful, nice and wonderful because it has a dollar sign attached to it or because a "name" in a certain industry told you that it is so, you just might become a bit prideful and say mean things to people around you when they speak truth as God leads.
"What do you know, you only make...I pay all the bills, what do you have to think you are so smart...well what did God tell you about...?"
The rebellious, arrogant fool is more concerned about shooting down the messengers of God, rather than facing a sure reality that he or she will fall one day with all his or her evil-speaking and deceptive ways. Like Humpty, he sat on the wall, and all the "great, nice" people who was supposedly there to assist him, couldn't. Oh they will try, but what God breaks up, puts down, or separates, He has to be the one to restore! We must avoid Satan's trappings to want the things of others especially those who are under a curse!
Most people reach the top because of a love for money. Some would love to sugarcoat the truth and even blatantly deny it, but their lives are turned upside down--not because of what the saved think they might know about the person's character, but usually because this "star," if you will, has violated God's truth--the Christian is not supposed to love money! Because why? It is the root of all evil! The broke people, the generous associates, the critics of money, and the jealous folks all like to gather around individuals when money is being dispensed. They don't love the individual giving the money, they love the money! Yet, when it is all gone, the one who once bragged and talked of having it all is now like the rest of the world. In a moment's notice, the enemy of God is humbled when he has nothing to talk about.
If this message, hits home to some of you, it is because someone, or maybe even you, who believes in Christ allowed being at the top to affect your relationship with the one true God. So often Christians everywhere bring God for the ride of their lives and then when they reach the top, they don't know God, the church, his Bible, or the people around them that are being used by God. Those that have fallen from grace, lose favor with God and it takes a long time to get back right with Him.
Intercede if you are one who this writing doesn't describe for those who permitted success to take a front seat in their lives while God sat in the back. Pray for brothers and sisters struggling with a rebellious heart, those who are reprobate, and backsliders. Ask that God will have mercy on them, bring peace to their minds, body and spirits so that they can hear from the Lord. May God move on the hearts of men and women to do what's right for the Kingdom rather than focus on selfish gain.
To God be the glory!
Nicholl McGuire
Watch videos on Youtube channel: nmenterprise7
Sunday, December 8, 2013
When God handles the confrontation for you..."When They Talked About Me"
This audio message provides an up close and personal experience of what God does when people talk about his messengers. Wicked critics, backsliders, whoremongers, and liars have repeatedly been addressed in the Bible. Things haven't changed much in our society since the prophets shared God's words centuries ago. We all must be mindful of those who are working for God and those who are not.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
When the Emotionally Abused still Loves Her Abuser
He disrespected her again by having sex with another woman. Further, when she confronted him he verbally assaulted her and blamed her for his past and present indiscretions. After he broke her down to the point that she couldn’t rationally think or explain how everything he did to her was making her ill inside and out, he proceeded to hit her, then choke her and ended it all by threatening to kill her. Even after all of that, days later, she confided in a friend that she still loved him. What!?
You just read a real life example of an abused girlfriend who appeared to look happy with her beau, but little did anyone know. Once the smiling faces leave a household, the cameras are put away after holiday photos are taken, police are gone after yet another misunderstanding, and the support system has retired, the young woman finds herself one day in a hospital bed recovering from wounds as a result of another physical altercation with her cheating, angry man.
The abused woman will tell you with tears in her eyes, “He is sorry…he didn’t mean to do what he did…well I should have never…because I know how he can be…I believe he loves me.” Witnesses looking at her situation will never “get her” without having to walk in her shoes. They ponder, “How can someone still love a person who wants them dead?”
Forgiveness only comes easy to those who have yet to permit bitterness to take root, but sooner or later, the abused woman will reach a point of no return emotionally where everyone will pay for what she put herself through.
As twisted as it may seem, the hurt woman convinces herself she still loves her abuser. It was a process for her to get to this place of confusion and it will be a process for her to see that the anger is actually a healthy way to help her get over him, which for some women, they simply aren’t ready to get over their abusers no matter want they have done to them! Her heart is compassionate, she believes he can be helped and she wants to be a part of his journey.
You told her the truth about her sick situation, now let her be.
Pray for those who are being abused right now as you click around this blog.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate. Visit her blog here.
You just read a real life example of an abused girlfriend who appeared to look happy with her beau, but little did anyone know. Once the smiling faces leave a household, the cameras are put away after holiday photos are taken, police are gone after yet another misunderstanding, and the support system has retired, the young woman finds herself one day in a hospital bed recovering from wounds as a result of another physical altercation with her cheating, angry man.
The abused woman will tell you with tears in her eyes, “He is sorry…he didn’t mean to do what he did…well I should have never…because I know how he can be…I believe he loves me.” Witnesses looking at her situation will never “get her” without having to walk in her shoes. They ponder, “How can someone still love a person who wants them dead?”
Forgiveness only comes easy to those who have yet to permit bitterness to take root, but sooner or later, the abused woman will reach a point of no return emotionally where everyone will pay for what she put herself through.
As twisted as it may seem, the hurt woman convinces herself she still loves her abuser. It was a process for her to get to this place of confusion and it will be a process for her to see that the anger is actually a healthy way to help her get over him, which for some women, they simply aren’t ready to get over their abusers no matter want they have done to them! Her heart is compassionate, she believes he can be helped and she wants to be a part of his journey.
You told her the truth about her sick situation, now let her be.
Pray for those who are being abused right now as you click around this blog.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate. Visit her blog here.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Think: Before You Argue with an Unbelievers, Difficult People
Pray for them! Some people, whether believers or unbelievers, have reprobate minds. They are not going to believe in any being, go along with any sensible logic, or even attempt to get along with you especially if you are right about something.
Pray that God will convict their hearts, then shake the dust from your feet and keep moving!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
When Will You Face Your Foe?
Someone keeps saying some negative things about you and you keep responding with, "I don't care." A group treats you wrongly and all you can say is, "God will deal with them." Well, sometimes God isn't going to handle situations that he gave us the authority to handle, my friend!
What is the point in being Holy Spirit indwelled if you are not going to use Jesus name to fight a spiritual battle? Sure, you prayed about the people and the group more than enough times. But there is a supernatural battle that takes place when the same people keep having issue with you even when you see (with your natural eyes) that there is no reason for it.
Supernaturally your prayers aggravated demons. Your positive thoughts, conjured up negativity. Your peaceful demeanor started a war. "There she goes...being nice again. There he is saying some crazy things yet again about his God...Here they are wanting me to come to church with them...Christians!" the naysayers are mad. The critic is cursing you and God's prophets are trying to help you and all you can say is, "Okay. Don't tell me anything else." Instead, thank the messenger of the Lord and begin to bind demons up in Jesus name--you do have the authority, don't you? If in doubt, check the Bible out!
Declare spiritual warfare on your enemy, Saint! Facing your foe is more than just telling someone you don't like what they are saying about you. But standing up against your enemies is also about fighting a supernatural war where you conquer them in Jesus name! When was the last time someone told you, "Go in there and fight!" Most likely, they didn't. "I will pray for you..." isn't good enough. Ask the Lord to give you the strength, the courage, and the military might to fight your earthly as well as your supernatural enemies in Jesus name!
Nicholl McGuire
Don't have a study bible? Get one...Study with Nicholl
Nicholl is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
What is the point in being Holy Spirit indwelled if you are not going to use Jesus name to fight a spiritual battle? Sure, you prayed about the people and the group more than enough times. But there is a supernatural battle that takes place when the same people keep having issue with you even when you see (with your natural eyes) that there is no reason for it.
Supernaturally your prayers aggravated demons. Your positive thoughts, conjured up negativity. Your peaceful demeanor started a war. "There she goes...being nice again. There he is saying some crazy things yet again about his God...Here they are wanting me to come to church with them...Christians!" the naysayers are mad. The critic is cursing you and God's prophets are trying to help you and all you can say is, "Okay. Don't tell me anything else." Instead, thank the messenger of the Lord and begin to bind demons up in Jesus name--you do have the authority, don't you? If in doubt, check the Bible out!
Declare spiritual warfare on your enemy, Saint! Facing your foe is more than just telling someone you don't like what they are saying about you. But standing up against your enemies is also about fighting a supernatural war where you conquer them in Jesus name! When was the last time someone told you, "Go in there and fight!" Most likely, they didn't. "I will pray for you..." isn't good enough. Ask the Lord to give you the strength, the courage, and the military might to fight your earthly as well as your supernatural enemies in Jesus name!
Nicholl McGuire
Don't have a study bible? Get one...Study with Nicholl
Nicholl is the author of the following books:
Know Your Enemy: The Christian's Critic
When Mothers Cry
Laboring to Love Myself
Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate
Floral Beauty on a Dead End Street
Spiritual Poems By Nicholl
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
I Know My Enemy
It didn't take long to find out he was wrong
for me.
I could see that he didn't like me.
Eye rolls and stares, he put his fingers through his hair.
He thought he was better than me.
I had to pray to the one above
to give me strength to love, to love
my enemy.
I know my enemy,
he likes to play with me.
Play with my mind, stab me from behind,
then lie, then lie about me.
When I plead my case, face-to-face
witnesses don't want to believe me.
Accuse me of having issues,
then they give me some tissues.
"I know my enemy," I say.
They say, "We will pray."
Lord, help me this day.
He smiles and walks away.
Nicholl McGuire
Listen to book excerpts of Know your Enemy: The Christian's Critic here -
for me.
I could see that he didn't like me.
Eye rolls and stares, he put his fingers through his hair.
He thought he was better than me.
I had to pray to the one above
to give me strength to love, to love
my enemy.
I know my enemy,
he likes to play with me.
Play with my mind, stab me from behind,
then lie, then lie about me.
When I plead my case, face-to-face
witnesses don't want to believe me.
Accuse me of having issues,
then they give me some tissues.
"I know my enemy," I say.
They say, "We will pray."
Lord, help me this day.
He smiles and walks away.
Nicholl McGuire
Listen to book excerpts of Know your Enemy: The Christian's Critic here -
Monday, September 16, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Pray More, Argue Less
He's going to come talking about how he doesn't like this or that about you. She is going to come to you with this issue and that one and she isn't going to be nice about explaining what is on her mind either.
Your foe has an agenda and it goes something like this, "I didn't like the way she did that...I wish he hadn't said that...therefore I am going to tell this person how I feel."
Foes come with emotional baggage. Whether you are the one at fault or not, the point is the foe is ready for the fight, but not the battle. You see, when one is fighting he or she is looking for the knock-out and hoping that will be it--you will go away, but when one is battling, everything is at war both in the natural and the spiritual and you and your Heavenly Father ain't going nowhere!
So what are you going to do? Well you could avoid the fight by not being available. You could pray that your foe go away and you never see him or her again. You could even pack up and declare yourself dead. But seriously, what would any of these so-called easy-way-outs solve? What lesson do you learn in fighting when you can let God into your mess and he can start and end the battle supernaturally even before you see the truce in the natural? I prefer the latter option, because sometimes running just doesn't put things to rest like facing one's foe. Running from the phone, the event, the person, the place, the thing, and so on doesn't do any good when the phone keeps ringing, the event is still going on, the person is still around, the place or thing still exists--now what?
How about you prayerfully answer the cell phone, respond to the text, show up at the event, stop by unannounced for a visit carrying your foe's belongings, or being at the right place at the right time with the good news--that's right good news that you are free in Christ! "I am free," you exclaim. "I no longer feel the need to avoid you, cover up my feelings, and so on. I want to put XYZ to rest; therefore, here is my solution," you say.
Your foe isn't going to like the fact that you are controlling the confrontation--that you are getting your way. So this person is going to act difficult, create a few lies, basically get you upset. Devilish people bound by Satan don't like saintly people free in Christ.
Your foe is going to look for the blow-up argument (you know the one where people curse, yell, police are called, and hearts and things get broken?) At some point, your hater/enemy/jealous relative/crazy co-worker is going to expect you to lose control; therefore giving he or she good reason to bring in their plan to annihilate you. So the wicked one picks on you, he name-calls, yell, accuses you of things you didn't do, brings up the past, but surprisingly you aren't moved by anything the evil spirit within or around this person says or does. The threats mean nothing. The mental game-playing (ie. guilt trips) with relatives and friends don't hold any power anymore. You aren't staying up all night crying or complaining about your foe issues. You could care less about the He say/She say. You have arrived, my friend! You have reached the destination in your mind called, Peace.
Try as hard as you can with the help of the Holy Spirit to stand against your enemy wearing the full armor of God today, tonight and tomorrow!
Be grateful you have a Savior. Pray more, argue less!
Nicholl McGuire
Your foe has an agenda and it goes something like this, "I didn't like the way she did that...I wish he hadn't said that...therefore I am going to tell this person how I feel."
Foes come with emotional baggage. Whether you are the one at fault or not, the point is the foe is ready for the fight, but not the battle. You see, when one is fighting he or she is looking for the knock-out and hoping that will be it--you will go away, but when one is battling, everything is at war both in the natural and the spiritual and you and your Heavenly Father ain't going nowhere!
So what are you going to do? Well you could avoid the fight by not being available. You could pray that your foe go away and you never see him or her again. You could even pack up and declare yourself dead. But seriously, what would any of these so-called easy-way-outs solve? What lesson do you learn in fighting when you can let God into your mess and he can start and end the battle supernaturally even before you see the truce in the natural? I prefer the latter option, because sometimes running just doesn't put things to rest like facing one's foe. Running from the phone, the event, the person, the place, the thing, and so on doesn't do any good when the phone keeps ringing, the event is still going on, the person is still around, the place or thing still exists--now what?
How about you prayerfully answer the cell phone, respond to the text, show up at the event, stop by unannounced for a visit carrying your foe's belongings, or being at the right place at the right time with the good news--that's right good news that you are free in Christ! "I am free," you exclaim. "I no longer feel the need to avoid you, cover up my feelings, and so on. I want to put XYZ to rest; therefore, here is my solution," you say.
Your foe isn't going to like the fact that you are controlling the confrontation--that you are getting your way. So this person is going to act difficult, create a few lies, basically get you upset. Devilish people bound by Satan don't like saintly people free in Christ.
Your foe is going to look for the blow-up argument (you know the one where people curse, yell, police are called, and hearts and things get broken?) At some point, your hater/enemy/jealous relative/crazy co-worker is going to expect you to lose control; therefore giving he or she good reason to bring in their plan to annihilate you. So the wicked one picks on you, he name-calls, yell, accuses you of things you didn't do, brings up the past, but surprisingly you aren't moved by anything the evil spirit within or around this person says or does. The threats mean nothing. The mental game-playing (ie. guilt trips) with relatives and friends don't hold any power anymore. You aren't staying up all night crying or complaining about your foe issues. You could care less about the He say/She say. You have arrived, my friend! You have reached the destination in your mind called, Peace.
Try as hard as you can with the help of the Holy Spirit to stand against your enemy wearing the full armor of God today, tonight and tomorrow!
Be grateful you have a Savior. Pray more, argue less!
Nicholl McGuire
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
So You Had to Bring that Up...
What is in darkness surely comes to light, but you don't have to kick someone's butt because of what you learned either.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
God Will Permit the Debate, Screaming Match Use it for His Glory
As much as we try to avoid a confrontation, argument or some other unpleasant event to occur with someone who we genuinely care about, sometimes it is unavoidable. Someone is going to say something that causes much upset, so what do you do when this happens? Focus on the positive.
God could have stopped the angry dispute, but he didn't. Sometimes he permits negative events to happen so that his perfect will is made manifest. Know that what you pray for is a part of God's will. If you wanted peace, the enemy is going to cause chaos. If you wanted freedom, the enemy is going to try to find a way to mentally bind you. If you wanted love, the enemy will rise up and create hate. Whatever is honest, true, righteous and the like, your foe has an opposite ready to kill, steal or destroy your happiness.
Now sometimes we simply do the wrong things in life and then we think that the devil has something to do with making us miserable. I think of a time when I spoke to someone about a concern and before long the individual was falsely assuming that I was doing nothing more than causing trouble; therefore deeming me a trouble-maker or working on the side of the enemy. Rather than face his issue, address the complaints, and put to rest his accusations, he preferred to keep an imaginary war going by speaking wrongly of me. This sort of distraction technique only added fuel to the fire between us and ignited my temple like a can of explosives! But when the smoke cleared and I made some time for myself, I realized that everything I ever wanted to say was out in the open and I felt better. I also could see the light at the end of the tunnel too! Answer to prayer is powerful and it isn't always going to come in the way that you think. God is going to put trials before us to see what we are made of. Can you stand the heat in the kitchen? Is there an escape plan, a fire extinguisher in all that madness? Someone or something just might come in and put those fires out--you never know--especially if they were never meant to be in the first place.
So when people pity you or talk about you because you blew your top defending yourself or someone else, don't worry over what they think; rather sit back and let God use the challenging situation to perform his perfect will.
Nicholl McGuire
God could have stopped the angry dispute, but he didn't. Sometimes he permits negative events to happen so that his perfect will is made manifest. Know that what you pray for is a part of God's will. If you wanted peace, the enemy is going to cause chaos. If you wanted freedom, the enemy is going to try to find a way to mentally bind you. If you wanted love, the enemy will rise up and create hate. Whatever is honest, true, righteous and the like, your foe has an opposite ready to kill, steal or destroy your happiness.
Now sometimes we simply do the wrong things in life and then we think that the devil has something to do with making us miserable. I think of a time when I spoke to someone about a concern and before long the individual was falsely assuming that I was doing nothing more than causing trouble; therefore deeming me a trouble-maker or working on the side of the enemy. Rather than face his issue, address the complaints, and put to rest his accusations, he preferred to keep an imaginary war going by speaking wrongly of me. This sort of distraction technique only added fuel to the fire between us and ignited my temple like a can of explosives! But when the smoke cleared and I made some time for myself, I realized that everything I ever wanted to say was out in the open and I felt better. I also could see the light at the end of the tunnel too! Answer to prayer is powerful and it isn't always going to come in the way that you think. God is going to put trials before us to see what we are made of. Can you stand the heat in the kitchen? Is there an escape plan, a fire extinguisher in all that madness? Someone or something just might come in and put those fires out--you never know--especially if they were never meant to be in the first place.
So when people pity you or talk about you because you blew your top defending yourself or someone else, don't worry over what they think; rather sit back and let God use the challenging situation to perform his perfect will.
Nicholl McGuire
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Your Friend Thinks You Don't Know He/She is Still Your Foe
Always stay one step ahead of those you suspect don't like, respect, or appreciate you. Sure, she smiles in your face and he says flattering things to others about you, but once a foe, most likely always a foe especially when you have a history of cursing and fighting your enemies whether verbally or nonverbally and this person feels he or she has no accountability to the Creator.
Don't be surprised when someone warns, "I wouldn't trust him if I were you." But for some of you, you respond to cautionary statements with, "Oh, I don't worry about that...I don't think he is like that...Well we squashed that a long time ago." Really? Maybe you thought you did, but your foe still has some unresolved issues particularly when others notice that something just isn't right with that person. Your foe might periodically see scenes in his or her head of you saying or doing something that simply is unforgiveable in his or her eyes. Tread cautiously around people like this and don't shoot your messengers down when they keep you updated. Pray about the information you have received and ask God to reveal truth to you and reasons as to why you are being notified now about this person.
Enemies may put on a great act in front of others and they might wishfully think that you don't suspect that they still don't like you. They wouldn't want to blow their own cover when they know they are scheming to rid themselves of you. So out comes, "I don't have a problem with her." When confronted. "I don't know what you are talking about, I never said..."
It doesn't matter how many times you reasoned the battle was over, apologized to your enemy, bought him or her gifts, or how much you praised this person, they still "Remember when you..."
If you should suspect that your enemy is still harboring resentment and wishing you ill will, know that you have a God who will fight your battles if you give your concerns over to him. He speaks to men and women while they sleep and provides them with insight to deal with foes. There is a battle that those, who lack spritiual discernment, cannot see or feel and this is why many end up being blind-sided by Satan's assistants.
Consider all that God did for David, who was running from a so-called friend who wanted to kill him, and others in the Bible. Keep in mind, there is a God who watches your back even when you can't see or refuse to admit that there is a knife coming toward it!
God bless.
Nicholl McGuire
Don't be surprised when someone warns, "I wouldn't trust him if I were you." But for some of you, you respond to cautionary statements with, "Oh, I don't worry about that...I don't think he is like that...Well we squashed that a long time ago." Really? Maybe you thought you did, but your foe still has some unresolved issues particularly when others notice that something just isn't right with that person. Your foe might periodically see scenes in his or her head of you saying or doing something that simply is unforgiveable in his or her eyes. Tread cautiously around people like this and don't shoot your messengers down when they keep you updated. Pray about the information you have received and ask God to reveal truth to you and reasons as to why you are being notified now about this person.
Enemies may put on a great act in front of others and they might wishfully think that you don't suspect that they still don't like you. They wouldn't want to blow their own cover when they know they are scheming to rid themselves of you. So out comes, "I don't have a problem with her." When confronted. "I don't know what you are talking about, I never said..."
It doesn't matter how many times you reasoned the battle was over, apologized to your enemy, bought him or her gifts, or how much you praised this person, they still "Remember when you..."
If you should suspect that your enemy is still harboring resentment and wishing you ill will, know that you have a God who will fight your battles if you give your concerns over to him. He speaks to men and women while they sleep and provides them with insight to deal with foes. There is a battle that those, who lack spritiual discernment, cannot see or feel and this is why many end up being blind-sided by Satan's assistants.
Consider all that God did for David, who was running from a so-called friend who wanted to kill him, and others in the Bible. Keep in mind, there is a God who watches your back even when you can't see or refuse to admit that there is a knife coming toward it!
God bless.
Nicholl McGuire
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
After the Storm: Here Comes the Blessing
The enemy sets us up for much pain and sorrow. He wants us to suffer. This is why the unexpected argument has the tendency to be more effective than any other tactic he uses. He knows that when we are in a good mood, we don't see him coming. Our defenses are weak--that is until we get caught up to speed! But why does he bother influencing those we love to suddenly attack us? Because he knows that there are blessings around the corner for us, that's why.
Think of all the times you have had to deal with confrontation and then soon afterward something good happened to you and those you love. You couldn't believe that only yesterday, last week or last month, you felt like you were going to die with all the stress. Yet, a great and mighty God still blesses you! Give thanks today for all your heavenly Creator is doing or about to do in your life.
Refer to 2 Samuel 16:5-13 David didn't see his cursing coming. He could have hurt the one offending him. Read what he did or should I say didn't do. Also, see video below.
Think of all the times you have had to deal with confrontation and then soon afterward something good happened to you and those you love. You couldn't believe that only yesterday, last week or last month, you felt like you were going to die with all the stress. Yet, a great and mighty God still blesses you! Give thanks today for all your heavenly Creator is doing or about to do in your life.
Refer to 2 Samuel 16:5-13 David didn't see his cursing coming. He could have hurt the one offending him. Read what he did or should I say didn't do. Also, see video below.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Unanticipated Argument
You didn't expect someone to come to you with an explosive outburst! You lost your cool. "Who did this person think he or she was talking to? Why I never...?", you thought.
But it happens to those with or without a faith, the person with a chip on his or her shoulder is going to rant. He or she may be a fellow believer or not. Sometimes we falsely assume that because someone attends church, reads the Bible and does other spiritual things that he or she should act this way and that way. However, we forget that God tells us in his word about man's deceitful heart. He shares with us the many sins of men and women and provides numerous examples. So why act shocked when you or they act out of character?
When we get into arguments with others, we have to remind ourselves to pray more and stay out of other people's quarrels when we can. God never wanted us to put ourselves in positions where we are people's punching bags. However, he didn't want us to act like fools right along with them either.
Find the time to apologize when you can. Do prepare yourself for any future confrontations by paying closer attention to mannerisms of others when they are in your presence. Remove yourself from the scene when you see the conversation is starting to heat up and there seems to be no resolve on a matter. And most of all, remember to pray throughout the day whenever you have a moment.
I recall a young woman who often awoke on the wrong side of the bed show up to work each day in a department that I worked. She found it amusing to talk about all of us from what we did to our hair to how we dressed. In time, reports were circulated that this young woman was known for causing all sorts of problems and that she was at risk of being fired. As much as I wanted to confront her on her wrongs, the Lord permitted me to say nothing, not even a "Hello." I realized that silence kept the trouble-maker at bay. Had I opened the door for small talk, eventually I would have said something that I would have later regretted. God is good! (Update: the trouble making woman ended up being dealt with by her superior).
Peace be with you and those you love!
But it happens to those with or without a faith, the person with a chip on his or her shoulder is going to rant. He or she may be a fellow believer or not. Sometimes we falsely assume that because someone attends church, reads the Bible and does other spiritual things that he or she should act this way and that way. However, we forget that God tells us in his word about man's deceitful heart. He shares with us the many sins of men and women and provides numerous examples. So why act shocked when you or they act out of character?
When we get into arguments with others, we have to remind ourselves to pray more and stay out of other people's quarrels when we can. God never wanted us to put ourselves in positions where we are people's punching bags. However, he didn't want us to act like fools right along with them either.
Find the time to apologize when you can. Do prepare yourself for any future confrontations by paying closer attention to mannerisms of others when they are in your presence. Remove yourself from the scene when you see the conversation is starting to heat up and there seems to be no resolve on a matter. And most of all, remember to pray throughout the day whenever you have a moment.
I recall a young woman who often awoke on the wrong side of the bed show up to work each day in a department that I worked. She found it amusing to talk about all of us from what we did to our hair to how we dressed. In time, reports were circulated that this young woman was known for causing all sorts of problems and that she was at risk of being fired. As much as I wanted to confront her on her wrongs, the Lord permitted me to say nothing, not even a "Hello." I realized that silence kept the trouble-maker at bay. Had I opened the door for small talk, eventually I would have said something that I would have later regretted. God is good! (Update: the trouble making woman ended up being dealt with by her superior).
Peace be with you and those you love!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Nicholl Shares Daily Prayer Card to Help with Your Prayer Life
Seeking to draw nearer to the Lord? Do you find yourself forgetting what to pray or worse you don't know what to say to the Lord? Maybe this might help.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Lover of Self
For men shall be lovers
of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy...
2 Timothy 3:2
Whether she chooses to calm her sexual
urges with an object or he watches himself naked with various women,
these people love themselves more than you know. If you have been on
a social networking site for any length of time you may have noticed
the many photographs in your news feed of people who post image after
image of themselves. This business of loving one’s
self goes beyond love, it becomes an obsession for many! It’s almost as if the
social networking sites have made mini-stars of ordinary people. “Look at
what your friend eats, drinks, buys, and drives!” The
advertisements scream. In the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:1-2 is very
relevant to men and women of today, “…lovers of their own
It is very easy to see the wrong in
obsessing over one’s self. How can someone love anyone else when
he or she is too busy looking at one’s reflection in a mirror every
chance he or she gets? How about those who never deny one’s self a
meal, an outfit, or a pricey event that he or she knows isn’t in
the budget? Would this be considered acting selfishly? Would Jesus
carry on this way? The enemy uses our selfishness and obsessions
with ourselves as portals to literally enter in the body. Many
people place things inside their bodies to feel good, look good,
smell good, taste good, or whatever else they consider good.
With all this feeling good business,
some people have actually experienced unseen forces attempt to enter
them with moans, sobs, cries, or other noises because of all of their
experimenting with occult activities. Others have felt strange
sensations that left them feeling miserable, depressed, or even worse
suicidal! The enemy knows that if he can get you to focus on self,
you won’t be thinking about anyone or anything else.
He will say things like, “When was
the last time you treated yourself…why don’t you do that for
yourself, forget about everyone else…Say, “I love you self…”
have sex with yourself, you don’t need him…you can
Nothing wrong with spending a little time alone, but what usually happens when most people are left alone? They aren’t thinking about God or doing any godly activities now are they? Having some alone time is a perfect opportunity to share all your burdens with the Lord and wait for him to provide you with some wisdom regarding each.
Nothing wrong with spending a little time alone, but what usually happens when most people are left alone? They aren’t thinking about God or doing any godly activities now are they? Having some alone time is a perfect opportunity to share all your burdens with the Lord and wait for him to provide you with some wisdom regarding each.
We have all been victims of a
self-absorbed society that claims independence while subliminally advertising dependence on things like: government, parents, religious establishments, and more.
For some of us, we quit being mothers and fathers so that we could be independent. An act that was selfish sometimes for all the wrong reasons. Some people simply refused to be mothers and fathers anymore, because one’s love for self was far more greater than an intimate relationship with someone else and parenting a child. Others protested, marched, fought, and lied for independence and now look back on those youthful years with regret.
For some of us, we quit being mothers and fathers so that we could be independent. An act that was selfish sometimes for all the wrong reasons. Some people simply refused to be mothers and fathers anymore, because one’s love for self was far more greater than an intimate relationship with someone else and parenting a child. Others protested, marched, fought, and lied for independence and now look back on those youthful years with regret.
We have all fallen into traps of thinking
that no one or nothing will tell us how to better ourselves. Many of
you reading this believe that you aren’t broken and don’t
need to be fixed, that is until you open your mouth. Witnesses see a
few cavities, hear a few curse words, listen for some lies, and might
even smell some bad breath. Well-meaning critics try to help with an
admonition and a breath mint while Satan’s critics prepare for
battle. “Weren’t you that one talking about how much you love
the Lord? Well these days it looks like you love yourself more with
all that money you spent? I thought you said you were a Christian,
you could have fooled me!”
Everyone can see the dysfunction
dripping off our lips. Then we wonder why some won’t be bothered
with us. How can you argue with the tuth? Why give a critic
something to crack our heads with? But we do. Just like the one
criticizing us, we too love our big mouths. Some of us won’t take
an insult, a snide remark or an eye-roll before we are ready to curse
someone. “Don’t make me put this Bible down!” says the
Holy-Roller. Uh oh.
“Give yourself a great big hug,”
some guru on self-love says. “Tell yourself just how much you love
you.” What is happening? Gradually the enemy is placing you on
the throne of God while kicking yourself off. Love on yourself too
much and you just might not need God anymore. It’s like the woman
who says, “I don’t need a man.” But look at her face when she
is around couples. Do you still believe her?
When we allow people and things to
penetrate us in our most private places such as our hearts and bodies
in ways that God never meant, we are allowing the enemy to get a
foothold in our lives. Take for instance, sex. No matter the form
of sex, it is intimate. One of the most significant ways a man or
woman shows love for him or herself is by doing things that provide
him or her pleasure intimately.
God forbids sexual immorality including homosexuality. Yet, man, being in love with himself, will sleep with someone who looks like himself. Woman will allow another woman to caress her, because she has found someone who looks like her. If this isn’t the best example of people who wholeheartedly are in love with self, then what is!? Not only does one like what he or she sees in the mirror, but this person has to find someone who has similar looks and/or body parts—WOW!
God forbids sexual immorality including homosexuality. Yet, man, being in love with himself, will sleep with someone who looks like himself. Woman will allow another woman to caress her, because she has found someone who looks like her. If this isn’t the best example of people who wholeheartedly are in love with self, then what is!? Not only does one like what he or she sees in the mirror, but this person has to find someone who has similar looks and/or body parts—WOW!
An unholy man or woman doesn’t care
how perverted his or her thought or action is just so long as he or
she is pleasing self. One who is in love with that person looking
back at the mirror at him or her doesn’t care about doing things
that make others feel uncomfortable. Rather than showing people
respect who are trying to live righteously, backsliders and
unbelievers will force their sinful ways on others. When they don’t
go along, they are often called names, insulted or ridiculed for
their moral beliefs.
Foes, who aren’t
accountable to God, are lovers of themselves.
Look at the many people around you that
will not help someone unless they get an answer for the following question, “Well, what’s
in it for me?” Many people don’t think about God and how to please
him, rather they think about how to please themselves. So with
this kind of mentality, is it any wonder why someone who is in love
with self and his or her lifestyle would be called, “selfish”?
Someone once told me, there isn’t anything wrong with acting selfish. He said, “If you don’t look out for you, who will?” It’s one thing protecting yourself from harmful situations and wanting what’s best for you, but it is a totally different thing when one is purposefully engaging in behaviors that self-destruct and will eventually affect those around him or her in negative ways. Think of a person who spends far too much time combing his or her hair in the morning, applying fragrances, and decorating his or her body. If you are relying on this person for a ride to work, he or she will negatively impact your getting there on time. How about someone who spends far too much time seated in front of the television eating? Years of self-indulgment will take away from time that could have been well-spent teaching a child, maintaining one’s home, building a relationship, and more. Acting selfishly has its place, like when one is on vacation and just wants to sit back and relax after months of working over-time. That wouldn't be the time to play babysitter or balance a spreadsheet from work--of course you would be acting selfishly.
Someone once told me, there isn’t anything wrong with acting selfish. He said, “If you don’t look out for you, who will?” It’s one thing protecting yourself from harmful situations and wanting what’s best for you, but it is a totally different thing when one is purposefully engaging in behaviors that self-destruct and will eventually affect those around him or her in negative ways. Think of a person who spends far too much time combing his or her hair in the morning, applying fragrances, and decorating his or her body. If you are relying on this person for a ride to work, he or she will negatively impact your getting there on time. How about someone who spends far too much time seated in front of the television eating? Years of self-indulgment will take away from time that could have been well-spent teaching a child, maintaining one’s home, building a relationship, and more. Acting selfishly has its place, like when one is on vacation and just wants to sit back and relax after months of working over-time. That wouldn't be the time to play babysitter or balance a spreadsheet from work--of course you would be acting selfishly.
Many of us were influenced by selfish
individuals. We grew up with these people. They moved us to get all
that we can in life, but they thought that through the process of our
“getting,” some of us would remember them. The selfish rarely helps the selfish.
When one has spent years trying to satisfy the needs of the flesh, do you really think they are going to reach back and do all they can for others? Sure, some will. But the majority of those who have much, do not give much. The Lord says, “To much is given much is required.” This principle doesn’t exist when dealing with someone filled with selfish ambition. Selfish people are concerned about more ways to get more!
What does the Lord inspire James, Jesus’ brother, to say about this? “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice” (James 3:13-16, NIV).
When one has spent years trying to satisfy the needs of the flesh, do you really think they are going to reach back and do all they can for others? Sure, some will. But the majority of those who have much, do not give much. The Lord says, “To much is given much is required.” This principle doesn’t exist when dealing with someone filled with selfish ambition. Selfish people are concerned about more ways to get more!
What does the Lord inspire James, Jesus’ brother, to say about this? “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such ‘wisdom’ does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice” (James 3:13-16, NIV).
When people love themselves more
than anyone or anything else in this world, you will find its often
challenging to get them to hear anyone else’s viewpoint including
matters pertaining to God. “For all seek their own, not the things
which are Jesus Christ's” (Philippians 2:21). You can try to express your thoughts in such a way that he or she benefits. Maybe he or she needs a spiritual uplift. Share examples in the Bible. Show the person that you are not acting unselfishly when you request this person be less selfish. Give the selfish individual something to consider and why it is important to be generous toward others.
A look back…
Before the word of God came into your
life, you were more interested in your own thoughts and feelings. Be
mindful of what might still need to occur in your selfish relative or friend's life for he or
she to change the way they think and live. Don't be too hard on him or her for acting selfishly.
Scripture Reference
Matthew 22:37-40
Ephesians 5:29
Luke 9:23-25
Proverbs 15:25
James 3:16
Lord, I thank you for teaching me how
to love others use me how you see fit to share your gospel about
love and being generous to those I come in contact with. I ask that you will give me the courage to speak lovingly to my relative/child/friend about
his/her selfishness. Please change his/her heart in Jesus name.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Let no man say when he is tempted, I
am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither
tempteth he any man:
James 1:13
Challenge God’s people on their
beliefs, criticize their actions, and then sit back and see what
happens. That’s what the devil’s workers will do to you if you
aren’t too careful, tempt you to sin. Before long, you are
wondering why do you believe what you believe?
When Eve was tempted in the garden by
the serpent one of the first things he did was put doubt in her mind
about what God had forewarned about eating the forbidden fruit. The
critic will tempt you to sin by first making you doubt what you
believe. “Are you sure? That’s not what she meant. Maybe you
misunderstood...Go on, try it. It won’t hurt. I got your back.”
The critic comes up with many so-called comforting statements to get
you to go along with whatever plan that leads you away from
I had my share of tempting situations
some I passed while others I didn’t. In every situation, there was
always someone who would give me a long list of reasons as to why
something would be good for me. If it wasn’t a man tempting me to
go out with him or a woman trying to sell me something, this business
of what was good for me always came up.
Relatives typically use “the good for you” speeches. “Try doing that, it might be good for you. I only want what’s best for you.” Of course, many of those individuals closest to you do want what is best for you. Some more than others, because they hope to benefit from your blessings.
Relatives typically use “the good for you” speeches. “Try doing that, it might be good for you. I only want what’s best for you.” Of course, many of those individuals closest to you do want what is best for you. Some more than others, because they hope to benefit from your blessings.
As we all know tempting situations can
destroy a man or woman trying to live right for the Lord. Jesus was
tempted by Satan in the dessert (Matthew 4:1). Notice when you read
this passage of Scripture he is led by the Spirit to be tempted by
Satan. So does God, at times, lead us into situations where we can
be tempted by the devil? Some believers disagree. You decide.
Have you ever made up in your mind you
were going to do something for God, family, an employer, or someone
else and then along comes all sorts of distractions? You get tempted
by this opportunity. You get drawn into this event. You find
yourself frequently thinking about something that you shouldn’t.
Sometimes we refuse the trappings of the tempter that keep us from
meeting our goals. But other times, we fall right into them!
Tempting situations don’t always come in those popular scenes we see on TV or read in a book like the damsel in distress or the handsome man who comes to the rescue in those scenarios. But sometimes temptation comes in subtle ways such as: money left sitting on a countertop, an opportunity to tell someone off, or a situation that makes one feel guilty afterward. Tempting circumstances can bring out the worst in people. Some people beat themselves up because they didn’t do certain things not realizing that God kept them out of the fire. Others blame loved ones for not encouraging them to do some things that could have very well caused all sorts of havoc in the family. However, those who do act on temptation they are faced with all sorts of consequences as a result of a few minutes of pleasure, fast money, or something else that causes much havoc on one's personal or professional life.
Tempting situations don’t always come in those popular scenes we see on TV or read in a book like the damsel in distress or the handsome man who comes to the rescue in those scenarios. But sometimes temptation comes in subtle ways such as: money left sitting on a countertop, an opportunity to tell someone off, or a situation that makes one feel guilty afterward. Tempting circumstances can bring out the worst in people. Some people beat themselves up because they didn’t do certain things not realizing that God kept them out of the fire. Others blame loved ones for not encouraging them to do some things that could have very well caused all sorts of havoc in the family. However, those who do act on temptation they are faced with all sorts of consequences as a result of a few minutes of pleasure, fast money, or something else that causes much havoc on one's personal or professional life.
People who tempt you away from the Lord
are not of God. People who tempt you to draw near to the Lord are
God’s children. Sure, there are those tempting offers that are
about building people up. From job offers to relationships, there
are different people, places and things that God puts in our path
that help us out. But we must trust in the Lord to ensure that these
blessings are really just that blessings and not counterfeit ones
that are really created to hurt believers while building Satan and
his demons up.
Many tempting offers cross the
doorsteps of churches all across our nations. Ministers get
persuaded to open the doors of their congregation to people who are
not about helping God’s people as much as they are about making
money off of God’s people. These deceiving speakers, teachers, and other guests are presented in front of the church congregation as experts, reputable, honest, and true.
Not long after emotional speeches, a few disturbing images, and prayers for certain members in the audience, a guest speaker is taking up an offering while promising that church members will be blessed for their generosity. Now I’m not saying that every visiting speaker is up to no good at one’s church, but what I am saying is that before you are tempted to share your money, consider who is this person and why has he or she appeared out of no where to minister in the place of your shepherd.
Sometimes there are deals behind the scenes that leaders create with guest speakers that if the congregation only knew, they would never consider sharing their money. Ask God to reveal to you the truth and trust that he will bless you whether you give to a certain man or woman or not. Sometimes our blessings come not because we act or don't act on a temptation to give to someone, but when we sit quietly and just listen to what the Holy Spirit tells us.
Not long after emotional speeches, a few disturbing images, and prayers for certain members in the audience, a guest speaker is taking up an offering while promising that church members will be blessed for their generosity. Now I’m not saying that every visiting speaker is up to no good at one’s church, but what I am saying is that before you are tempted to share your money, consider who is this person and why has he or she appeared out of no where to minister in the place of your shepherd.
Sometimes there are deals behind the scenes that leaders create with guest speakers that if the congregation only knew, they would never consider sharing their money. Ask God to reveal to you the truth and trust that he will bless you whether you give to a certain man or woman or not. Sometimes our blessings come not because we act or don't act on a temptation to give to someone, but when we sit quietly and just listen to what the Holy Spirit tells us.
It is very tempting to want to argue
with others about why we believe what we believe. Our faith is
important to us, but we need not prove it to those who are mockers of
God (Jude 1:18). We must be
confident in who we are in Christ and know that when our lives come
to an end, all that really matters is Jesus saying, “…Well done
my good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21).
God, to some critics, is like an
automobile that some want to test drive. It looks nice, someone has
said it drives well, and someone else has talked about the reaction
he or she has received when buying one. So now the critic wants to
see for his or her self. Knowing full well, it is a great car, he or
she will bad mouth it simply because he or she can’t afford the
sticker price.
Those that choose not to believe in God
can’t afford the sacrifice that comes with serving him. They don’t
want their comfortable worlds shaken up with truth. These are the
same people who talk about how they “wish that would happen…wish
they could go here…wish that some would do this or that for them…”
but they aren’t willing to give up comfort for a periodic
So they may take God and his people for
a test ride, but when it comes to actually sitting down and doing
something, “No thanks, God is for you, but not for me.”
Meanwhile, they will tempt the one who is sold out for God, because
the unbeliever isn’t convinced of the believer’s commitment to
the Lord. However, the Holy Bible warns us to, “Submit yourselves
therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you,”
according to James 4:7.
Jesus was tempted by the devil after
fasting for 40 days in the Book of Luke 4:2. Had Jesus been the type
of person who simply took God for a test ride, he might not have
stood strong against the devil’s tests. After the devil tempted
Jesus unsuccessfully the Bible says he left him until an opportune
The tempter, who makes a career out of
tempting others to do things whether they want to or not, is usually
in a crisis or in some kind of situation he or she can’t see any
way out. From bills that need to be paid to potential jail time, the
free-spirited critic reluctantly asks others to pray for him or her. Then this person will possibly start attending church during a crisis. However, once the tempted one has no
need for God or his people, the individual stops attending church and listening
to believers like he or she once did when they were feeling down.
Christian biblical teachings and church
attendance is nothing but a good idea for the tempter who believes in
God, a god or many gods, but doesn’t want to do much else. Church
attendance is a thing to pass the time away for critics, distract
them from issues, or a “pick me up” for some, but nowadays with
so many of the biblical Scriptures disappearing out of pastoral
speeches, people aren’t experiencing life-long changes. The tempter
isn’t interested in making biblical teachings a way of life for the
rest of his or her years. A Christ follower should refrain from
being disappointed when the critic’s interest in your church and
God’s teachings plummets before you can even ask if he or she has a
middle name.
When dealing with one who is tempting you to be rebellious toward God or do something out of character, stand up for your beliefs. Reieterate your point. If he or she insists you do what he or she asks, don't. Walk away, find some help, pray, but don't fall for anything that you know God would not be pleased about. Your anointing costs far too much to lose!
When dealing with one who is tempting you to be rebellious toward God or do something out of character, stand up for your beliefs. Reieterate your point. If he or she insists you do what he or she asks, don't. Walk away, find some help, pray, but don't fall for anything that you know God would not be pleased about. Your anointing costs far too much to lose!
Just because a tempter will go to church
with you this week doesn’t mean that they will continue to do so.
To avoid feelings of disappointment, don’t assume that you have
impacted them so much that they will keep coming rather pray for them
and let God move on their spirit.
A look back…
Do you recall the times when you
experienced low points in your life before you took God at his word?
You may have been open to hear what a parent, relative, friend or
even a stranger had to say about changes you needed to make in your
life to find the peace and joy you so desperately desired. Then
after you felt better again, you didn’t want to allow anyone
anymore access to your private life.
Matthew 23:14
Romans 3: 6-8
James 4:4
Romans 12: 1-2
Isaiah 26:3
Colossians 3: 2-5
1 Peter 2:2
2 Peter 3:18
2 Peter 1:4
Dear Lord be with _____________ may he/she believe once again in the power of your word. May he/she be led by someone or something that will bring him/her into a true relationship with you. Bind the enemy who distracts this person’s mind from you and cause he/she to experience your presence again in Jesus name, amen.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Poem: The Visitor by Nicholl McGuire
The Visitor
They said she was strange,
‘cause she told them, “Things have
to change.”
No one knew her by her first name
She didn’t have too much fame.
She had a message from the Lord
The kind that cut like a sword.
She claimed she was gifted
Like flour she was sifted.
They didn’t want to hear what she had
to say
Told her to go to the back and pray.
She tried to talk to them about God’s
They were worried
about church positions that she might steal.
Fearful she would take attention away
from The Man
They told her to sit down and gave her
a fan.
When would she be allowed to speak?
Baptized in the spirit at a nearby
But she didn’t go to church enough,
give enough
or know enough people.
So outdoors she went and just stared at
the steeple.
The Holy Spirit may use you to stand
before a large audience to speak a word, but there may be those that
will work very hard to keep you from saying what you know that God
has placed upon your heart. Allow them to test you and always keep
your ear to the Lord. The difference between those that hear from a
god and those that hear from the one true God is that one group is
saying things to appease self while the others are giving messages
that either uplift, warn, or strengthen the church and it usually
isn’t a “feel good” message.
Pray for a discerning spirit so that
you are not pushing the right person away from you while keeping the
wrong person near.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A faithful witness will
not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Proverbs 14:5
Exaggerating and lying go hand in hand.
You plan to shop for a home, car, or new appliance. There waiting
for you at the store with a pleasant smile and a friendly demeanor is
none other than the exaggerator! You take a look at the store’s
merchandise and there he is saying, “This will definitely work for
you it has all the features you ever wanted! We have never received
any complaints about this! Buy it now and get an exceptional deal!”
says the “Anxious for a Sale” store clerk.
I have learned the best places to visit
when thinking about making a major purchase is the forum sections and
review pages of online stores. These companies just can’t keep up
with all the buyers’ comments. After visiting several sites or
more, a potential buyer has a good idea whether his or her future
purchase is worth the investment. You can also perform this kind of
research before apartment touring, grocery store shopping,
registering for a class, visiting a city, or eating at a restaurant.
There simply is no excuse anymore to fall for what exaggerators in consumer sales tell
you anymore.
As much as some of us don’t want to
admit or believe it, Christians exaggerate. “It was so bad…I
didn’t have any food, no money…I didn’t know where I was going
to live!” You may have heard someone tell a story of calamity and
how God brought them out; however, not every story someone tells is
truth as we all know.
Sometimes a person will fabricate a story for the following reasons: to protect one’s self, improve one’s image, fear what people might say if truth were to be revealed, desire friendship or want support on a matter. When one distorts the truth, this person sets his or her self up for the critique of the enemy. Satan is all-too-ready to use his demons to pounce on the unsuspecting. The exaggerator becomes nothing more than a liar. Listeners of this story-teller will warn others that he or she can’t be trusted. Eventually, the braggart will lose friends and gain enemies especially if this person has used names in his or her stories.
Sometimes a person will fabricate a story for the following reasons: to protect one’s self, improve one’s image, fear what people might say if truth were to be revealed, desire friendship or want support on a matter. When one distorts the truth, this person sets his or her self up for the critique of the enemy. Satan is all-too-ready to use his demons to pounce on the unsuspecting. The exaggerator becomes nothing more than a liar. Listeners of this story-teller will warn others that he or she can’t be trusted. Eventually, the braggart will lose friends and gain enemies especially if this person has used names in his or her stories.
An exaggerator is a master manipulator
and knows how to build up a story to pull on one’s heart strings.
Not every exaggerator is concerned about what people think or whether
or not they have a friend or foe in their camp. All they choose to
focus on is their story and was it convincing enough to render
desired results. The exaggerator wants you to feel sorry for him
before he cuts your throat. Think of some of the movies you may have
watched when a lead character doesn’t have enough courage to kill
the enemy. What does the enemy do? He or she waits for the
opportunity to strike when the merciful main character isn’t
looking. The braggart doesn’t like to be exposed; therefore, when you least
expect it, attack he or she will.
Like a child, the exaggerator knows how
to cry, scream, and falsify a story to make the listener do
something. Sometimes the liar gets what he or she wants and
sometimes this person doesn’t. In Acts 5, Ananias and Saphira sold
land and took part of the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
Peter knew that the couple had not given all the monies they had
received from the deal. As a result of lying, both died.
Sometimes Christians or people who generally think they are “good” will pretend as if they have made great sacrifices for others. They will list everything they have ever done for everyone; meanwhile, God knows that these same people have not given their best. They paid a bargain price for an inexpensive product or service then allowed others to think that they spent top dollar. They give something away that they claim is high in quality, a name-brand good coveted by others, but in all actuality the item didn’t serve them well and was cheaply made. These exaggerators know they will never buy a certain risky, smelly, broken, or cheap item again for themselves, but it’s okay to give it to someone else while bragging how much he or she assisted an individual or group.
Sometimes Christians or people who generally think they are “good” will pretend as if they have made great sacrifices for others. They will list everything they have ever done for everyone; meanwhile, God knows that these same people have not given their best. They paid a bargain price for an inexpensive product or service then allowed others to think that they spent top dollar. They give something away that they claim is high in quality, a name-brand good coveted by others, but in all actuality the item didn’t serve them well and was cheaply made. These exaggerators know they will never buy a certain risky, smelly, broken, or cheap item again for themselves, but it’s okay to give it to someone else while bragging how much he or she assisted an individual or group.
Exaggerators are actors. They will
pretend that they did the best they could to help someone else while
whispering to others how their supposed good deed was all for show.
Meanwhile, they keep back their best for self or those closest to
them. They will lie and say they gave money to support this cause,
borrowed money for that one, and invested their savings to help a
group. However, after a little research and a few interviews, you
find out these exaggerators may have helped someone years ago with so
little money and service, yet what was done was nothing to brag about. These liars are
exposed and no one trusts what they say or do.
The enemy flatters the Christian who
isn’t discerning of his evil schemes by the use of many words.
“You are a great person to be around, a wonderful family man, a
trusted friend, and a wise person.” The exaggerator, who claims to
know the Lord, believes that he hears from him and will say many
things so as to look like he is wise. But God’s word says, “He
that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar,
and the truth is not in him,” 1 John 2:4.
Just as the exaggerator will make
witnesses believe that all is well with someone when it really isn’t,
he will also try to convince the believer that a situation with
someone else is worse then what it seems particularly if that person
is a beloved relative or friend. In my life I have had my share of
people around me who put thoughts in my head when it came to dealing
with a challenging situation. These tidbits from others sometimes
were irrelevant, non-factual, and discouraging. But the worse advice
that anyone can give is the kind that blows things out of proportion!
Their words can frazzle already stressed emotions. When confronted
or questioned about their so-called advice, the exaggerator would
point the finger at me saying things like, “Well you said…so I
did…and if I hadn’t done that, then you wouldn’t have gotten
XYZ.” The exaggerator does things he or she knows is wrong and
when told about those things, he or she has the audacity to
I don’t ask people to lie for me nor
do I encourage it. If someone chooses to embellish events, I have a
choice: I can either go along, remain silent or remove myself from
the situation. If I go along, I am no better than the exaggerator.
If I remain silent and then confront the person later on it, that tends to work for me, but isn't always the best option. But if I speak up about an issue immediately and hold the exaggerator
accountable for his or her actions then I am letting him or her know
that one’s behavior is not tolerated in my camp. His or her story doesn't have a chance to spread like wildfire especially when their are witnesses.
Most of the time, I prefer to keep unnecessary drama out of my life! I don’t need someone to exaggerate my need in order to get something for me or manipulate someone else to force their hand to feed me. But I know people who will do just that for self as well as others! Then once they do it, they say, “You owe me.”
I use to do the following to help those who I knew were exaggerators in order to keep the peace. I would use money, perform a service, offer advice, and even pray to remedy situations I didn’t create—talk about drama! Then what would usually happen is the same person or group I would try to help would turn around and talk negative about me, because they have won friends and money by exaggerating, so those who tell the truth are bad for business. Once confronted, the exaggerator/traitor would act as if it was everyone else’s fault, but their own, for causing the drama or rearrange words so as not to appear guilty. “Well it wasn’t me, I didn’t say that. You misunderstood. I wouldn’t do that. Keep my name out your mouth! You should know I wouldn’t do that!” Drama begets drama, so I started cutting both exaggerating, lying men and women out of my life who had been around for over 15 years after praying and fasting.
Most of the time, I prefer to keep unnecessary drama out of my life! I don’t need someone to exaggerate my need in order to get something for me or manipulate someone else to force their hand to feed me. But I know people who will do just that for self as well as others! Then once they do it, they say, “You owe me.”
I use to do the following to help those who I knew were exaggerators in order to keep the peace. I would use money, perform a service, offer advice, and even pray to remedy situations I didn’t create—talk about drama! Then what would usually happen is the same person or group I would try to help would turn around and talk negative about me, because they have won friends and money by exaggerating, so those who tell the truth are bad for business. Once confronted, the exaggerator/traitor would act as if it was everyone else’s fault, but their own, for causing the drama or rearrange words so as not to appear guilty. “Well it wasn’t me, I didn’t say that. You misunderstood. I wouldn’t do that. Keep my name out your mouth! You should know I wouldn’t do that!” Drama begets drama, so I started cutting both exaggerating, lying men and women out of my life who had been around for over 15 years after praying and fasting.
There are those who are natural
exaggerators. In other words, they don’t need any prompting from
others. However, if they choose to do such things, then they ought
to pay the consequences especially if they claim to be a child of
God, right? When Ananais decided to lie about the price of the land,
he got his wife involved which resulted in her death too. After
reading this story in the Bible, I realized that it doesn’t matter
one’s title, (since God is no respecter of persons, according to Peter) or how much one
does for the church and more, it’s best to never get involved in
your unsaved, backsliding relatives’ mess especially when it comes
to kingdom business! You never know when the Holy Spirit might show
up and show out! The same judgment that God places on the
exaggerator for his or her inflated stories, if you are an
accomplice, he will place on you!
It is very easy for our adversary to
tempt a needy man or woman to blow up a problem. I recall when I was
in college and needed additional monies for food. I decided to sign
up for food stamps, but unfortunately was turned down. I was puzzled
by this since I knew others who were in college and were getting food
stamps. I later learned they had exaggerated their situations and
had left off their college attendance on their applications. With
that information, maybe I could have reapplied a year or so later,
but I chose not to. I reasoned that if I had to lie to get some food
stamps then I didn’t need them, I would just find another way to
make the extra money to get more food in the house. Months later,
God gave me a concept, "Start typing for people." So that is what I
did to obtain extra money for food. I didn't have to exaggerate a problem or exaggerate my services either to obtain business--God provided!
The exaggerator may add details,
subtract details, or twist a story to tickle the ears of the
listener. However, the enemy knows that in time, a discerning child
of God will find out the truth, and it is then when a good
relationship turns sour between the individuals involved.
When an exaggerator is caught red-handed exaggerating a situation making it worse than it is or better than it ought to be, an attempt to share the word of God is shut-down with exaggerated statements made by the critic. The following comments I will share to enlighten you and notice the words in capital letters. These are clues that you have an exaggerator in your presence. People like this love using these words. “Why are you shoving the word of God down my throat? You are ALWAYS talking to me about God! Why do you ALWAYS say that! Do you ALWAYS act like that? You are SO wrong! EVERYONE thinks they are SO MUCH better than me!” The exaggerator’s questions and opinions is designed to get the attention off the lies and on you! Don’t fall for it, stick to the truth! If you must explain something to an exaggerator, say what needs to be said with as little words as possible and move on. In this way, he or she can’t say that “you are spending SO MUCH time talking and you NEVER let me talk and you ALWAYS find fault with me!”
Sometimes controversial statements or
humor is used to deflect from the seriousness of the topic. “Oh
here she goes with her God talk AGAIN! They think they are SO holy!
ALL he does is go to sleep and wake up with God on his mind! Even
God says, “I need a break from you, you talk SO MUCH.” Similar
statements are used to frustrate the believer and hopefully get one
to stop talking about God.
What is the best way to get someone to
be quiet about something you no longer want to listen to? Some of
you might respond with, “I would just excuse myself and walk away.”
While others might tell the speaker, “I’m sorry to cut you off,
but I have something else to do.” Well angry critics who despise
Christians may say similar things, but also use other strategies
coupled with their statements, because they are thinking long term.
They don’t want to offer a welcoming environment for a Christian to
keep talking about spiritual things. For instance, the angry,
exaggerator type of critic may say something like this to his or
herself, “I NEVER want to hear this conversation come up AGAIN
about God with her, so next time I’m going to let her have it!
She’s always talking about him!” The terribly offended
exaggerator will act like you are the worst person in their world and
will inflate everything you say. He or she will talk about how hurt
you made them feel. “My father use to talk that way to me about
the Bible and I just can’t take hearing that…You remind me of
him! He was so crazy and fanatical about this sort of thing. I have
heard that people with mental illnesses lean on religion a lot.”
Most likely, you said something that was never intended to hurt this
emotional person, but now that you did, he or she may tell others
what you said to him or her. Maybe the exaggerator’s father in the
previous example wasn’t that bad or maybe he was either way, the
unbeliever or backslider is trying to place a guilt trip on the
Christian and at the same time insult him or her so that he or she
will ultimately stop witnessing.
You may have given someone some small
piece of advice recently, and it may have been very convicting to a
critic’s spirit. This person may know that he or she is doing
wrong. But because you pointed it out, this person will exaggerate
something you said, while at the same time, attack you by bringing up
your flaws. If the critic blows up how you made him or her feel, you
should know that this person is trying to make you feel guilty.
Another tactic your foe might use, is
to take a story you may have shared and somehow make it look like
what you went through is worse then what it seems. In this way, the
critic’s life experiences will appear better than yours. Meanwhile,
this exaggerator hopes to make you feel bad for whatever reason and
once again, get you to stop talking about God. Now some will
honestly claim that some believers in fact do talk about God a lot,
no exaggeration here. However, there are ways to address one’s
concern without exaggeration, manipulation, and other similar things.
A simple request to share more about an interest, a work experience,
or a story about family history may help communication be more
balanced. But a true follower of Christ, will not leave his
teachings at home. Understand that when you decided to walk with the
Lord, he became a part of you; therefore, you walk, talk and breathe
him. No one can stay in your presence for long and not come away
with some comment, statement or question related to spiritual things.
Being a new creature in Christ doesn’t mean that you function with
Dishonest critics will exaggerate their
personal experiences to gain sympathy. They may create a ridiculous
story to play on one’s emotions so that they can get the naive to
give to them yet again. Why? Because they know most Christians are
taught to act unselfishly. However, enemies of God fail to remember
that many Christians, give as God leads. An enemy takes God’s words
out of context such as, “Ask and ye shall receive.” They will
amplify the meaning of certain Scriptures in an attempt to make the
believer feel guilty, sad or depressed about what they are or aren’t
doing for people. As Christians, we must remind these exaggerators
that our final authority in all matters is Jesus. If we are
indwelled with the Holy Spirit, then God will use us how he sees fit
in spite of man’s personal opinion.
Lastly, critics, who like to
exaggerate, might redirect attention you placed on them about their
negative behavior back on you; therefore, putting you in a position
to want to defend yourself. For many Christians, put in this
predicament, they find themselves arguing with critics. Don’t fall
for the “I am so hurt. I asked you to help me, but you didn’t”
trick by the enemy. The critic might also use a negative statement
when he or she sees that his or her plan is not working. Have you
ever heard this one, “You Christians are all the same!” hoping
that this attack on your faith will cause you to do what they want.
This type of action may create a desire within you to prove to them
that you do act righteously. Avoid the temptation to play this mind
game. People who are masters at getting people to do what they want
will try just about anything to keep from being influenced by the
person they are trying to control. Did I mention the enemy is
controlling too? It is very easy to motivate an exaggerator to
manipulate a situation in order to get a desired outcome. Whines,
tears, insults, and craziness are just a few ways an exaggerator will
get the attention of God’s chosen. Critics hope that unsuspecting
individuals will go along with their program by any means necessary.
Never give into a critic’s
exaggerated claims or accusations. Always stay on point, try to be
brief, and question them just as much, if not more, than they are
questioning you. As long as the debate is civil, by all means make
your point. Let God be your guide, but when you start feeling the
rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing, even an ache somewhere in your
body, back off. Thank the critic for the opportunity to talk, then
go about your activities.
Your most powerful weapon against
spiritual warfare is prayer and silence. If you noticed in the
Bible, Jesus spent time talking to people who were willing to listen
and those who attempted to challenge him, he answered not with
preaching, screaming or making threats, but in peace. Jesus used
questions, story-telling, silence, miracles, signs, and wonders to
make his points. Ask God to use you how he sees fit. Nowadays, we
have television, email, books, radio, CDs, digital cameras, DVDs and
so much more we can use to prove a point. Sometimes it is better to
use things rather than our own mouths to spread God’s messages.
A look back…
You exaggerated stories, opinions, faults and other things to get people to either like, accept, or get something from them in the past. Remember why you felt the need to do these things. Could you be saying or doing something to make someone feel like they need to exaggerate when talking to you? People who are often rejected by you, will feel the need to exaggerate their circumstances.
Scripture Reference
Exodus 20:16
1 Timothy 1:10
2 Timothy 3:16
Proverbs 19:9
Psalm 116:11
John 8:4
Revelation 21:8
Sometimes I am tempted to go along with
an exaggerator’s boastful claims, bless me with the courage to
stand up and speak truthfully when necessary. Assist me with my own
desires to be prideful when talking to relatives, friends, and
strangers. Help me to discern the sincerely needy from those who are
not in Jesus name.
But if ye will not obey
the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the commandment of the LORD,
then shall the hand of the LORD be against you, as it was against
your fathers.
1 Samuel 12:15
Rebels have been around for centuries. During biblical times, there were rebels who rebelled against God. We also see in the Scriptures that rebellious, disobedient, ungodly, godless, unrighteous, and unholy are just some of the many terms used to describe one who is not a follower of God’s commands.
Hollywood created the image of a rebel
as being cool, smart, and fun to be around, but in all actuality the
rebel is nothing more than an angry fool. The rebel gains
like-minded friends because he or she has done some unorthodox things
to win their approval. The Christian is warned in 1 Timothy 2:16
about talking to ungodly people, “Avoid godless chatter, because
those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.”
As you read these lines of text, some
of you maybe saying to yourself, “I know that already. I love the
Lord. I listen to him.” But do you really? Sometimes God isn’t
always speaking directly to you. There are those moments in the day
when he is using people, places and things to indirectly speak to
you. If we are sincerely honest with ourselves, we aren’t always
I recall a time when God was speaking
to me directly, but I got so busy doing what I wanted that I forgot
what he told me. When I looked back at a journal where I had written
his commands, months later, I was stunned. I found myself doing the
very things that he had warned me against. I couldn’t blame anyone
but myself. No use in trying to organize a campaign to support my
wrong-doing. It wasn’t necessary to call everyone I know and say,
“Look I can make this thing right. Let me just manipulate a few
scriptures to justify my actions.” You see, that’s what we do
when we refuse truth. We start looking for ways to rebel against it.
The correct way to react to our own constructive criticism or when
someone else calls us out on something wrong is to do like David did
in the Bible, “Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness;
let him rebuke me—it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse
it” (Psalm 141:5, NIV).
Others may be saying, “I would love
to hear from the Lord, but I just don’t know when he is speaking to
me.” God supplies enough hearing aids around us that if we don’t
believe we are hearing from him, we can always pick up one of his
hearing aids. There is the Holy Bible (King James Version,) audio,
print media, and even wise counselors that can help you discipline
yourself to hear from the Lord. You must be willing to study the
word of God, pray, and fast daily. Most people don’t set aside the
time, because they are more concerned about what others are doing and
less concerned about what God is doing.
Rebels really are harmless critics in
the sense that they really don’t care what you do, because they are
often protesting about things they are passionate about. If you are
interested in joining the march, the club, the group, or some other
function, then by all means, but if you don’t, the ship keeps
There are good rebels, the kind that
protest wrong-doing like Jesus when he taught people about his Father
and challenged them to look at how they were living. But then, there
are bad rebels, the kind that are like the troublemaker looking to
start wars without a cause. You heard the phrase, “A rebel without
a cause.” Those bad rebels just don’t like the establishment,
authority figures, rich people, or anyone that is disturbing their
way of life by telling them how to live. These rebels don’t
encourage, uplift, rebuild, or do anything to help others. All they
want is an audience and a mic. “Let’s take down the
establishment…oh by the way, send your payments to XYZ company so
that we can do this again next year,” says the organizer. But you
have to ask yourself, “Before I spend any money, what progress was
You may have warned family and friends
about different work codes, government laws, school rules, and other
regulations. You wanted them to understand that their rights may be
impacted due to so many changes. You probably tried to get them
involved in a march or two. But to no avail, they weren’t buying
into it. Then when something they liked became no more, they cried,
“Why did they take that away?” Your only response was, “I
tried to warn you.”
You may be the type that works hard
trying to keep people out of trouble, but your audience may be
comprised of many lazy, big mouths who are all talk and no go. You
may have wondered, “Why don’t they just listen? Why do they act
like that? All they had to do was just sign a paper, interview with
the media, stand in the march…” Many people don’t participate
in things because they don’t want the inconvenience, they aren’t
interested, they didn’t create it, or they found that one’s
efforts would be all in vain because there isn’t enough money or
power behind one’s group. So what do they do? They rebel, they do
what they want, how they want, and when they want, and there is never
anything you can do with a made up mind.
In 1 Timothy 1:9-10, God tells us, “But
we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this,
that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and
disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane,
for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for
menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any
other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine…”
Rebels who don’t see any good in good
will do things to upset our society. They will steal, kill, lie, and
more. This is why laws must be put in place to maintain a sense of
control over those fools out there who just don’t care about you,
me and any other breathing thing! As much as those who don’t love
or want a relationship with Christ, they have to at least respect the
fact that many laws in our society were founded on biblical
principles more specifically the 10 Commandments. If it wasn’t for
laws, the atheist, agnostic, homosexual, lesbian, and others who are
unsaved and backsliding would not be protected. The Christian,
Muslim, Jew, and others who have a faith also would not be safe.
Those men, women and children of different skin tones and cultures
also wouldn’t be protected if it wasn’t for laws. So while the
rebel has issue with someone telling he or she what to do, this
person must understand that without the law he or she just couldn’t
live comfortably.
I had my share of breaking the rules,
but it doesn’t come without a price. People who mean you well
never quite look at you the same. They don’t quite trust that you
are a child of God despite the evidence that you have stopped many of
your wicked ways. Slip up just a little and someone is saying, “I
told you she hadn’t changed. She is just doing the devil’s
Satan would love to take a
Christian’s freedoms away. He assumes that if a man or woman has
no freedom, he can’t do much to better society. Rebels believe
that any strides to uplift a community means that someone’s rights
will be taken away. This isn’t always the case. Sometimes those
who are complaining the loudest about rights being taken away are
usually behind the scenes doing something they have no business doing
such as: participating in illegal activities like selling drugs,
receiving money from shady businesses, and accepting bribes and other
things from people running from the law. Most of us know that when
certain civil rights are taken away, people will become depressed,
stressed or even worse kill themselves or others. Therefore, we will
rally to stop certain plans from coming into fruition. But the enemy
will encourage people to become rebels. He will use chaos to create
so-called order; which ultimately strips people of more of their
freedoms while padding the pockets of organizers and most importantly
the master minds behind the scenes.
The enemy is a control freak that
creates the rules for the masses, but those same rules need not apply
to him. He doesn’t mind breaking his own rules to satisfy himself
and/or select individuals whom he favors. I learned this young about
an enemy. When playing many board games where I read the rules and so
did my enemies, I noticed that if the rules were slightly altered
during the game that I or my enemy could manipulate an outcome to
work in our favor. You can get away with this sort of thing for
awhile, but eventually someone is going to get wise to your “game”
and expose you.
We are currently living in a time where
there are many people who realize that they are being manipulated
into buying, investing, supporting, and worshiping things that are
not about God’s business, are not well-meaning, and will definitely
not get you ahead in life. The so-called American dream isn’t all
that it is cracked up to be. Many people refuse to spend a lifetime
investing in a home that they may or may not ever own. Others are
tired of listening to the media hype about what is the next greatest,
best and most wonderful athlete, singer, speaker, movie, food,
clothing, and hair style. Many of us are catching on that the TV
screen, radio, Internet and more are simply tools to get you to spend
more of your hard-earned money to build the income of those at the
top. Meanwhile, a child can’t go to college without a parent
borrowing money, a woman can’t have a baby without getting on some
form of public assistance, a man can’t get a job without
sacrificing many hours away from his family, one’s grandparents
can’t live worry-free in their golden years, because they didn’t
save enough money in their youth and so on and so on. Elitists
manufacture a climate that screams, “Recession!” Then what do we
do? Rather than rebel against spending more money and doing other
wasteful things with our money, we buy more!
Rebels become critics when they can’t
get their way. They don’t want anyone telling them anything about
how to live, but it is okay for them to create speeches that
criticize one’s faith. They believe its okay to mock God’s
people. They find all sorts of ways to keep the Christian faith or
anything that sounds remotely like Christianity out of public view.
When one speaks up about the rebel’s so-called “freedom”
speeches, he or she is shut-down and labeled as being everything but
a child of God. Rebels want to be free to have sex with whoever
whenever, but when they have a disease they want someone to help
them. Rebels want to strap on a gun and protect one’s family, but
when someone gets shot in their home over a minor dispute they want
mercy. Rebels want to travel all over the world and say and do what
they want in another country, but when they are jailed or raped in
the same country, they want someone to administer justice. Rebels
want to run away from home, but when they realize that all that
glitters isn’t gold in the world, they want to come back. Thank
God for mercy! Thank God that he loves us enough to say, “You can
come back home.” But a rebellious critic? He is going to say,
“You did it all wrong! You messed up for all of us! Stay right
where you are. When you run with us, to each his own! But if you
have a little money maybe we can work something out.”
People in the church are rebelling
against leadership right now! Some are doing it for the right
reasons such as: God blessing them with a higher calling elsewhere,
the minister and wife is not living right, the children are running
amuck in the church, and the church is going downhill because God
isn’t blessing it anymore. However, others are rebelling against
the church for the wrong reasons. Some people have been wounded by
fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and others simply don’t want
to live the Christian life anymore. God doesn’t interfere with man
or woman’s free will, but he will protect his sheep from the wolf.
What happens is when some leave the church, they become wolves and
they are just as guilty as the devil and his demons, they try to make
the sheep stray away from the shepherd because they did. God will
not allow a man, woman or child to take his sheep from him. You can
see evidence of this when these same people end up being exposed by
the church, nothing in their lives seem to be working out, they are
often crying out to someone for help, and they are frequently being
misled by dark forces. “There is no real peace in their lives, no
matter how much these wayward sheep smile,” says the Lord as told
to me while preparing this book.
Critics are pleasure seekers and fight against anything that prevents them from doing their own thing.
As long as they are left to do what
pleases them, a critic will be your best friend, but start telling
them why what they are doing is wrong and they don’t want to hear
it. Popular phrases critics like to use: “You do your thing and I
will do mine…Don’t tell me how to live my life…Did I ask you
anything? Don’t start beating me over the head with the Bible…I
already know that…You think you know so much…Don’t judge me…”
Yet, when the shoe is on the other foot, the critic will do the very
thing that they don’t want being done to them—be critical.
When the critic objects to your questions or advice, back off. Save your wisdom for someone who will listen or at the very least, debate intelligently.
A look back…
Scripture Reference
Colossians 3:6
Hebrews 4:11
1 Samuel 15
Romans 2:23
When I feel tempted to do things that
go against your word, remind me to live righteously, Lord. Send your
angels to protect me from enemy schemes. Bless me with words of
wisdom to help my brother and sister in Christ who is in error in
Jesus name.
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